
Creators magic must be special

Maxwell reincarnated as a celestial in a New world that he is the guardian of the world and he must develop the civilization on the planet and protect it from threats that can destroy it from inside or outside .

Kenneth_Okukpe_9216 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

It's so hot that I couldn't scream from the intense pain.

The burning sensation quickly take over my

body , as I feel my senses become numb.....

If I am....going to die....let me die

without feeling this horrible hotness.


[elemental resistance ]_ success }


I heard a faint robotic voice say something in my mind.

I understand what the voice said ...I don't feel hot anymore.

I think I have an idea of what's going on... but I have to test it

Not enough.....I need more resistance to the heat .


[elemental resistance ]_has_evolved_in-to

[elemental immunity]_success }

It worked

I need a system to provide and provide knowledge for my survival.


[Universal System]_ success}


Ah.... my brain is being overwhelmed with information. I need a strong mind.


[Impenetrable mind]

[Mind control magic ]

[Parallel mind] _ success}.

I need the ability to create, copy, control , link

, synthesis and a celestial like soul and body.

{request_confirmed acquiring..

[universal control]

[creation magic]_success}

{request_confirmed acquiring..

[celestial soul and body]_success}

{ You have been given a true name "Cepheus"}

{ You are the first mortal to be

become a true celestial}

{ You are the first mortal to be a creator}

Ah.....ah... my head all this messages

Why does it look like I'm outer space in front

of a black hole.

Wait...why am I feeling like something

watching me.

{ You have glazed into the abyss and

the abyss has glazed back at you}

I feel like my soul is being crushed and pulling at the same time.

{You have been protected by the

universal system}

when my system kicked in.....I passed out.

I woke up on the ground of an unknown planet

On till I read my messages

{you have acquired Space and time magic}

{You have been chosen as the guardian of new planet M-15-S2 }

I looked around realized that I destroyed my surrounding because the ground was made out of glass.

I remember my name was Maxwell but I don't know my last name.

I was several things in my past life.

I was a mechanical engineer at the age of 18 and was in to biomechanics such bionic arms and legs with artificial tissue at age 48

And I was a research scientist with knowledge of scientific on architecture, medicine, civil and electrical engineering etc at the age of 88 at 2065

I shall use the quote;

'Let the past be in the past and I shall kill it if I have to '

I tried expanding my visual on my surroundings.

(You have access to the system acquired

[Star gazing eyes] )

Yes, I remember that I have a system ..

okay...Iet try 'Status'

Name: Maxwell

True name: Cepheus

Race: Celestial

Title : Creator

Mana: infinite

Divine mana:80 B/80 B

Magic : infinite

Divine magic : infinite


Unique skills :[Universal System]

Unique skills :[Impenetrable mind]

Unique skills :[Mind control]

Unique skills :[Parallel mind]

Unique skills: [Universal Control]

Unique skills :[Creation magic]

Unique skills :[Celestial soul and body]

Natural skills:

Fire and ice/water magic

Light and darkness magic

Wind and chaos magic

Earth and metal magic

Space and time magic


Elemental immunity

Author Note: The T is for trillion,The B is for billions, The M is for millions and The K is for thousands.

The MC mana and divine mana is only infinite when he is in the planet but not outside the planet.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kenneth_Okukpe_9216creators' thoughts