
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
55 Chs

Wave Mission

Team 7 stood before the Hokage, ready for a new mission. The Hokage greeted them warmly, and as usual, Naruto couldn't contain his energetic spirit. He excitedly asked, "Hokage-Ji, can we get a really cool mission this time?"

The Hokage chuckled at Naruto's enthusiasm and began to assign them a mission. "Alright, Team 7, I have a C-rank mission for you. Tazuna-san!"

Tazuna, who had been waiting in the background, entered the room with a hint of alcohol on his breath. He glanced at Naruto, sizing him up, and then turned to the Hokage. "Are you sure this... midget can protect me?"

Naruto burst into laughter, thinking that Tazuna must be talking about Sasuke's shorter stature. However, Sasuke, with a snort, corrected him, "Naruto, he's talking about you."

Naruto's laughter came to an abrupt halt, and he turned to Tazuna, indignant. "Hey, I'm not a midget!"

Sakura couldn't help but giggle at the situation, finding it rather amusing. Meanwhile, Tenzo let out a sigh and stepped in, pulling Naruto back by his collar to prevent any further outbursts.

"Alright, enough, no need to attack the client " 

The Hokage blushed slightly at the commotion, but then assured Tazuna, "Don't worry, Tazuna-san. Naruto may be a handful, but he's a skilled ninja. You're in good hands."

Naruto, feeling a sudden sense of impending punishment from the Hokage's stern gaze, quickly nodded and tried to contain himself.

The Hokage proceeded to explain the details of their mission. "Your mission, Team 7, is to escort Tazuna-san to the Land of Waves. He has a vital bridge construction project there that needs protection."

Tenzo, who was acting as the leader in Kakashi's absence, accepted the mission on behalf of the team. "We accept the mission, Hokage-sama. We'll ensure Tazuna-san's safety."

He then turned to his team members and instructed them, "We'll meet again at the Konoha gate at dawn for our departure. Make sure to prepare everything you need for the mission."

Team 7 gathered at the Konoha gate, ready to embark on their journey toward the Land of Waves. As they set out, Sakura, curious about their destination, turned to Tenzo and asked, "Yamato-sensei, can you tell us more about the Land of Waves?"

Tenzo nodded and decided to give them a small geography lesson. "Of course, Sakura. The Land of Waves is a maritime island located to the south of the Land of Fire. It's relatively small and doesn't have a shinobi village of its own, which is why they've requested our protection for Tazuna-san's important bridge project."

Sakura, intrigued by the topic, continued her inquiry. "So, why doesn't the Land of Waves have a shinobi village? Can you find shinobi villages in every small or major country?"

Tenzo glanced at Sakura and explained, "The Land of Waves not having a shinobi village might be due to various historical and political factors. Sometimes, countries choose not to establish shinobi villages because they have other means of security or may not see a need for a ninja force. As for shinobi villages, they can exist in both small and major countries, but it ultimately depends on the nation's circumstances and priorities. Some smaller countries may have agreements with neighboring villages for protection, while others may remain independent."

"Is there a reason for that ? "

"Well, Sakura, you've asked a good question about why not every country has a shinobi village. The conditions for founding a shinobi village can vary, but I'll explain some of the key factors :

"First and foremost, a country needs strong government support. The leaders of the nation must allocate funds and resources to establish and sustain a shinobi village. This includes building training facilities, providing salaries for ninja, and more.

"Second of all,Every shinobi village needs a strong leader, often known as a Kage in the major country,at title reserved for the big 5. This leader is responsible for making crucial decisions, managing resources, and ensuring the village's stability and protection against strong enemy "

"A proper shinobi village also requires well-equipped training facilities. These include ninja academies, training grounds, and medical facilities for ninja to develop their skills and receive medical attention when needed. 

"Shinobi villages need a system for recruiting and training ninja. Young talents are identified and given education and training to become skilled ninja "

"Internal political stability is vital. A country with constant conflicts or instability may struggle to establish and maintain a shinobi village effectively "

"The perceived need for defense or maintaining order is often a driving force behind creating a shinobi village. Countries facing external threats or internal challenges may decide to invest in ninja.

