
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 23 Hit him where it hurts

We round the bend coming into the hill side the Mountains closings in on us and making it hard to keep moving There's an echo of a voice I pulled my bow free who's there are you the keepers they answered yes we are we have come as fast as we can but as you know the elfin queen had may problems as well as my mother she was with child so i could not and would not leave her in her time of need we see step forward and show us the weapons each one of them did just that we see you come forth and we welcome you all to our home and hope that you are well Learned a par of well hiden stown doors open to review a room big enough to fit everone and more a cold marble floor and gold was set into the wall and floor making is move as one some one came from the left of us come with me the dorf lady said the kind as been waiting for you all we follow her down a series of stairs and hall and up to set of red and blue doors she yelled out the holder and protectors of the light have fond there way home welcome them Enter a vice boomed we walked in and I juped down form night my king as you can see we have

who do you think you are talking to me winch he said eveyones eyes looked to him i am the who of you has the bow he ask that would be me Cressida said through her teeth no i will not and can not talk to a woman they are nothing but clears and i can't ever bare the thoughts of you have a weapon and the fact that you can use it get out of my sight oh is that so my king then do tell can you make me leave i am here to lean and grow but how am i supposed to do that if not for you shutting me out his face went red why that's crazy talk oh then pick any one from my group to fight you or one of your men i can reassure you they are strong then you fight me he smiled you don't look like you can hold your own and if you win i will give up the thrown to but if you lose you say with me and be my bed warmer Adonis crowd low deal come fight me the man stood fine little girl come at me the room spun and metal hitting metal cold be hurd though out the hall nether one of them falling behind like a dance not one missing a step she could see the king sliping and slowing with one last hit his blad was nock free before he cold get to it he had the point of her blad pointed at his neck i have one cressida's voice boomed through the hall you are no more a king leave this hall and remember my name cressida for give me is all he said and left the room find me the one that would be next to rule she growls to the gard that would be the kings only living blood his sister she is in the dungeon for speaking out against the king for better right for the lady here bring her to me now yes mana

the room was quite as he left why just why how is it that they can trust such a stupid man to lead them and wast the money i just can't understand the doors opened and the lady was covered in filth and hurt she was badly hut who did this to you she looked up my brother did he hated me and made my life and my people turn against one another I will never die as long as he is on the throne he is gone i put an end to him and as i see it you have a throne to hold and people to help and heal come now my queen your seat awaits i can not walk i have been hurt far to much if not for the grads i would fall then come let us take care of you just as you will us grads close the doors and find that ass i want him here now yes mama you i want you to find the head made and tell her we need rooms for or five will do and you take are hoses to be cared for if anything happens to them its on you yes mama Cal come with my i picked up the new queen and set her down on the end of the wagon you know what to do yes she is going to fix everything that needs to be fixed but you have to let her in to your mind and you will walk again i will yes as of what i am going to do well miss your rooms are ready already good come now night day lets move they walked on and everyone piled in the halls where Perfect for there higth what was strange is that they where not the only ones any more huge horses where everywhere different colors from tan to back to white and what was stang was all were fluffy why is that Cressida thought to her self the monten was big and beautiful the store floors shown and the sound horse hooves echoed off the walls the homes where evenly matched as well everything was so clean and well manage rounding a bend in the route to the rooms night stopped what is it oh my oh gods a voce said what a fine night bit him and want to run you me he quickly asked back you where the one to beat uim you were the one to leave him for dead how dare you no how dare a simple lady talk to me like she smak Cressida the others called out but was to late how dare you think that i am but nothing your king is no more and guess who did that oh right me and if for one minute you think I am going to sit back and let you talk down to me little man you have a big problem and as for night he is mine you come near him tuch him i swear even you're gods will not recognize you got it yes good now get out of my way i have to much to do we walk on untill something crashed in to wagon why that stupid man but it was not it was a dog she was hut and could barely more she hid behind the wheel of the wagon come here now you have nothing to worry about i am jot going to hurt you promise a man came running there you are you stupid wack with the stick but nothing hit the dog calista was at her feet what nerve do they have how could they treat something so innocent like that get lost shes mine how dare you little lady try and still my dog your I see no collar and as if the dog would want to go with a mad man like you self the man went to smak her with the remaining stick think long and hard about what you're about to do look around you buddy you have many eyes on you i wouldn't want a miss step he look at her then the wagon then the the ones to the side ready at a moment's notice to strike walk away he back away you will pay for this the king will have your head try me he left calsta went down on her knees was able to get the puppy out of hiding its ok little one its ok now I have you that mean old man can't hurt you now the big ball of fluff snuggle into her neck and pressed its self in to her your warm little one to warm come i will fix you up and love you she wrapped the puppy in her cote and climed in to the wagon is she ok she will be when i heal her but for now she has a fever and most likely broken bones you know that she is yours right yes i know no not like that she is your bond animal she wouldn't let me get her out only you she will not let me tuch her mind and the way she pressed her self to you tells me that the man was trying to force her to make a connection with him here in her bag she pulled out two white stown they will charge when you make the connection it did you them and when did you look closely at the pundits on their necks look how the color has darkened and the stown looks more smooth and Polish my I would never yup here ask her what she wants put this on her and ask her many thinks and you will better understand her and love her even more then you do now with just holding her how did you your face she smiled and put the rock on you as well on the startted to shine white then green then blue then stoped on red my what a coler miss i cant thank you for saving me and telling that bad man off he tried to foce me to work for him and i couldn't because his heart was in the wrong place as you can see i am very strong with many thinks and i need a strong person I also do not want to hurt anyone who is not strong enough to work with me but i can see it your hart is kind and you are very giftted with magic so i ask you kind hart work with me and love me and i will do the same as we both grow yes little one i wouldn't want it any other way two harts become one as you seal yourself to one another your mind becomes one and you share your thoughts her name was and will be Kia a smart name for a wise little dog wolf she corrected are you sure yes maybe it was never really clear to me as to what i am but i new that i am not wolf or dog

we were stopped buy two more stupid men as they call us names and once again got there butts handed to them and put in there place we finally made it to the rooms and were just tired everyone find a spot and sleep i know you tired please rest and relax my lady you intend to sleep all in one room oh no you will have one room to your self as it should be me and my family will have another and the rest of you figure it out your grown adults after all

sleep was not the only thing on my mind it was hard to even think that one king can make his people this messed up that all he had to do was force people to think a Certain way why did he do this itvwas jot clear as to why but i will have to find out soon i also need to find the people who can trane me and everyone else i have done well be i know little to nothing about magic and this bow i can use it but i have not the need to for most i need to be shown the way it can be uesed and help unload my mind i almost hurt and lost my mind to the monster with in me it is becoming stronger and i need ways of fighting it tomorrow i suppose i have to find out i have to be strong for now the band was fixed and they can fix it again if needed i didnt realised i was shaking i... I am scared that there will be no one who can tell me how to control this blue eyed moster that i would hurt or even kill the ones i love each and everyone of them mean so much to me are you ok a little voce said in her head crimson my dare i don't know if i am i am confused and hurtting he came and sat I know i can feel it Azzara is concerned about you she is wondering if you are hurting in the heart i am a lot has gone on sense we left home for the first time from falling for Adonis to having family that's not blood to have a sister it hurts to know that she is going to grow up knowing nothing to very little about me but for now i have to let the time tell and help these people get in a better place and train myself to get better what more can i do i ask my as self for i fight my dreams and my heart grows cold inside i can fight it for now and hope to work on better controling myself until i learn something new