

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

chapter 1

third person

Alain looked it her mirror her long red hair that looked like fire reached her waist. her eyes green like emerald. She tired to smile but couldn't she over heard her parents talking last night they would be moving to a new town. she should be happy new school new start right? but something was off she just couldn't figure it out. a knock came on her bedroom door shit she whispered under her breath as she said who is it. it you momma alli can we please talk. yes come in Alain said with a sadness in her voice she new it was coming her mom would break the news. Leana was a short women with dirty blond hair and she was plump as she walked in her plain green eyes light up. she looked at her daughter in fear of what might come out of this conversation. before she could start talking she cute her mother off and said mom I know I over heard you and dad talking last night yes it hurts to say but I'm fine with it I understand this is for the best. Leana sighed and said your the most understanding in this house wait tell you know who found out. she was talking about her son alain didn't consider him as a brother like she was expected to how could she he kept hitting on her and that didn't set well with alain and leane and Matthew understood why they weren't related by blood alain was adopted yes she was look down apone because of this little fact but matt and leana raised her so what else was she supposed to do. she felt so alone and detached at times. but now that they where moving it was different after her mother let the room she grabed her clothes for school and her football gear yep that's right she was in high school on the football team she put on her shirt it was a simple shirt that was kinda see through but who cared and she wore ripped jennes and healed boots and headed out to her car passing the kitchen she could her max yelling at there father and there father yelling for him to  stop she decided to step in and said max need a ride to school we need to get going she dosnt like the  way he treats them they alll stoped and looked at her her father smiled well hun it just so happens he dose need a ride as he glares down at his son with  his brown eyes looking  a little black  his black hair falling in his face when max looked at alain she smiled that same damn smile that would weaken most girls to there knees not her tho  she never saw him as cute yes he was goood looking  with his dirty blond hair and brown eyes slim but kind built and tall. she gave her dad and mom a hug and ushered out the do. once they got into the car max continued to flirt with her. calling her butifully and the works she didn't listen to a word he said tho bc she knew all he wanted was sex and he would never get that from her that what he hated the most about her she was pretty but he could never use his charm against her never could people at school call her shy and weak he knows that not true and today he plained to expose her bc he was tired of guys asking for permission to date her he wanted her but for some reason could never have her.