
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

chapter 12 The New Beginning

Where is this place again it's close don't be like that Adonis we need to get this and bring it back we walked to a small booth and she yelled hey bob and a short man came out from the back what is it this time my dear oh what do we have here you something else Boy but that's not why your here is no I need some rose rut I have that but what do you need it for that not inporent right now I have to get back a boy has a very high fever and it's not going down she needs this to make a reminder for him ,oh well here you are get this to her as fast as possible so the poor boy doesn't meet his end thanks you she takes the bag from him and start off for the inn wait what is it this time are you sure you don't want to come with me she looked away not yet I don't think I can face them yet fine but get that back to her as fast as possible I will she ran off and that was that now it's my tune he said with a wicked smile

I take the stairs two at a time i hope that he is ok i don't know if i am, to late i open the door and Cressida was there waiting for me here this is going to take some time to make here get me some water and heat it I need to bole it down to make it more potion ok here were is adonis he went to look for the guys that did this to him he said that he would be back don't worry ... your right lets get this done and give it to him he was awake but i don't know anymore go and see I walked in and saw that he was had his eyes closed but i called out hey are you up yes but i still feel like crap is she done yet evey think hurts and i don't know how much longer my head can take but before he can finished he vomited all over the floor of the bathroom ok let me just i pulled the door shut and asked how much longer it will take not long she said is he still up yes he is but he didn't keep what you fed him down its fine just clean it up ok i opened the door and walked in and started to clean the mess he had made i am so sorry its ok your not well and it not the first time i seen this or cleaned it up she said that its almost ready thank the gods it hurts every where I here a nock on the door get in here and fix him he is getting worse i know here she said to him you need to take this before she could finish what she was saying he downed it but the look on his face when the taste caught up to him i was about to say that its really biter but i guess you know now but how do you feel better much better i don't want to say in this tub any more can i get out yet here is something to dry off with and your close are over there ok we both leave and let him get dressed is he going to be ok ...yes he is i made it stronger and it should help but he needs to sleep and lots of it good the door opens and he walks over to the bed that a lot both of you and we still need to talk about somethings but for now i need to sleep i know sleep well how do you think adonis is doing

I should just heard back and help I can't seem to find any one that has that same sent but he stopped mid-sentence how can you lose the boy and the girl all in one night she is worth a lot you know I am sorry I couldn't beet the one in red she is possibly the most powerful person I know but I will stop her and I will find the kids even if it kills me good get looking then you have a month if you don't find them then your done yes sir I understand that brat will get what she deserves and soon she left the man and went looking for Cressida I need to follow her and not let her out of my site I was sheer that she had been killed but she looks different then .....that's not her I here a soft whisper I will avenge you, my sister, then she took off again into the night shit this in not good I have to get back to the inn i run back to the inn taking the long way just in case i open the door and walked in she was on the floor with crimson playing she said what happened this time well we need to lay low for some time but I think that we need to be careful she was not the only one you had to dill with now you have her sister and I think that she is being threatened by the people shes works for but that's all I got for now how is he he sad pointing at him he is doing better I think tomorrow he will be completely fine the room went quite Adonis is the one to break the tension how did you not lose your self today he asked I don't know I just was there and I could control myself and the evil that was inside was locked away and I just felt right and wrong to use this gift when I don't even know what this is I need answers and I hope he can tell me more when he is well but for now I am going to sleep

