
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

The cold Truth chapter 20

were I was going was not my favorite place to be at the forest of my home only hours away the trip was nice and amazing and I got to know every one just a little bit more then I did before we laughed and sang but what was still at the back of my mind was my mother I wanted to know if she was ok I did miss her I loved her but my father was unkind to her and I don't know what has become of her the one think that keeps me sane was the people around me and the calmness that I have gathered from them I let my mind wonder for a little bit not to ken on any thing just letting the thoughts come and go and when my mind finely calms down I speak to every one to night I will go to my home and you all follow me into the unknown to I thank you for that I let that sit in the air I go on I have grown to care for each and every one of you don't let me down to night I will have your back I hope that you will have mine we will always will Cressida the said one by one it made my hart sing with joy then we go tomorrow and see what has become of my home  

The rid there was painfully quite and every step I made put me that much closer to the village when we came close I could smell death and it was thick I wanted to turn and run the other way but I went on when we came to the gate that led into the village body's hung for the gate I didn't want to look but I did it was the village elders there body's were black and the smell was awful I shot them down and went through the gate if that wasn't bad enough when I got in side I could see that he had tied and chained every one down they look close to death but still alive they looked up and hoped filled there eyes Cressida is that you one said as she looked up to me the others looked yes it's me I said and took off my hood and mask off dearest your mother she is ...no !its ok don't talk I had to hold back the tears as I said that I will fix this wait here and traps shot off I shields where up before anything hit me every one do not more yet again my father shows his true colors I slowly get down from night Adonis come to me but slowly next Coastal to the right two steps then Cody I need you to come all the way to me he did click the changes fell from the people can we move no that is only the first part of the puzzle now flex I need you to take ten steps back then every one to get down do I make myself clear yes ok 1 2 3 I could feel my self shaking 4 my hart wants to jump out of my chest 5, 6 I jumped on to night this is going to be crazy 8 9 breath 10 the got down and I jumped Slicing the arrows in two's click and landing you can move now they got up from the ground thank you very much they called out I am not done yet I said my father has hurt you in the worst way and I will see his punishment though may the gods see his punishment far worse then I do to day

I got back on to night Calista I want you and the others to care for all these people  Adonis I want you with me we have something to take care of I left and I wanted to scream and shout and hit things but I didn't I would hold on to this feeling and use it to help me fight as I went up the path His paw where a comfortable sound at my back Adonis stop what he said with his eyes do not move you take Another step and I could lose you he stopped your about to step on another trap and this one I can stop it from hurting you don't move I had missed it and he almost ...your going to have to go back and go around he looked to me and to the spot yes there he then backed up I could tell he didn't like that idea but we didn't have a choice I will see you up there ok

I could feel the tears start to come but I pulled then deep down but it I could feel myself fall apart right there it hurt to see the people of my home tided up like Carol it hurt to see the dead hang and rout were everyone is reminded of it it was to much to see

I don't know what will happen when I get there or what he has done to my home or the place I called how I have one thing on my my I need to know if my mother is safe 

