
Living with the creepypasta

It has being fun living with the creepypasta and going and killing people with them i do Miss going to school and having fun with my Friend Summer but i love being with my dad And new friend's jane the killer p.o.v hey cousin want to go on a killing spray with me and jeff i ask hayley sure she said okay i said hey jeff hayley is up for a killing spray i said okay good he said sally p.o.v mummy yes sally mummy said can i go with you and auntie jane and jeff on the killing spray my p.o.v no sorry sweetie you are to little to go on it with us you can go on one with ben and ej because they go on some little killing spray that is good for you to go on i said okay mummy sally said and left ben p.o.v hey hayley i said hey ben she said what are you doing getting ready to go out on a killing spray with jane and jeff she said okay i said hey do you know why sally was sad for i ask her yeah she said my p.o.v sally ask if she could go with me jane and jeff and i said no because knowing jeff it well be a big killing spray and so i said that she could go with you and ej because you guys sometime do little killing spray that would be good for i said yeah ben said me and ej were going to go on one tomorrow ben said and it is a little one right i ask yeah ben said okay i said i can go tell sally ben said sure i said bye ben i said bye hayley ben said and left to go tell sally the good news jane p.o.v hayley are you ready to go i ask hayley yeah i just need to get my gun's and knife's she said okay i said my p.o.v okay we can go i said okay they said me and jane went behind jeff because jeff knew where we were going hey jane why did you ask me to come with you guys for i ask because if i went alone with jeff one more time he maybe not be a live when we get back she said okay i said okay we are here jeff said jeff why are we at my cousin house i ask because we are going to kill them he said me and jane looked at each other and than at jeff jeff we'll meet you in there soon we want to kill your cousin's i said you can kill your auntie and uncle jane said okay jeff said hayley are we really going to kill your cousin's jane ask of cause not i said jane you go to the twin room they share with the baby and take them out the window and down the tree and run somewhere save with them and i'll get the three younger kids and do they same with them i said what about your older cousin's jane ask they move out a week ago i said okay jane said jane went up and when i saw here run with the twins and baby i went in and got the three younger kids and did the same when i saw jane and the twins and baby i went there with the three younger kids and we hid there jane took of her mask and put on her ring Skyler i said Sam i said they are the twins Riley i said she is the baby CJ i said he is one of the first younger kids Charli i said she is the next younger kids Chris i said he is the other younger kids when me and jane saw the house go on fire we ran to your after auntie house and told her what happened and if she could look after them and she said yes where were you girls jeff ask we went killing after people i said okay he said let go home he said okay we said when we got home i went to ben hey ben hey hayley ben said we need to talk ej come to i said okay he said so what going on ben ask jeff took me and jane to one of our aunties house the one with the three younger kids and said that we are going to kill them we did not kill our cousin we took them somewhere save i said okay good ben and ej said yeah i said lj p.o.v hayley we have to go back to the circus i said okay she said bye guys she said and we left and the circus we are back i said yay everyone said