the next morning i had to pull myself out of bed i wanted to just rest but I couldn't sit still after all Felix had tould me and just finding him was dum luck hopefully today he can tell me more about this bow and how many people we have to find and if there is a way we can find out if callista is really one of them I looked over at Felix and he was still asleep i got up and pressed my hand to his forehead to see if his fever had gone down it was gone he looked like he went through hell and back but he is here now and I need answer so I wake him up he grabbed my hand when I tried to wake him I don't like to be tuched I am sorry I didn't know but I need answers fine he said while he rubbed his eyes I never new you had red eyes it was a soft red not strong but like a fall color nether did I until I got my uncle's gift oh I am sorry about that he was a sweet old man I know but he was also stong and was as stubborn as a mule he laughed what happened that night it was a cool night and everything was going great we were about to close up for the night when a man with a large bruise on most of his face came in and asked for you I looked at him and said I don't know what youy talking about we meat her about a month ago and I haven't seen her since he then laughed at me and said kid where is the girl I said once more I don't know that's when he grabbed me by the collar and said you have to know you saw her last I don't know now put me down dam it that's when I uncle came into the shop he was not happy at all he hit the guy over the head with a shovel and we ran that night we got to the next town and set up shop but it all ended badly he came back and rammed a sword through him there was nothing I could do they had me pinned to the floor they made me watch as they killed the only family I had left that night I killed for the first time I knocked one of the guys off of me and I remember as if was yesterday he I pulled his own wepon out and stabed him inran over to my uncle he looked at me and said I am sorry he placed his hand on my Head and wisperd let courage show you the way and not let your hammerfall to the ground i pass on the gift of the blacksmith to you light filled the area and my brain was on fire as things and wepons filled my mind and then darkness

I don't know what happened after but I had been out for a week when I was up I was chained to others and I had been stamped with the Clover mark making me a Slave until that crazy lady came and bought me the first thing she did was beat me half to death I could still remember what the cored feels like as they went through my back over and over she was mad I swear but one night she left the door open and I cut myself free and ran as fast as I could but everywhere I went she could find me that's when I knew I had to find help so I went to the first place I could think of and that was here the capital and thank the God's you were here

I don't know what to say to you I ...you went through all of that because of me and you didn't have to there are no words to say how sorry I am or to say how much I want to take back everything I said about you the room was quite Felix was the one to break the silent you have nothing to be sorry about I was willing to give my life away just to someone who can control that weapon you have there you see these wepons I have they can start a war or end one she looked at me dumbfounded what are you talking about my you have been sheltered haven't you there has been a war going on for almost 10 year the ling has grown greedy and has separate every magical creature the elves even went into hiding and the Dwarfs have not been seen at all in the last 10 years and any wizard or wich was sord into slavery and do you know what the king did to all the shifters he killed them all not one of them have been seen sense we need to change how we treat people it has torn us apart but I need to get you to the elf's so that you can get your training done they have been waiting for someone like you

What ....the ...what .....I don't know what's going on or what I need to or even where to start how do I get to the elves and do you even know how crazy this all sounds right now I know but that was everything that I got when ...you know I get it but really how am I ever going to get there when I don't even know where to Start I know the way and I will take you there don't worry about that ok fine but what about the other weapons how are you going to find them that's the other thing once you have had the training you will help me find the rest of the wielders that's when we will pull the force together I hope what do you mean you hope you see I don't know how long it will take for you to be trained or even if they will it's been a long time ...ok I am not going to have a panic attack this is a lot to do and I ....I ...I need to think she got up and started to Pace the floor back and forth she went with a worried look

Ok this is fine I can do this we are going to need a lot of preparation for this and how am I going to do ....your going then we'll I don't really have a choice now do I oh thank the God's that you believe me I didn't know what to do if you didn't well your going to need time to build up you strength and I need time to prepare for this a week maybe should do it and we can leave this place then a week it will be

wake up Adonis and Calista and explain to then what I have to do and what they need to do but I leave out the fact that she may not know what she is it's for her own good I will tell her at a later time

So we leave in a week she said with tension yes we do but I need to get everything together and out of the way so that we can leave... but we just got here she wined I don't want to leave just yet I still have a lot to learn for my teacher and I have not even begun to understand battle magic I understand that and I know that you love to learn and your just getting started but we have to leave once we get there you can learn even more they can teach anything you want and more but I really need to go there please understand I get it but can we stay until I understand this last spell its one that can really help how long will it take two weeks that's it then we can leave I ....I don't know we really need to get there but what's a second week anyways I thought to myself is that all the time you will need yes it is then fine but keep your word and lure it well I will thank you it gives me time to get things done and to find a horse for someone and the food and some other things I will need as well what can't live without your soup will no but I do need something to keep these sharp or I could just use you she laughed no i would never it's a joke don't look so pel don't jock like that again please I won't good is this ok with everyone I still think we should leave in a week but if you have something uesful they we leave in a week then a week it is they left the room when are you going to tell her I don't know yet but soon

