

There are concept of parallel worlds that are yet to be proven. Numerous possibilities branched into a timeline. Some come to fruition but others Wisk away to nothingness. So which possibility is real? Which one is fake? Zion Monjur in his age of 70 was wisked away to his parallel self in dxd temporarily. What caused for him to be needed? Why was he given an authority which one can dream of? Even if it is temporary. Also who are these people bickering in a not so called chat group? Where is the Gacha? and the store? Why can I only talk with people who I do not know?

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs


Zion Monjur a 70 year old retired Data scientist was spending his final years on vacation with his family at California.

His Grandchildren running around the beach with his son making sure to prevent what children to best.

To ruin the day by making their actions flamboyant.

One of the best way to describe beings who have not matured yet.

He has been searching for his pudding he hid in one of the compartments in the fridge. He made sure to hide it like a smooth criminal so that has daughter does not catch him enjoying his dessert.

Old age surely robs the joys of life.

He made his way through the pent house making sure no one is in the house.

An Ezzy Grab and escape to his room and read novels and write his own by taking inspiration.

He opened the fridge slowly and looked over the corner where he hid his Caramel Eclairs with the Ice cream Praniles and cream.

Nobody is gonna stop him now!

He removed the stack of vegetables and meat he bought which he used not so to cover his hidden purchase.

Finally, Heaven.

He moved his hand to the back of the items but found and empty space.

He soon stilled.

That can't be right, no that can't be good!

He slowly moved all of the items to the side. To his horror a note was there with bold words written.


"Oh you got to be-"

"Still as clumsy as ever father, did you forget that I always check when you bring vegetables and meat from the market?"

The old timer just hung his head.

Another draw back from his old age.

"Come on Aisha a little won't hurt"

"A little? Father, you bought a whole box of these sweet poision! Did you forget what happened when the last time you had this much sugar?" Aisha had a frustrated look on her face.

Zion turned around facing his daughter's angry visage for the umpteenth time.

He looked down and saw his granddaughter happily munching on his delights with an amused expression looking at him.

Naughty little girl.

The betrayal has shattered his heart.

Zion can only sigh at this predicament.

"Haa can't you let the old man enjoy his last years? I only have a decade left at most, even if it is bit of a stretch" Zion was making puppy eyes at his daughter. But that bullshit won't work now. Just how low he has fallen to be the one to make such face. He clearly remembers how his daughter made that face when she wanted an ice-cream during a pre-school day.

The mighty has fallen.

"Exactly the reason to make sure you live past a decade father; you need to see your grandchildren graduate and settle down".

Aisha was having none of the nonsense as the last time she let her father had some sweets he was down the next hour. Diabetes is a bitch, not that she can say it aloud.

"I am giving you an allowance and am seizing your credit card, no more sweets to be hidden under my watch"

A triumphant look was on Aishas face looking at her father with folded arms on her chest.

"Oh my are you taking revenge for the time I caught you and your boyfriend together in the closet, I should have castrated him instead of grounding you taking away your freedom. Maybe I'll trouble him for the extra allowance"

Aisha's face turned beet red pouting at her father.

"Mom, you had a boyfriend?"

The little devil had a curious glint in her eyes noted by Zion.

What has he done.

"Sush Raina never believe a word from your grandfather"

Aisha gave a stink eye to her father.

Zion raised his hand in defeat.

So, he changed the topic.

"Where is Ratul he should be back by now, It's already six. I'll go and get them and after that we will have the debate of my sweets"

Zion quickly walked over to the window escaping the death glare that he was facing from his daughter.

Silly girl.

Even he got lectured by his mother when he was having a nice lovely talk to that beautiful girl at that tutoring place, he went to the home country. If not for his mother searching for him in the lounge at the rooftop, things would have been different.

Raising children are hard.

There is time for certain things in life.

If one does not follow a certain pattern in life, things will bound to get hectic in the future.

One must sacrifice certain privileges to make a stable life.

Fun comes later in life.

Speaking of fun.

It looks like his son was having a great time on the beach with his wife walking in the sunset. The ocean with orange hue sure sets the view

Ah youth.

If only his wife was here.

"Ratul! My boy it's time for dinner! Bring your children with you. They seem to be falling from hunger!"

Ratul looked over and waved.

"Coming! Give me ten minutes to arrange this stuff!"

Suddenly the hairs of everyone's body stood up.

The ocean which was suddenly orange turned red.

