
Karla's Sacrifice

Back at the hallway in which Nathan had just left a man in a black suit with pale skin and along black hair that reached his shoulders came out of the shadows and stood beside Ruben and said "what's the name of that boy's father?" , "Dimitri" Ruben replied respectfully "what about him?, do you somehow know him" Ruben added puzzled, the man laughed and said "so you don't know the family's?, well you're in for a treat" then he pulled Ruben and whispered something in his ears then put a bottle of red liquid in his hands before letting him go and disappeared out of sight, "well time for some dirty work again".

"mum I'm home!" Nathan said as he walked in, but no one answered "strange" he said to himself, they lived in a small bungalow with just three rooms and a kitchen and parlor. Although his mum was a nurse he couldn't see how she could working by this time, well sure it was just 18:17pm she normally finished her afternoon shift around 15:00pm or at most 16:00pm but that evening was different. While in the middle of his thoughts a loud cracking sound was heard and broke his chain of thought, by the time he realized where he was he quickly noticed a shadow run across the room and even before he could move he could see a red ball of energy approaching but he couldn't move but just before it could hit him a figure dashed and jumped in front of him deflecting the blast with her hand and then she turned to Nathan and said "Nathan run as fast as you can and don't look back!, I'll come find when I'm done and explain everything to you" she said panicking, but Nathan just stood and said in a confused tone "mum?, what is going on here" "no time to ask questions just run mama will be with you soon" she replied with a reassured smile at that moment a red line appeared from nowhere and headed her direction at a speed so fast that Nathan thought his mum will die but before it could touch her her body emitted a red aura that quickly chattered the red line, Nathan seeing this used it as an opportunity to flee, well he wasn't stupid it was obvious that what was being showcased right now couldn't be handled by ordinary people , but he didn't go too far and ought to watch it from the window behind the parlour outside. "karla I didn't know you where still in action I thought by now the creed organization would've killed you" the man standing opposite karla said, " who sent you?" karla asked seemingly unconcerned by the man's question, "hmm you haven't changed a bit but you're not strong enough to beat me" the man sneered, karla not saying anything to him began to prepare a red aura in her palm which took the shape of a ball pulsing with energy "have you grown so weak that you can only do basic vampire moves?" the man said in a mocking tone, "shut up!!" karla screamed as she threw the red ball of energy at the man, even she knew that she had grown weak to the extent that she almost thought she was human, "pathetic" the man said as he lifted his hand and a red dome like structure covered him blocking the red ball completely, but not a scratch was left on the dome like structure, seeing this Nathan brought out his phone to call the police but what happened next made him freeze, he saw the man stretch his right hand side ways and then suddenly a red blade was formed and the man bent his knees seeing this karla raised her stretched her hands side ways and formed two red blades, seeing this the man smiled slightly and said "we both know how this is going to end, so why don't you just come with me" "if you leave my son out of this I'll go with you" karla replied canceling the red blades surrendering, "Good choice karla" the man said canceling his own red blades, "Mom no!, don't go with him" a loud voice came booming as Nathan came running with a knife in his hand "No Nathan go, run!" karla screamed but before she could stop him Nathan stretched his hand forward to stab the man but to his surprise he stabbed nothing but air "Too slow" a voice said from behind turning his head around to look for the source of the noise Nathan felt something hit his head, he fell to the ground dazed as his eyes where closing all he could see was his mother crying as she said "Meet Ruben" and the next moment she vanished with the man in a red mist as his eyes slowly closed all he could hear was "When you wake up all you know is that your mother abandoned you" a voice as cold as ice said in a quit tone as it slowly faded and Nathan finally blacked out.

Immediately after Nathan passed out a man came rushing through the front door with a bang "Karla Nathan!!" the man shouted clearly panicked, "Shit, those bastards got to them first I knew I should've come earlier" the man said picking nathan up and taking him to his room where he put him on his bed and said "At least his alive, but he will have to know about his origins, I have to tell him tomorrow", "Rest well boy, you have a lot to learn tomorrow" he said in a calm voice while covering him in a blanket. "whisshh' a gust of wind entered the room "How long do you think you can keep him safe Ruben?, And plus they must have wiped away his memory and lied about his mother's death" a female with dark hair not short and not tall looking in her 20's said, "Zora, I can handle it, I swore to protect him and that I must do" Ruben said in an inspirational tone "Fine but all I'm saying is that he might be on the path of revenge seeking out the man who took his mother and that is most likely the objective of the vampire" said Zora "But anyways after you tell him what you can tomorrow you should hand him over to Dave" she added "Fine I'll do what I can, but I won't let him go down the path of revenge" Ruben replied "That won't be the first time I'm hearing that, well I'll try to keep CREED of your back" Zora said. Before Ruben could say anything she was gone "Damn this mediators" Ruben mumbled as he stood up and put off the light and left the room.