Time seemed to fly by with getting things ready to go that i had never told her what she could be it made me feel horrible but at the same time I new I had to tell her but every time I tryed I was pulled away by another think is like the world is trying to tell I she leave it be but the gilt is killing me that I end up taking out my frustrations out on the trees it helped but if I may ask what did that tree do to you a voice said I turned to see Felix nothing I just needed a way to vent then please by all means kill the tree or you could practice with me oh really the let's have a good at it he pulled his sword and held his stans is that so I know his sword play well he comes at me but I move just out of way what is that he swings again I blocked is and kicked him to the floor what happened to you ....I don't know it's like my head is telling me how to do it but my arms are to slow to do it billed up your strength again you will be back to your self in no time thanks he said do you mind helping me with that um not a probably I already teacher someone else as well he looked confused but brushed it off did you find a horse yet I asked no he said nothing he looked right passed me ....I want to really find one but it's .... if only I had him who I asked no it's fine he is gone the people who had me have him and good horse stong and had my back to Emerald was amazing ..... I know that you miss him and you want him back but we don't even know were he is so I do he said and I want him back I have been meaning to ask a favor from you and night ....are you asking me to help you still back your horse yes he is yours right yes and you miss him very much yes very oh the God's help me now ok let's get him back but we are not going in alone and you will have one job get him and get out got it ok we do this to night

I walked back to the fish inn and tell Calista what we are do she agrees to do it with us but we need to get her a wepons I completely forgotten about that let's go wate right now yes how else are you going to defend yourself ok we left the room but not with out crimson and auza the really need to get out we walked the streets and asked along the way if there was a blacksmith near here a man pointed us to it thank you we walked up the street and to the left there it was a old Stone bilding the windows were big we walked in and it's smelled of cole and iron but that was the first think you notice was the sond of metol hitting metol a man from the back came and asked us what we were picking up I laughed you have got to be kidding me I am here for a wepon that will mach this I pulled off one of mine and stabed it into the table the sond echoed my what a temper you have I don't liked to be bunched in with the lady who can't tell left from right I much rather be my self no if you don't mind bringing me something to look at and keep in mind that it's for her fine he walked off and and side and said dam that bitch I will let it slide once I thought to myself he came back with a few things in hand he put them down and let me look at then the first one was so bad the next one was not any better what is this I sad all of this is wate I pulled out one that was not to bad it needs some work and it's blad was sharp bit it was just right for her long enough for her to keep from a distance and short enough to get in fast but we're is the other one I looked around but its not here hey he looked over were did you get that he asked I could tell that he was mad but that was to cover up how scared she was it was in the pile it's not for sell but why it is a blad mint for winches it has magic property calisa came close give it to me she said the shop keeper looked at me then to her she held it so carefully were is the other one it's in the back will you get it please he didn't want to sell it to us but he went to go and get it what's going on with you I asked her this let's you cast magic around the blad and makes it stronger in other words it let's me use magic but I have to see the other one to make sure that what I am looking at is right the man came back with the other sword she looks at it and looked to me it's a magic tool she whispered i would like this will you sell it to me I told you kid I can't sell it why it not save in the hands of anyone the last one who had it .....was my wife and I swore to her that I would never sell it I understand is there anything else you can sell to me he walked away with the two beutifull sword you did the right thing I know I wouldn't take something that precious from someone he came back with two short blads that had a navy blue cored and a silver blade wow look at that she said as he came back and set them down you know I that was a test you see I get a lot of people in here and most of the time they treat me just like you did but I give them all the same test if you can't give up something that you wat then you don't need to be carrying around a wepons your just being gready and that aditood could hurt someone so thank you for being so kind and here is something on the house but I ...no butts take it and find someone to protect with it thanks she said as she pulled the blades from the counter and strapped them on this feels right let's go and try them out you mean now yes come on I finished my studdys and you know what you need to teach me more anyways your right you do need to learn more and now that you can I should show you come on let's go wate the shop keeper said I have a place that you can ues it's around back I like to see my work in action that is a lot not a problem we walked around and saw a field it was not very big but it will work ok come at me she pulled out her new wepons and came at me she was fast but had a lot to luner I blocked her and she came at me again she had gotten better this is going to be fun I moved out of the way but she spun and almost took my head off but I new all to well what she was going to do I took her legs out from under her she laned on her butt with a thump ow come on again this time I could see something she was looking for a weakness but I only had one but I keep that hidden well she jumps to hit me and I moved out of the way and aim one for her stomach but she pulls away just in time again and again she hits my swords and I hit hers but not with the full force and she knows I am houlding back because I didn't want to hurt her but I saw that she has been out of practice and needs to get back in it and I have the best way to do ok let's call it a day for now ok the man sat and looked at us in aw what I said I have never seen a woman fight so well thanks I said do you teach he asked I have some one who wants to learn um I don't really cody !! get out here he yelled fine I am coming what he said in a snobby voice this lady she is really good and can teach you but she is a girl she can't fight this little brat he can't talk to you like that ok then big boy come at me please I could kill you in a heart beat then do it she said with a evil smile fine he came out with a sword that was nice but I new that he couldn't do anything to her just look at him ok come on come at me the boy swung but missed he tryed again and again and missed every time all she had to do was keep out of the way why.... can't ...I hit you he said in between breaths because you don't know what your doing but I do he said and swing one more time she pulled her sword and nocked his wepons from his hand she had him and sword point now a sorry would be nice he looked at me then back to her I am sorry he said not to me to her she pointed to me I am sorry it's ok but don't underestimate me or her he put her sword away and walked away but the kid got up and came at her again this time I stepped in I stopped his blad but went a little to far I had cut it in half now if your going to learn from me rule one don't ever try something like that again or I will put you in your place got it he fell to his knees I didn't even see you ...how did ..all in good time but I am not staying long in town but I have a week I can't say I will make you any better in that time or at all but I will train you yes he said ok tomorrow at noon I will come back be ready I will good I looked back and the poor kid was staring at me I walk on and the the kid ask who I was and the man said I never caught her name just wow