"It's also important to note that Establishing and sustaining a shinobi village requires economic resources. These funds cover equipment, mission expenses, and overall operational costs.Thats why some countries may choose to establish their own independent shinobi village, while others might form alliances with larger shinobi villages for protection and support.

"So, Sakura, not every country meets these conditions or has the resources and need for a shinobi village. It's a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and support from the country government and its leaders "

Tazuna,hearing him,added "The wave country,while rich in culture, lack most of the condition mentioned,so that's why we always hired shinobi from the mainland "

"Is that all a country need ? "

"There is one more element,deep inheritance "

"Deep inheritance? "

"Allow me to elaborate further, Naruto. The concept of "deep inheritance" is a pivotal factor that distinguishes the main shinobi villages, often collectively referred to as the "Big 5." These five villages—Konoha, Kiri, Suna, Iwa, and Kumo—possess a unique and rich heritage that sets them apart from smaller or lesser-known shinobi communities "

"Deep inheritance encompasses a vast spectrum of knowledge, encompassing ancient techniques, sacred traditions, invaluable scrolls, historical narratives, and the profound values and philosophies that define each main village. It's a repository of wisdom and expertise, passed down through generations, and it forms the bedrock of their shinobi prowess."

"This profound inheritance is the bedrock upon which the strength of the Big 5 is built. It empowers them to nurture and produce not only skilled ninja but also individuals of unparalleled talent and potential, including those who ascend to the prestigious rank of Kage "

"What's fascinating is that each main village boasts a distinct identity and specialization, rooted in its deep inheritance. For example, Konoha is renowned for its strong ninja camaraderie, while Kiri is known for its formidable swordsmen. Suna excels in strategic desert warfare, Iwa is famed for its resilience and Earth Release techniques, and Kumo produces lightning-wielding ninja of incredible agility "

"So, Naruto, when we speak of the "Big 5" and their deep inheritance, we're referring to the treasure trove of knowledge, skills, and values that make them the powerhouses of the shinobi world. It's an inheritance that's unique to each village and plays a pivotal role in shaping their legacy and influence "

Tenzo's expression grew somber as he continued, "You see, Naruto, it's not just about the villages themselves. It's the ripple effect that these conflicts create. The sheer power and influence of the Big Five mean that their actions can set off a chain reaction across the entire shinobi world. Other smaller villages and nations often get caught in the crossfire, and that leads to widespread chaos, suffering, and loss."

He paused for a moment, his eyes reflecting the weight of his words. "The world has seen its share of devastating wars between these major villages, and each time, it leaves scars that take years, sometimes even decades, to heal. It's a stark reminder of why peace and cooperation among shinobi villages are crucial. We must strive for diplomacy and avoid conflicts that could potentially bring catastrophe to our world."

"So that mean we are super cool and strong ? "

"That's one way to put it, Naruto. Indeed, the main villages, with their deep inheritance, have a history of producing exceptionally strong and skilled shinobi. Each village has its own unique qualities and strengths, making them quite impressive in their own right. So, you could say they're not just strong and cool, but they also contribute significantly to the balance of power in the shinobi world.

Tenzo's expression grew somber as he continued, "Its also mean that wae could be devastating. The sheer power and influence of the Big Five mean that their actions can set off a chain reaction across the entire shinobi world. Other smaller villages and nations often get caught in the crossfire, and that leads to widespread chaos, suffering, and loss."

He paused for a moment, his eyes reflecting the weight of his words. "The world has seen its share of devastating wars between these major villages, and each time, it leaves scars that take years, sometimes even decades, to heal. It's a stark reminder of why peace and cooperation among shinobi villages are crucial. We must strive for diplomacy and avoid conflicts that could potentially bring catastrophe to our world."

As they continued their journey, they encountered a simple puddle on the road. The team members glanced at it casually, each one instinctively adjusting their position. They formed a protective triangle around Tazuna, with Tenzo positioning himself at the back of the group. 