Knowing the ocean was the reflection of the sky Zion slowly looked up. What he saw gave him a sense of horror.

There were cracks in the sky going off encompassing the sky.

He rubbed his eyes to double check what was going on.

There were still cracks going over the sky.

Zion took a step back with fear of the unknown grasping his heart but soon lost balance.

He feels on his knees losing all strength. Vision going blurry.

He feels weird.



Zion tried to look over but he couldn't because he noticed something as his vision cleared.

His hand and body were glitching.

Aisha and Raina were rooted on spot. Terrified at what they were looking at.

With some effort Zion looked behind, he can hear screams of Ratul from the beach.

"Just wha-

In a moment Zion Monjur in a flash of light was teleported away as the world scattered into darkness.

!!!!!!!Void between worlds!!!!

Zion with a black look was floating in the middle of nothingness recalling what just transpired Infront of his eyes.

He was looking at the space with cascading colors with a black look.

Was he dead?

Did aliens Invade?

Has Judgement Day finally been declared?

Several thoughts and scenarios rang through his head.

What happened was not normal as he knows for a fact cracking skies are not what you see every day.

But the most pressing issues at why he was here?

Shouldn't he be dead if just world ending scenario occurred Infront of his eyes?

Zion tried to move but no avail.

Even turning his head was a major challenge.

Is this how it is going to be? Floating in fucking nowhere?

He needs to know what happened to his children.

With frustration building up without any movement for hours Zion let out a howl of frustration.


At least he could scream in void, maybe someone can hear him.

Suddenly the space around him changed taking the perfect scenario of his house's dinning hall with someone with face reading a newspaper but younger.

"Quiet the impatience didn't your father tell you to reign in your irrational mind?"

"About damn time, the fuck, are you?"

"Joe mama"


"Come on don't bullshit with me now and why are you wearing my face? I know you are not a regular being"

Zion was sure that being Infront of him is a god. As the only thing that can explain this changes that happened.

"Staying calm even if you were erased by a supernatural existence? Looks like your father's teaching was all for naught"

Zion was put off, erased the heck his look alike talking about.

"Wanna have that Caramel Éclair now, it will calm your nerve now"

"Eclairs? Look man I don't have time for this bullshit, if your God or whatever fix this shit or send me to hell or heaven or whatever place you prefer, I can live without remembering anything. Just don't waste my time"

The look alike swiftly folded the newspaper and looked at the guy who had too much Karen energy to realize what was going on.

"First of all, even if I can fic the whole place, I can't there is some complications. Before you even try to blame me for your world's pruning, just so you know it's nothing about greater good. It's just people dealing with forces they do not understand."

"My world was pruned? what are you spouting about some bullshit talked about Type-Moon"

A bad premonition made way to Zion's mind.

The word pruned sent warning bells.

"What do you mean by pruned?"

"I know your mad, everyone is mad at me nowadays. I am being blamed by other entities for not doing my job and making Hypocrisy with my creation. Just so you know giving unlimited potential to beings and free will can cause them to do weird stuff. So let me propose a deal for you"

Zion looked at the incomprehensible bullshit spoken by this entity with his face.

"What deal and what greater good? You sure you alright up there?"

The entity in the dining hall threw away the news paper and turned around focusing on Zion with a serious face.

"Here the deal. I like ya. I want ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can listen to me calmly and take my deal to save your timeline or get erased as a possibility that did not happen. The choice is yours"

Zion was looking at this guy like he was on some weird shit. First, he needs to slow down and make sure what this guy was talking about.






Zion pulled a chair on the table and sat down getting his thoughts in order with both hands on his chin.

Several scenarios made his way to his mind.

First his world was erased by a higher power.

Second all of his family is dead.

Zion took a deep breath to not jut scream his lungs out closing his eyes.

He needs to clear his mind.

Hook Line sinker.

That is what this being is playing Infront of him.

Saying something about doing his work and needing to fix stuff.

He has read enough fanfiction to know where this is going.

Trying to rope him in a shady deal.

Not in his watch.

If he dies, he will die with his family.

For letting this tragedy occur by being erased? Fuck this guy.

This isn't no God it's the Devil. As God won't abandon his lost sheep's.

Zion looked into the eye and made a decision.

The being's mouth twitched as it read his mind.

"Fuck off! I ain't making no deal. The True God is my witness, I swear in his name that I will see you nailed to a cross you devil!"

Zion jumped out of the table and punched the unknown entity.

Who took it like a champ.