What were you thinking when you agreed to this how are you going to teach him and me at the same time about that there is another Felix as well he needs some work just to regain his strength for now and your going to do it me are you sure about that you could barely beet him the last time yes I know that you can I have seen it with my own two eyes your strong but you need to billed on that now come on besides I have seen it and at this point that kid could take him out wow does he needs that much work well he has the moves but not the strength to back it up I need you to billed him up can you do that for me yes I can thanks now let's get home we have a horse to get back

The night was cold and quiet we had sepent most of the night looking for him but could not find Emerald this is the last place if he is not here then I don't know ok keep this on it covers your mouth and Hood on why we have people here this time what where there and there ok she puts it on and pulled her hud on as well I did the same you too just in case why just do it ok he puts it on and his hud now if he is here what do we do again get out fast and who is going to do that me and who's going to keep the gards off of him and me don't worry that ok let's go she jumped down from were we had be hidden and closed in I through a rock and got one guys attention he came over and I nocked him out the other came because of the noise he had made but she got him just in time they were out and hidden away let's go hold on I looked over and saw nothing I walked out and looked in there was no one but horse ok let's go we walked down the rows and he looked but didn't find him but we walked up a different row and he was not there there is one last place the yard go then we walked out and the worse thing I have ever seen then was Emerald tied down and it looked like he was wiped over and over of God's em I am so sorry it took this long to find you I cut away the roups and he got up and snuggle with his boy let's go before they wake up ok you know what to boy let's go he jumped on and off they went I got out and ran a wile then called night he came followed by daylight let's go we rode and fond him waiting for us just like we had planned ok now we need to look at him to see if the mark is on him right I looked under he looked over and then I fond it it was on his right leg just under his butt ok this is going to hurt ok but we have to do so that the bad people don't find you ok go I made fast work of the mark it was gone in a matter of minutes let's look him over one more time this all was too easy ok we looked him over one more time but didn't find any think there is one more place I open his mouth and there on his lip a clover mark how do we same way cut it and I will heal ok this is really not going to be fun I cut it away but was almost threw in the process she fix him up and then we left we got back to the barn and it was bad once we got him in a stabed he had many cuts and it was bad can you fix him he asked Calista I can it's not as bad as it looks he only has small cuts it's ok we cleaned and heal all of his cuts and fed him man was he hungry and he downed a big bucket of water he looked so much better I see why you named him his eye are the same color theres that and he was as strong as one to break I tried everything with him and then the last thing it worked what was it kindness I just let him be a horse and tred again but I asked this time and he let me on I know how that is but in a different way you see night was going to be killed but lucky for him I came along and saw that he was not a dum horse he was smart all I did was ask for what I wanted and he gave it to me you see the man that had him before me tied him down when I got there he was being pulled back into a barren and he hate it so I jumped the fence and tould them to let him go he came to me and that was it he saw that I was there for him and now I have a horse that is smarter then we'll a small kid maybe wow yes now get to sleep you have to be up by noon tomorrow for training and Calista is doing it what why her she is strong and you need a teacher but she can't don't say it she will have you on your ass in a second if she was here you will do it rether you like it or not ok fine but I am not going to like it you don't have to now sleep ok mother he laughed

