
Chapter 3

June 11,1998

7:20 am


Lucia's pov

I woke up to a empty bed this morning cold and empty without the presence of my old friend Leo, oh Leo has been the only thing on mind that night especially in my dreams last night since that little peck on my cheek.Well after I get out of my thoughts I hear a knock on my door,"You can come in"I said to the person on the other side, in came Melvin look like a old timely movie star,"Ma'dam today is going to be very hectic day for today so let me give you the time-slate for today and give you time to clean up and also today is a dress up so once you get cleaned up the maids will be in to help you dress up."He finished while leaving the room.

I get up out of bed and prepared to get ready for a eventful but boring day full of talking to high leading withes and preparing for school this year,I head to my bathroom and decide that I am going to take a hot bath with roses I slip off my jammies, turn on my music and sink down into the tub to feel the water go around my body.

After a couple of minutes of bliss I get of my tub and wrap a nice and silky robe on me that makes me like a queen.

I walk out to see the glam squad ready to make me look like the queen of all aces. For the next two hours they rub different oils on my body,make me put a special type of underwear on so i feel closed in but secure around the goods, they tried to touch the hair but I said absolutely not I want my curls and finally they got me dressed to nines and made me wear a crown to show my what power I have in this world.

The glam squad finally leave my room after "glamouring" to look like miss perfection, I look at myself in my mirror to try and see me the true me that I like to be which is the Lucia that would rather watch movies and dress up in less constricting things and be just your semi-normal Lucia but things just aren't going to go my way and I just need to find a way to accept my fate in my lifetime.

I stop looking at myself in the mirror at prepare to face the day of trying work ahead but when I open my door I get faced with a teddy bear," Hi, my name is Barry and I have a surprise for you,"Leo says in a very high voice.

"What is this surprise you have for me Mr.Barry and can you tell me quickly I have too many things to do today."I told "Mr.Barry"

"Well" said Leo tearing the bear away from face and replacing it with those golden eyes,"I am going to be going along with you today with your duties." He said with such pride in his voice and the way he stood.

"Leo don't you have your own stuff do today, which is more important then mine"I told him while walking out of my room and closing my door,"I can handle my stuff Leo" I say to him. He rushes up and rests my arm around his,"I don't have a lot to do today and want to spend my day with you plus I need my school stuff too and I rather do it with you my lovely." He said to me with enthusiasm in his voice.

We finally get around to the carriages in front of the house I step on but before could fully get on my balance loses force and I almost fall in till I feel arms catch me out of nowhere I look to see who helped me and it is no other then Leo and that dashing smile of him,"Watch your step now we don't want to get hurt"He said to me while stabilizing my balance and helping me back on the carriage safely this time.

We both get into the carriage and it picks up its way Melvin repeats what is the target for the today:

-Meet with different leaders in respected fields

-Inspect the town and make note of you find

-Get your school fittings and talk with teachers

After he broke down what we doing for the millionth time he started to babble about many other things that I zoned out of. We finally get to our first destinations which was the place where most of the most powerful people in the world come to talk and socialize on their downtime Leo and I enter and immediately we get the stares for Leo its because he is the son of the devil and for its because of me being a witch,my family is a witching family and I am engaged to the devils son.


After our meeting with multiple demon leaders and the witching counsel about different matters such as how to improve the negatively levels in the punishing rooms in hell or how we can better ourselves in mortal rehlem and help build up better covens and other stuff like that while drinking wine and tea and living their best lives.Once we get out of their we get back in the carriage and just breathe.

"So how was your meeting with the demon lords like very brooding and dead?" I asked Leo very curious looking across towards him,"Its what you would expect with any of those meetings boring as fuck and tiring as fuck."he said to me while loosening his tie,"I really don't understand how my dad can do this everyday of his life." he expressed to me.

"How was it with the witches and your meeting with them," he asked me while staring down me down with those golden eyes"Did any of them make you want to crawl out of your skin and leave your body." he said while sitting next to me and putting his arm around me.

"Actually it was kind of interesting to hear what is going on in our community and the different things to make it better and more safer for the humans" I told him a slight smile on my face.

"Safe what do mean safe you all are so freaking smart in many ways and you killed all of the witch hunters so you should be safe right?" he said to me while looking with a smile a very naive smile.

"Leo its more complex then that,"I beginning telling him just a little bit of what we are doing,"A year after I was born a few local witch hunters got a hold of some records and found out about where some witching families where living and they killed a small handful of them. The founding witching families found each and single one of them and killed but, every year or so we build up protection so we don't have those things happen ever again."I finished telling him but not telling him the full truth

"Well at least your safe and that's all that matters to me"He said while hugging me and going to sleep on my shoulder as we made our way to our next task which was meeting with and watching the different people that lived around this hell.


We get to town and start walking around and talking with its people, I go near the different shops and to go get my fitting and when I walked in I immediately get surrounded in a wall of hugs and I figure out who it is by the way her sunflower perfume hits me like dream.

"Lucia its so nice to see you"My friend Opal said to me as her large personality and her larger then life hair popped right back in life.

"I know its been so long, so how as everything been down here especially since its almost time for your, you know what." I told her,Opal's family is from the mortal rehelm like me and the other witches is but with Opal's family they are like the witching community's hit men whenever we have a problem no matter the species they take care of it in a special way that is very strange but is kinda cool.

"My,My,My if it isn't Lucia Varlett, Its felt like a century since I've seen you.Are you here for a new school uniform fitting?" Opal's mom said while behind the counter.

"Yes I am miss Barnes." I told her while getting up and walking closer to her.She takes me to the back of the store and starts to take my measurements, after see gets done taking my measurements I say my goodbyes and head out along with too of the houses servants. I look around at the different people and species around and even through its not my first time out venturing the town and city it is still such a beautiful sight to see with own eyes.

We get close back to the carriages until I see Leo with his friends talking and having fun, Leo turns my way and starts to walk over to me,"Don't wait up for me okay I'am going to be out for a little with my friends okay" he said walk winking and walking away back to his gang of friends, I was about to say something to him out of concern but my maids quickly got me to my carriage and I had to ride alone back to the giant fortress I call home.