 I round to my house there he was sitting on the front porch I stopped and looked around this cant be right and I was right I went to get off but froze as I saw his smile night two steps back he moved back the traps were every were  I didn't know how to explain it it was move of a feeling and I didn't want to tack any changes stay here father had a way with numbers he only liked even numbers his traps were always like that when I was young I got off what is this game father he said nothing just smiled what is his game I look back on what he tout me it was a game before but now not so much its like he new I was coming I take a step and another I move I new his ticks I made quick work of his trap or so I though the sound of a door opening and closing cote my ears my father had ran out the back no not this time I ran after him rage strewed in me and when he finally stopped why would you do this why would you hurt the people here why I yelled but he still said nothing father look at me he pulled his sword out why is he daughter its time for me to kill you what I said but when he finally look at me he look crazed I new that my father was not there any more I new that I had to kill my father right then and there or he would kill me father I am sorry I pulled my mask up and hid behind my hood I took out my weapons the very ones he gave me I am sorry I whispered he was as fast as I remembered but I was better I almost took his arm off but he was fast I was cut on the hand but that didn't stop me the clash of weapons was endless but when Cressida was nocked to the floor he mind pulled out the worst memory she was crying now as the time he hurt her over and over to try and treat a less the times he messed with her mind flashed in her eyes she wanted to cry let him win just as he had many times but she had something this time something worth not giving in she broke the mind link right though his chest her blade hit and her father fell to the ground I am sorry father I never wanted this I just I am sorry she felt pane and relief fill her he was gone and could no longer hurt any one but he was gone form her life for good she dried her eyes this will be the last time I cry for him she died her eyes and went into the house mother we're are you I looked everywhere up stairs and in there room the only place I have left to look is the storm seller I open it and here sound mother Cressida is that you mother are you ok I went to walk to her she yelled to stop I didn't move he tried to kill me he has traps Evey were your last try at killing me father I thought to my self it's I am ok mother I am going to get you out ok I step back from her and look at the floor it's the same as every trap he made I took it slowly he rushed this one with one last step I was over to my mother I hugged her I am sorry he did this he was gone I couldn't stop him she cried out as I held her up mother you did all that you could for him he was way gone before I left you just didn't see it the night you left I saw something bracket in him it was like someone took his hart away mother your ok right yes nothing but cuts and a few bruise let's get out of here I think that I can help with that Adonis thanks goodness your here I need your help with getting out of here is it the same as the other one out front yes but messer oh I see well I see were you stepped so sent her that way and if she mess up I will get her thanks ok mother frist hold out your hands ok I cut the chains that held her to the wall how did you she yelped now walk the way I came stepping right were I left my foot prints ok what happeneds if I don't you may die really yes she stepped out on to the frist print and then the next and the next one she made it to the other side of the traps I crossed faster then before I new the path I make it out of the seller and out of the dark I got a better idea of what my father did to her she was bad the blood was dried but I could see were it came from you look bad you don't look to good yourself I was banging up pretty good but I new this pain and how to dill with it she did not mother when we meet up with everyone you will get looked at but I no you will even if it had to be by me you will fine she said but I feel fine I know you do but I can see many things that could be wrong mother please let me help you ok dear if it makes you feel better I will get looked at thank you

Adonis will you take us back over to night ok but how is he going to she stopped mid sentence as she saw Adonis shift wow was all she said he is wow is he the yes I cut her off get on what get on but how do I he got down so that she can get on and I jumped on as well  let's go he walked over the field with the traps with ease this is strange you have know idea night I called he was not to far away will you carry my.mother I jumped off on Adonis and helped my mother down and on to night I don't know how to it's ok he does what how does a horse know don't think to hard ok just hold on and stay on not hard kids can do it I got back onto Adonis come on I have to tell everyone

The time I spent thinking on the way back to the village was hard when I got there every one was looking at me and Adonis I start the speech

I came back here today to stop a man who was out of his mind and to save the people I care about I may not know you very well but I care for every single one of you that is why I had to do something unspeakable to day I killed my father or the man I thought was my father to save you all you will no long have to worry about him you are free to do what ever you want with this information I gave you but I asked you to not hurt any one that has helped you or who is dear to me I know this village can come back to life with a lot of hard work

Thank the gods that she came back to us they all chaired and the might shifter who saved us all to the one who freed us to the ones we lost before you came they cheers echo off

The trees the rest of the day was spent cleaning up the mess my father made but by the time everyone and thing was back as it was it was dark out I had crimson and Azzara clean up.my home and remove all of the traps form front yard and the seller the last think I had Nova do was to burn my father's body I didn't want any changes the last think I did was look my mother over nothing to bad but when I asked her if I could look deeper she asked what I meant I asked her to open her mind and I was going to look if any changes have been made and if they have I would

make it right nothing to bad but something was off with her I left her mind mother I have something to tell you and I don't know if your going to like it or hate it what is dear your with child mother no I what day is it it's the frist of the months what but I he I am going to have another one yes mother I am going to have a brother or sister dear I don't know about this I am not really sure what to do I it's ok I ..I will be ....I will leave you with help who well it's not really a who as a what well you see I pause who would but before I could say anything I want to stay Lilith said really yes I love kids and I have helped with birthing before really yes I have my family was to poor to find a healer so I had to do it my bother was fine and my mother went on to have a my sister as well I would love for you to stay and help but are you sure yes this place needs help and your mother is like my own I will care for her just as I would my own thank you  Lilith you have no idea how much this means to me that means you have to leave my mother asked yes but  your in good hands dear I don't want you to go I am sorry I have to no you don't you can stay here with me mother! I don't want you to go and I don't want to either but mother please don't cry I completely for got that I had my mask on and my hood I took it off dear you don't no it's ok I looked at her with a smile and tears in my eyes I have to I have a lot of people counting on me and I can not let them down but I will leave you with two of my friends and he will keep this place safe and she will as well I trust them a lot and before we leave because there is no way I am leaving with out putting everything and one back to were it's supposed to be that I promise you she stopped crying your not leaving today no not even tomorrow I have to train someone more before I leave them here train what do you yes mother father taught me everything I needed to know and I want this person I am leaving to be strong ok will you stay with me for a while this is a lot to take in I know but I have to tell my people what's going on hope you don't mind then staying in the yard not at all just put them in the back ok mother I will I walked out I was shaking I could not keep from hitting something I left I went to my tree I hit it why did he have to do this to me and my mother he new that's what the smile was for he new if he were here I would kill him again but he is not so I hit the tree instead

