

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

chapter 3

Third person

After exchanging numbers alan went home without max. She left him dumbfounded when she walked through the door her mother and father where packing boxes she spoke up " mom, dad we need to talk" they both turned to see her. They both nodded she followed them into the living room and sat down. Alain began to explain what had acured today.  By the end of it the where both filled with anger at there sons foolish acts. Max still wasnt home he didnt show until Curfue he was with a blond girl both him mom and dad awaited him it was 12 right on time so why did they wait for him he wasnt late he thought to himself. His father yell at the girl to get out she was hesitate but left. His mother spoke " you are in deep shit young man we heard the rumor that you started". Max was scared he didnt think this through.shit he whispered his father scoffed" you have went to far this time max what where you thinking in the morning you will apologize and reseve a punishment  understood, now go to your room and think about what you did also be quiet alan is asleep". Max walked up stairs as he walk past her room her door was opened she was alseep when he looked in she had kicked her blanket off she wore nothing but undies and a bra both matching black and laced. Shit he thought to himself what would have happened if they all attacked she would be ruined he pale skin would be bruised because of him. He felt the guilt in his gut he pushed it aside. He didnt know why he felt the way he did. For now he would go to his room and think of what to do next. In the morning alan woke up at 5 am she had set an alarm she ran 4 miles everyday she put her running gear on and ran down to the foyer she headed for the kitchen to grab a water bottle and a small healthy breakfast. She was greated by her father that ran with her. he was getting ready as well. They ate fast and headed out. When they got back they heard yelling it was her mother they walked to the kitchen and stoped to listen. Max you know what you have done I was gonna suprise her bc were we are moving she will finally get to meet her parents. Do you know what her father would do bc of what you have done he has been in and out of her life he wants to be there for her her mother is weary about this because of who you are she will want to know everything and then her mom and dad will both flip matt coughed. They both looked towards alan and matt alan was shocked matt was scared how she would reacted. So he quickly added alan no we arnt giving you away I know what you are thinking she gave him a small smile and said mom dad I know you wont because you have raised me.