The morning after we got em back there were gards everywhere I pulled my red huddy close and walked on by the kid was in the bad with his sword in hand he look happy ok let's get this started for one your not going to need this I took his sword and tossed it aside let's go were for a run what he said I don't need to run I need to fight let's go I started off and he falllowd why are we running the frist think you have to do when your fighting is stamina if you have that then you don't have to worry about the fight you can out last him let's go fine let's do this

Get up let's go she said in a cheerful voice ok fine I am up let's train he wined we ran to the end of the forest and stopped there he was not out of breath but let's see how far I can push him let's go right now he questioned yes come on he pulled his sword out I saw how he stud just like she said he need to practice he has everything right he just needs to do it over and over again so that he was as good as he was when they first met he came at me fast but I stopped him and pushed back he came at me again this time I moved out if the way he tried to hitt again bit missed I grabbed his arm and swepped his feet form under him I held him at sword point I win let's go again alright

We made it to the end of the run and the poor kid was dieing now come on show me what you got right now yup I hand his sword and he could barely lifted it he tried to swing but couldn't it just fell to the ground same time tomorrow then wate I want to know your name call me Cassy ok when will I luner to fight when you can hold your wepon and swing it into that tree what! yup then I will teach you but I don't know if I can you will trust me

Ok that's it your looking better then you did before is that so he said as we locked blades yup but you really need to billed up your strength it's bad what do you mean I am putting everything I have in to this really then do you want to see what I can do she pushed me back down to the ground dam it how I let him up and help him up you have one every single time yes and you know why you are trying to win with stranth that you don't have any more come on let's go for a run back to the inn she took off at a full speed she was fast but I cote up to her just barely I had to stop before we even got to the inn I was tied this was hard but I needed to do it to get back to myself and to find the other masters to the wepons I pushed myself to run all the way back to the inn and I made it

The next day it was the same thing again we run to the spot and fight each other she would win and I would end up on my butt the fun of thinks

I would walk to the kids home and we ran further this time after the second day he was as tired but wasn't struggling as much as he did the frist day but he still could not pick up the sword but you could tell he was trying hard ok I am off but I want to still tran really I asked yes I need to I want to pick this stupid think up when I am tied here is what you can do come on I jumped into the tree and started to do pull up this will help with picking up the stupid sword do that as many times as you can then quit and rest you don't want your body to give out on you so rest after that ok ok cassy he said he hoped up and did as I had asked he did about ten before he quit ok I am done one more but you said I know but I think you can do more come on let's make it to 12 he did it did it but almost fell out of the tree I cote him before he hit the ground thanks your welcome now go and get some rest tomorrow is going to be even harder ok