when I finally calm down I went to find Adonis I needed to talk about things and what I had planned I wanted to find him but when I did he some how find himself surrounded by the village girls this made me mad but also I fond it funny the look on his face said it all he was uncomfortable ok I walked right up to him Adonis hi he said oh who is this oh you don't know me but you have your hands on something that is not yours oh is that so it is she said and pulled him closer ok come and get him I don't think you will she said and eyed her knife oh is that so I moved just enough to show my blades she looked at them I bet you don't know how to use them want to find out I stepped closer she was surprised that any one would stand up to her did the lady know who she is if that is what you want then come and get him back ok it took but one kick to send her flying oh no I hit to hard I said sarcastically she got up from this you will not win she said ok come at me she did I moved just out of reach she got mad and tried to play dirty and went for him really I grabbed her try that again and you will not have a hand also this is a bore oh and tell your little friends if you come near him again they will have to fight with me I stopped her how are you so you know the lady in red yes she is a killer yes I am I left with Adonis right behind me the gril was pale and she never new how week she was she could have been killed but she wasn't

Adonis I am sorry he started you don't have to just hug me he did what happened a lot and I just I started to shake again hey your fine no I am not my mother is caring that mans kid and she is terrified of what's to come and I am to I know that I have to leave but I don't want to she needs me more then ever but I have to go stop you don't need to think we will be fine least thing we are staying here about two weeks why I have to train Sam and finish Lilith's as well why I want them to stay here and help keep the peace she wanted to and I want him to stay I trust him but he is not strong enough he needs this and I need the time with my mother and every one here ok I have something to take care of any ways ok he said I can't stop you anyways one more thing don't let that happen again I am sorry I know but it pissed me off and it was really funny to see you like that but don't do it again he smiled are you jealous no ....you were he smiled your were no I was not but you know what I was pissed I walked back and every one here the tents were set up and in between that the wagon was pulled up to the house we will stay here for two weeks two of you will stay here the frist is Lilith she asked to stay now as for the other he will need work that is why we will stay longer then I plan to Zack me you want me to stay here yes I do why everyone seemed to want to know why as well my mother is with child they all gasped really yes I don't want her to hurt her self or anything like that the second reason is they lost any one who can make a decision and they need someone storng to help with that Zack that is what I want you to do along with Lilith you will come to agreement  before you do something ok but why do I need to be trained I am fine no you are not but I am no you are not I saw it and I know it you need it Zack you are a part of this team I only want what is best for you but I no more you are acting like a child fine I will do as you say good now sleep is calling my name where are you going in to my home why I have a bed in there oh Adonis are you coming me really I thought you were still mad he did with puppies eyes no but I do want to spend more time together is that wrong I got him there he gave up and went with me Calista keep a eye on every one I don't want anything happing ok I will no funny stuff we have a early  morning so get as much sleep as you can ok now go you look exhausted I feel it I  went up the sters and into my old room it felt so small from be fore now that I look at everything it not the same that walls were confining and the small window did nothing to help but I went to my bed this is not my home any more it like a empty shack I lie down I tack my weapons off and set them on the stand next to me I put my cloak on a hook and went to dig in my old draws I fond it my sleeping panes and shirt I missed them I went  to put it on but was asked if I was going to wait for him to leave I said it didn't mater I chained right there In front of him but he was in shock I had new scars and old one from were father had worked me to hared and I didn't pay enough attention why are you so beet up its nothing I ....didn't want to lie to him but I didn't want him to be mad ether so I was just quite Adonis not now but your a mess dose every one else know no but how every time I do something its hard to keep going but what always brings me to the point to were I keep going is the pain the love and the sacrifice that I have to give just so that others can live I was told by the man I killed to day that I was a weapon and thinking about it made me think I was but it's how you use the weapon I was born to love ,care and save people and if I have to were the scars for others then I will don't go and tell everyone the only other person who knows is Calista she fond out by the mess I made of my self when I got her out of her chains but why this all looks bad this had to have hurt you how did you bare it I didn't mostly I was unconscious now come here I look at him he had tears in his eyes no you don't ....I didn't want you to feel this way thats why I never told you I was pulled into a hug I am sorry I wasn't there to help you no you don't have to say that I didn't want you to ever have to worry you but you do every time you go out and fight you worry me every time I see you hurt I feel the pain that you do but this what I see now in not far you cold have shard a little more of your pain with me I don't want you to ever be like that again I love you Cressida the room was quite its been a long time sense I have hard that I was shaking he just held me didn't let me go before I new what was going on I was crying and I couldn't get it to stop as I remembered everything  as my mind went back to the time that I had just started to learn to fight I got hurt a lot the pain came back and then was gone every memory I had with him he was out and when my mind was back the little girl in my mind was no longer black and white and the black hands were gone it was blue and had color to it every think did the girl  smiled and I was back in his arms are you ok yes thanks to you I kissed him and went to bed what was that for it was just because I could I feel asleep that night happy for myself happy for him and just happy 