As they passed by the puddle, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings, two masked men with gauntlets and a chain emerged stealthily from the puddle. They exchanged a nod, then lunged towards Tenzo, who cried out in surprise. The rest of the team and Tazuna watched in shocked disbelief as With their gauntlet chain, the masked men swiftly bound Tenzo, and with a malicious intent, they began pulling in opposite directions. Tenzo's body contorted and was subjected to brutal injuries as the chain cut into him. The team and Tazuna stood frozen in horror, unable to react to the sudden and vicious attack on their comrade.

The two masked men, their sadistic grins still in place, turned their attention to Tazuna, threatening him with the same brutality they had inflicted on Tenzo. They jumped at him, and the horrifying ordeal repeated itself.

Having completed their cruel mission, they turned their gaze toward the paralyzed and terrified Team 7. One of the brothers expressed his disdain for pretty boys and mentioned his eagerness to send Sasuke to the afterlife. The other, leering at Sakura, wore a sinister smile that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

In reality, it turned out to be a cleverly executed genjutsu by Sakura, and Naruto and Sasuke had seized the opportunity to easily defeat the two masked assailants.

Tenzo, recognizing the defeated attackers, informed the team about the identity of the Kiri brothers. He explained that they were rogue ninja from the Hidden Mist Village known for their brutal tactics.

Naruto, looking at the unconscious brothers, commented with a smirk, "These guys seemed weak! I thought they would be tougher!"

Tenzo and Sakura exchanged bewildered glances. Sakura then chimed in, "Naruto, you have a strange way of gauging strength."

"It's not that they are weak. Its our team that's not normal "

"Huh ? Really ? You think so too sasuke ? "

"Hum. ignorent fool "

"Why you— "

Ignoring their querelle, Tenzo turned to Tazuna and questioned him about the lies surrounding the mission, clearly not buying into his previous explanations.

Tazuna, feeling cornered, finally decided to come clean and explain why he had lied about the mission. The tension in the air was palpable as he began to speak.

"I apologize for lying to all of you. The truth is, the Land of Waves is in grave danger. There's a man named Gato who rules over our country with an iron fist. He's not just a businessman; he's a ruthless and powerful warlord. He controls everything here, and he'll do anything to maintain his grip on our land."Sakura: "But why lie about it, Tazuna-san?"

Tazuna: "I had no choice. I knew that if I told you the real mission, you might refuse to help. Gato has spies everywhere, and I couldn't risk him finding out about our plans. My family and my fellow villagers are suffering under his oppression. I had to do whatever it took to ensure your protection and to free my homeland from his tyranny."

Tenzo, now fully aware of the severity of the situation, addressed the team about Gato's true nature.

"Gato is not just some ordinary businessman. He's a dangerous and wealthy figure with a private army that he uses to enforce his will. This makes him a formidable adversary. We're not just dealing with a regular mission here; we're up against a powerful and ruthless enemy."

Naruto, his determination unwavering, chimed in: "We can't let this guy continue oppressing innocent people! We'll take him down, no matter what!"

"Please, I beg you all to help us. My family, my people—they're all living in fear and suffering because of Gato. I had no choice but to lie about the mission to secure your protection. Please understand the desperate situation we're in, and help us free the Land of Waves from Gato's tyranny."

Naruto, driven by his strong sense of justice and determination, urged Tenzo to press on with the mission.

Naruto: "Come on, yamato-senpai, we can't back down now. Tazuna-san and the people of the Land of Waves are counting on us. Let's go and take down this Gato guy!"

Tenzo sweatdropping, recognized Naruto's unwavering resolve. Looking at the other two,just as determined,He knew that there was no turning back.

"Alright, Naruto. We won't let them down. But first, I need to inform the Hokage about the change in mission parameters." Raising cheer from tazuna and naruto,and smile out of sakura. Sasuke,on the side,looked excited for a challenge

Tenzo summoned a small dog with a message scroll attached to its collar. He quickly inscribed a message explaining the situation and the new objective of their mission.

"Go find the Hokage. Deliver this scroll."

The dog barked in acknowledgment and dashed off towards Konoha, carrying their message to the Hokage.