
Criminal, Detective or Victim

Criminal, Detective or Victim is a choose your own adventure book surrounding the reader and an assortment of characters with three plot options and a plethra of endings. Criminal story line- after being kidnapped by a mafia crime boss, you decide to join their ranks and go on a mission to wipe out a competing crime family. Detective story line- after a party you have attended is crashed by the police, a detective takes you under his wing to help him bust a crime family. Victim story line- after being kidnapped from a party you've attended, you are held captive by a crime family and take your chance to escape.

Brisket_85 · แอคชั่น
20 Chs

Help Erika

You nod and follow Erika through the house, pushing past masses of people untim you reach the garage door. Erika smiles apologetically at a few people as she tugs the door open and leads you into the warm garage.

You turn on the light as she walks toward the long freezer box along one wall and then she turns. "Close the door behind you."

You nod, turning and grabbing the door handle, pulling it shut. "What's up?"

"I know you don't like Clarice that much, but can't you at least pretend like you do?" She erupts, crossing her arms.

You crack a half smile at her. "I don't know what you mean. I love Clarice." You say sarcastically and Erika frowns at you.

"I'm serious. She's the woman I love and you're my bestfriend. I want both of you in my life." Her head hangs as she speaks.

"Clarice hasn't been very welcoming to me," You defend yourself, walking to stand next to her. "I don't think its fair to be scolding me."

"Clarice knows you've been looking into her." Erika stares at you through the side of her eye. "You've been searching her up online, stalking her online following."

You look away in embarrassment. "Yeah, so?"

"So it makes her uncomfortable. Like you're silently accusing her of having something to hide." Erika insists, frowning at you.

You toss the statement around in your head a few times, viewing the situation from all three perspectives for a moment. Then you look at Erika. Her mouth is turned down in a frown and her hand flexes in and out of a tight fist. She's stressed and upset. You sigh. "I'm sorry."

Her eyebrow lifts.

"I'm sorry I made your fiance uncomfortable. I'll try harder to make her feel welcome." You apologize and Erikas frown lifts into a large smile.

"Thank you." She wraps you up in a tight hug before turning and opening the freezer, reaching into its cold depths to grab a bag of ice, turning and dropping it in your waiting arms before grabbing her own bag.

She lets the freezer door shut by itself, turning and leading the way through the garage once again.

Before you two reach the door, loud pops echo through the house over the music, and screams erupt from everywhere.

You both freeze in place as your mind tries to figure out what's happening. Then the garage door is locked open and a man in a white suit walks in, two heavily amored people with large guns behind him.

"Ah, Erika," The man says, smiling at her. "Its about time we met."

"Who are you?" She asks, and you cannot take your eyes off the long barreled weapon.

"I'm Kieran. Clarices brother." He introduces.

You look down at your bag of ice, the adrenaline in your body making you hyperaware of your surroundings. You know where the garage door opener is. If only you could get the gun off you, you could probably escape.

Your eyes lift to look at the second gun aimed at Erika. Whoever held it could easily turn and shoot you as you wait for the door to open, but you can't just standby and do nothing, right?

Throw the bag of ice at the shooter