the next morning was nice I was up and ready to go I went out side it was cool out side as the sun had just went up I walked along the house and look at the weather wood and rusted niles it was disavow I went out to were we keep the horses night was happy and day looked bigger to me but it must just be me I took the brush from the wall and brushed him off he liked it I walked back to the front of the house with  nothing to do but wait for others to get up but when I got there I saw the girl from before she was about to nock on the door what are you doing here I asked her I... do I know you she asked right you never seen me with out my mask and hood look here I showed her the blades that I had on me you she said with a sourness  in her voce I want a rematch I have never been so embarrassed in life is that so ok but if you lose he have to lesion to everything I say until I leave fine its not like you will win this time ok so do you want me to kick your ass or do you want me to leave you living I guess I will just kick your ass today I went after her she didn't see me coming I kicked her she went flying but she stopped her self and went at me she had two small knifes ok this is new she swiped at me again and but missed I punched her in the face she slid back a bit but came again she had stamina but not the taring this was good I never wanted to hurt her but she needs to be put in her place but now that I see I could teacher her really well she might be as good as Calista one day I snapped out of it when she screamed I looked up and saw that she had stabbed her self what the hell I ran over to her why did you she looked up to me I ...its the only way to keep control what I don't want to do it again I don't want to be alone any more stop look at me her eyes were brown but I could see that she was loosening it the all to for miler blue was there oh your she smack my hand away stop i don't want to lose my self ok lison to me let it take over I will help you why I was so rude to you I am the same I let my eyes chain from the green to the blue I am not alone no your not let it out but I don't ..I am here you will be ok her eyes are now blue and she attracts me over and over I let her I blocked and let it play out by the time she was done and I new that she was back I walked up to her here it was a band like mine but smaller put this on ok she did and it was relfe as she put it on I could see the darkness leav her do not ever lose that ok alright why do I feel liter for now come with me she tried to get up but could not she had stabed herself hard and it hurt she was about as tall as me but I helped her anywas to the tent sit here I have to wake some one up no don't I don't need help I you do and that is the end of it I went to wake up Calista but she was not there I looked in the bathroom there you are I need you now ok but for what well long story short some one is hurt because they could not control there ather hafe and she stabed her self what she jumped form the bath and snaped on close where is she here I ponted to a spot but she was gone what the I walked out of the tent but nothing I then looked at the ground there we go come with me I fallowed the blood to the back and there she was on top of night trying to make him go I wisled and he came right to me what are you trying to do here I if I am not back in ten ments I am going to be dead why they will come for me who they she said fine if that's going to happen to you I am not letting you leave but I have to they have my sister if I don't then I am going with you your not alone any more I will keep you safe and your sister I jumped up on to night and sat be hind her your coming to right yes let me get some things and I will be fast she called day over and she stood there she ran back into the tent and came back out with her weapons  I left a note for them so that they don't freak she jumped on and we went she took us to a hill that was on the out side of the village she got off and walked a little I am sorry for what ever happens to you its ok we got this I am back she called out people fell from the trees you agine I said it was the man that had tried to stope us before it was strange you know each over yes kind of he fell out of a tree and try to stop us from passing I don't really know why but I had no time so I nocked him out and left him you mean you didn't kill him no I didn't see why I should he was so week back then I had no reason to stay close to me there are more of them then us people were every were I could see a little girl  being dragged I told you to kill her not bring her back to us and what is that on your head he took it from her she grabbed it from him don't you ever tuck me agine oh look here she wants to talk back to me whack she was sent into a tree or so he thought I croute her just in time tell me is that the one I pointed to the girl tied yes if you can get up an help me fight them off I can get your sister back from that that son of a bitch for you right here and now she got to her feet do it ok I was fast but he saw it coming but thats ok  I wanted the girl not his head Calista new it and grabbed the girl and got back she was fighting Calista stop she yelled she will keep you safe but sis who will help you its ok I am not alone any more I have her ok the little girls face went blank you ready yes I went for the kill he had pulled his sword just in time but it was not enough I nocked his bald out of his hand he got back out of the way what are you nothing but what are you this is not the first time you have come after me the king wants you out of the picksher you are making