I started to walk back to the inn when I felt some thing fallowing me I went on Walking but tuned and stopped I turned the corner and pinned him to the wall what are you doing it was the boy from the black Smith I can you let me go he stuttered you left something there are I wanted to return it oh sorry here this is my necklace thank you I had forgotten that I took it off now go home one think frist what my name is Cody I never tould you ok now really go home and rest ok see you tomorrow Cassy yes see you I went home where have you been Adonis ask I have been training a boy to fight he really needs it and I didn't have the opportunity to say no what do you mean well he came out saw me then insulted me and calisa nocked him on his butt I could not say no after that oh he was that bad yes but he will get better ok but you have to take crimson and auza with you they are going crazy in here with out you I was going to anyways I missed them .the door opens and Calista and Felix came in they both looked tired he went to shower and she sat down how is it going he beet me home this time and he is faster and stronger then before good I'd he ready yet I will see tomorrow if he can beet me then I will know ok but don't fall asleep now you stink I know but he got here frist so he gets it frist I laughed at her your doing a good job yes I know how is it going with the kid he is doing well tomorrow he is running and bilding up his strength so far he is doing well but you think that you can move to the filled tomorrow why I want to show him what he could do when this is all over and I think some competition will help I can do that I want to see the kids face when I go all out alright now go and get clean you stink she threw a pillow at me and said I know

Let's go we are almost done this time he was right next to me the hole time he stopped and looked at Calista and Felix why are they here I want to show you something cool I tried her and the kid there at one point he could beet me but let's just say some unforeseen thinks happened and he needed my help to and some help training if he can beet her today I will fight him and see if he is back to his normal self but don't worry he can't beet me any more I got stronger then him i walked off ready begin they went at it swords clashing and blads meeting he was better much in fact he went after her over and over she the same she didn't let off I looked away for a minute and the kid can't take his eyes off of the fight one Swift move and she was at sword point nicely done now it's my turn come on let's go and don't hold back how did you I know thinks I went at him frst fast he moved just out of reach of me and tried to trip me up but I didn't let that happen instead I jumped back I went at him again and this time I got him but he moved what then I duck out of the way just in time to see that he was not letting up really this is how you want to proceed then let's dance I went straight for his right arm but changed to the leg he jumped up just what I wanted I kicked him hard and he fell over but I held him there just for a minute that went really smooth good job your going to need more work but that was great better then the last it really was I know but we still have a lot of work to do even when you used one of my moves on me how brain of you ok wow he said as he swug the sword around how did you do that you were like pow and she was like pow and then you Cassy you I never new how strong you were you and you know what I never new how strong you were what do you mean look he held his sword well how did I you have worked hard you think you can put it in the tree oh ya he stuk it hared into the tree and pulled it out ok your ready for sep two it also comes with a rule this one is not very cool but you have to listen and lison well if you every in a fight and you can't do anything else but end a life then it's the only way out got it don't you dare ever hurt a unarmed man or woman and one more thing don't let anger take control of you got it ... I understand Cassy this is a big resopibility and I will take it seriously good tomorrow I will show you how to use that sword the right way yes he said as he danced around with pure happyniss

Ok hold it like this then push therw I said as I showed him what to do ok I got it ok then try it yet swung and I stopped it he did it again but something was off he was houlding it right and he had the stranth the sword it just was not right he needed something that he could fight with no he needed a new start you need to something new that sword is not going to do it's going to brake soon and you could be in big trouble come on let's get you a new one I stated to walk away but he didn't fallow ....I am sorry but I want to know how to use one before that I respect that but how can you grow if you don't have the right tool to do so ...he thought long and hard your right I need the tool to do the job let's go

We walked in and he went straight to his father I need a wepon that I can trane with do you have something he looked at the boy with Care and said I know you need it but I am packed with orders and I don't have the time to make you anything right now it's ok I know he walked out of the room he has been working hard and you just push him off think long and hard you asked me to trane him and that what I did I walked out I don't get it I went back to the kid let's get back to work for now use this I handed one of mine he looked at it ....is it ok if I use it yes take it he took it in his hands and looked it over this is strange to me it's havy and light at the same time and the leather is so smooth yes I know now come at me did just that he moved well but not all that well he had a ways to go and I don't think I have the time to do it but he is a fast learner so maybe I can teach him the rest of the days went by in a bluer it was the same thing walk to the black Smith run the boy walk through the steps and then he would go all out on me he tried really hard and it showed by the end of the week he new how to handle a wepon and he looked stronger then before

