

What happened when humans were unable to control their emotions?

justin_Limnardy · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


 The Popsi, were minorities in the DRF. However, the president of the DRF that were assassinated were a part of the Popsi population. With the Popsi's in charge, the president had managed to at least managed to balanced the people's opinion. He was like a safety pin on a grenade where the majority of people in the country were happy with the current president.

 But, some of the minorities that doesn't agree with the president, the Huts were much more aggressive with their approach on their hate towards the current government. They argued that they doesn't had any voice in the country. Occasionally, they tried to take over universities and schools across the countries, while some of the government building and important monuments were being vandalized to show their disapproval. This problem would continue on thus creating a city of Huts where the Huts took control of a city where the president gave them autonomy for them to ran everything themselves.

 Within the city though, murder and rape were an everyday occurrence. With no police or any security to safeguard the surrounding vicinity, the city in itself was filled with dead bodies and bloods painted all over the place. People in the city that tried to went out of the city were being instantly murdered near the gate, while people living outside of the city were frequently protesting for the government to aid the autonomous city. 

 The protest had gotten more and more violent each day, causing some public roads to be blocked or museums being vandalized. They even went out their way to occupy universities across the countries as a way to send their message to the government. This demonstration kept happening until the independence day where the president was assassinated. 

The grave situation not only weakens the government power in handling the internal matters, but also reduced their chance to stabilized the country into ashes. While the government power in the country weakens, the protester took this chance to establish their own government. They announced that the previous government were a dictator comparing to Hitler and Stalin.