things hard for him I know I am but he is going to have to try a lot harder then this I will let you live but not with out trouble I stabed him in the arm and snap his arm was hanging what did you do to me you will never be the same come we have things to do and I have delt with him but it wasn't the end I felt eyes on me and was shot at I cut it in half and shout back it hit its mark come back here or even try something I will not be so nice next time I hoped on to night this is the last time I let you live remember that we got out of there and she was shaking are you ok no how are you so brave I could have never did what you did there put your band back on she did just that I have had a lot of fights and I am scared but I have more will power then that you will to what do you mean well your a part of my team now what yup I will train you and you will help me you are also a holder of a weapon just like the bow on my back really yes there are a lot of others just like you and me who have a blue monster thank you she passed out and almost fell off she has lost to much blood we need to stop Calista was already off and looking her over how bad not to bad but look this was not the frist time she has done this the scars that lead down her legs were everywhere how many times has she... to many I interrupted her we need stop the blood we can fix her at camp she went to her bag and pulled out some clothes and tied it around her is my sister going to be ok yes but we need to get her back to my home but I just want to know will she make it yes dear she will but you need to stope with the ters and be strong that's what she would want ok but I don't know how much I have what do you mean I am not doing to well I have been sick for a while now and I ...she stopped and looked at me are you ..she fell she was hot really hot this is to much she was as white as snow we can't do this by are selfs yes we can she put the girl back on the horse and I helped her with the other one we then walked them back it wasn't long until we got back every one was there and saw that I had brought back people what happened to them she stabed her self to keep her other half in check and she has a fever I will dill with this you take her and fix her legs leave no trace of the scars on her legs I take the girl in to my house mother she came running I need your help I have never had a fever this bad be for but I new that she could help with this she is as hot as a tea pot come she needs cool water and let me see what I have and we will go from there ok I went to the back of the house were we had the bath I set her down and take her clothes off I wrapped  her in a towel and put her in the tub I could see that she felt better she cooled off but she was still hot I went to find mother but she was in the capbnt looking for something where is it where she pulled out a rout what is that its a cooling Hurd it will help with her fever and this dandelion I questioned yes it will bring it down the work together really well but I am missing one this and it rose root I have some go get it  I ran out of the horse and to the tent but they were having trouble with her she was fighting back and trying to get away get back everyone they did she saw me and jumped to the floor who are they she was crying she had been held but was freaking out and hugging me your ok I told you they are with me and care about you look they helped you she looked down and her leg was held but not only that the scar from before we're gone how did you it's gone yes now I have to help your sister stay with them and do what you are asked ok yes I am sorry I just I know your ok I ran for my bag and grab the rose rout and ran what took so long my people needed help your people how many are there mom not now I handed her the route and she mixed it in with the rest water why did you add it like that it works better how it's now a liquid and will absorb through the skin faster wow I didn't realize that now you do she added in to the bath she was cool to the touch wow that worked fast it did but don't ever use to much you could hurt somebody yes mother she will be fine right yes good as new I left to go and see if the other girl was ok I did just in time she was trying to move where are you going I have to my sister she is very sick I know I took care of her she is with my mother mother don't worry to much she is ok yes she is her face went from calm to pain with in seconds help me please don't move any more you could hurt your self the magic is still at work what she said its ok she looked down and saw that her legs no longer have the marks of the blad that she had to use to bring her back she no longer needed it thank you I ...she stated but didn't know what to say to you I was a ass before its over yes I am still pissed about it but its over and it happened and I cant chancre that but what I can chench is how you fight your lucky I have some one eles to train as well I will help you and teach you yes she went to stand and I would like to see my sister now come with me I walked her to the house and to the back it was a good thing to he sister was freaking out where am I where is my sister I need her what have you done to me where am I am she rushed in it's ok your safe now sis I am sorry I couldn't wait for you to get back it was hard I wanted to die it's ok

Names of the characters: crimson , Azzara, daylight ,night, emerald ,honey Cressida , Calista ,Adonis ,Felix ,Cody , Annabel, Sam , winter, Lilith ,Nova, Raven Zack

Side characters: sky the queens special grad ,Zorander ,Rose the X grad but new one, clover father to annabel .m?