Ok that's it for today but I .....he went quite what is it Cody you can tell me well I was thinking ...yes tomorrow is the last day and we'll my traning is not done no I am sorry but I can't I have to leave and I can't take you with me it would be hard and your only 13 I know but I can't sit here and do nothing and waste what you toute me here in this god forsaken please I can't tack you but why you showed me how to ues this and now your going to tack it away he was mad now and I could see it he was swing the blade around he came at me with stranth that I didn't know he had something in him change I saw for a brief moment his eyes they changed to the all formalities blue ....I though him back he came at me with pure rage in his eyes fight it Cody fight it you can't let it take over you I yelled at him but nothing happened this is not good he came at me a I let him hit me with the sword over and over until I saw the brilliant brown-eyed boy from before he fell to his knees what was that he said with panic in his voice I couldn't breathe and the hands they....I know I am the same and your coming with me when I leave tell know one what happened to you today got it you have a gift and I will fill you in when we are gone form this town ok but I ...what's going on with me like I said I will tell you but not here ok ...I can go with you then and train more he wipers yes you can and it's not going to be easy and your going to need a horse I have one don't worry but what's going on with me you have a gift and its really powerful and when I say powerful I mean it dont tell anyone about it ok and one more thing do not tell anyone your leaving ok tomorrow night come to the fish inn with your thinks ok

I left with good news to tell the others but a with a worry feeling in my stomach I get to the hotel I find that Felix is there sitting on the bed I walked over to him we need to talk he sat up what is it I fond one of the holders how it was by accident I was teaching him how to ues a wepon and he lunes fast he was getting good but he lost his temper and came at me nothing happened don't worry but I saw it I saw it with my own eyes his changed just like me ....then tack me to him what! Why i need to get his wepon to him fast if he doesn't have it then he could go crazy what why didn't you tell me I take my bow and he falllowd me out the door and I ran to the black Smith it had been a hour at most I hope that he is ok I rounded the corner and there he was out side doing pull ups on the tree he saw me and dropped down you came back he said yes it turns out that if you don't have your wepon then you could go crazy this is the guy that has it but I don't want it what do you mean I don't want to fight anymore I am done .....oh hell no you don't get to quit on me you worked to hard on this then I saw it his brown eyes were bow blue eyes no this can't be right I backed away your not Cody no I am not he said with a evil smile I am what he could never be no he can I pulled my swords out no we need to it was to late he had come at me with his old wepon it rang as it hit mine Cody talk to me please fight it it will not win

There was a soft voice pulling me form the dark I swaim to the top and ripped me self from the hands but they threatened to pull me down but I fought and fought until I was on top of the black liquid then it all went back I stopped my self from hitting Cassy it was late i could tell that time had passed I tried to tack a step but fell how long did that tack long really long you Brock the sword twice and I can barely stand that took forever you know ok get him his wepon now please Felix rolled out a mat and tould the kid to choose one he looked to me then to Felix um what? choes the one that calls to you he looked at the one that was a sword then to a knife then he picked up the sword this is it I feel better now I don't know how to explain it but it's feeling of control you are now balanced and I am going home now ...now you go to sleep and don't let anything happen to your wepon or you will loues yourself

Dam it I am tied you realize you foute me for almost for hours I did .....I am so sorry it's ok just don't do it agine

I get back to the inn and all most claps I can't keep my leg under me but Adonis pull me into a hug and I let him hould carry me to the bed my legs feel like jelly he did just that and put me down thanks I roulled around and got comfortable I felt arms fall around me Adonis I said what do you think your doing you haven't been here and I need a cuddle buddy fine but don't wake me I drift off to sleep knowing thinks are finally going my way

name for the careiters: crimson ,azua ,daylight,night cressida callista adonis Felix