"Now hold on there I chose you for a reason. You can at least hear me out"

Suddenly the space changed with an old man with a robe and gold hair making his way towards Zion and his look alike.

"You had one Job Samael one JOB! And you ruined it. It was your fault he is in this place"

Zion looked at his look alike in shock.

"Knew it! You were the Devil"

"Now that the situation has changed, I'll take my leave"

"When did I tell that you can leave, that is another 1000 year of hell's janitor for you!"

God: Now come let me set things right.

With a clap of his hand's god changed the state of the universe albeit somewhat as someone has already down the damage.

God: Now I'll show the easy way and the hard way. The easy was is for you Samael to leave and let me handle the conversation. I am not taking "NO" for an answer.

Samael: Understandable have a good day.

With that Lucifer vanished.

Zion looked at the proceedings like it was a joke.

Zion: Umm so who are you again.

God: You just called my name to bear witness to tie Samael to a cross. That was bold for you to state.

Zion: Okay Big G can you fix my universe so I can live the rest of my life peacefully.

God: I can but I have some work for you to clean up after someone or some beings.

Zion: Why do I feel like something troublesome I will get strangled on.

God: When you give beings quote on quote "Free Will" things will bound to get hectic. Beings like me make sure systems and rules are put in place so that the world does not spiral into madness. One of this Rules I gave iron hand in is my involvement in affairs.

God closed his eyes and opened bloodshot eyes startling Zion.

God: Oh, how I regret putting that rule. I would have given Samael a good beating.

Zion: Why am I here can't you just send someone like an angel to fix it?

God: I am not sure why you are so dense but you're are that someone who will fix this mess. I will not take a "NO" for an answer. I took or rather Lucifer took you from a parallel world to do his bidding. Don't worry you family is safe, it is just they are in a time lock.

Zion: Uhuh. So, what I gotta do. Since I can't say quote on quote "NO" what do I have to do.

God: You know the drill and so do I. Only difference it's temporary. I'll send your consciousness to a parallel version of you. I want you to remove the deadlock that is affecting your own timeline.

Zion: Ah so tha- wait what?

God: I'll send you to a parallel version of you integrated. I want you to bash anything that is causing a rupture in timeline. I quote "anything" you'll know the moment you go there. I will only give you two request but only what you think is suitable for your adventure. Also make sure to accept the invite.

Zion: What invite?

God: Anyways. State your request and make sure it counts.

Zion was staring at the Big G blankly.

It looks like Lucifer in not the only one to make sense or prone to answering some hidden meaning in some words.

Just what did he get himself into?

Zion just sat on the chair that was still there.

Parallel version of himself?

Meaning starting from zero.

In a different world.

With different set of rules and reality.

There are opportunities he can exploit that he couldn't in his world.

He was afraid for a second that all he cared for was lost as the Devil was saying.

What an asshole.

Why would anyone trying to hire someone give a heart attack.

Also, what was the deadlock he wants to remove.

Zion: Umm so what deadlock do I have to remove? I don't have to do questionable stuff, do I?

God: I'll put the information the moment you transfer in the body of your parallel self.

Zion: Ok.

Zion had his suspicions but he will refrain from questions and go with the flow.

Zion: I'll bite so what's the budget of your request.

God: Depends on the skillset you have chosen.

Zion: Only two requests, what if I ask for a shitty ability like making cheese.

God: ....

God: We'll discuss as we progress with the request to what ability is a suitable.

Zion closed his eyes and thought for an ability he would take but first of all where is he sent to?

Zion: Which world am I going again any information to share. Also no take backsies.

God: After your request I'll tell you. Yes no Takebacksies.

Zion's eye twitched what is that a Gacha to pick ability and world?

Zion though several stuffs like Systems combined for different ability from all across the universe from true magic of the nasu verse. There is also that one maga he read where a swords man trains for a million years trapped .

But one thing that catches outside the box.

A dangerous light shone in Zion's eyes.

He already got what he wanted.

Zion: I already know what I want.

God: Hmm so what is it?

Zion: First Request is Omniscience allowing me to get every knowledge of the universe. Be it tech, magic, abilities, from anime or another unknown universe which I can comprehend with an IQ of Rick Sanchez.

God was just shocked.

He held his chin muttering incomprehensible words.

With a laughter going off in a corner of the room making the perpetrator known.

With one stern look in the corner of the room the voice vanished.

God was pacing around zion.

God: Haa looks like the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Zion: What do you even mean by that.

God: Why do you think I banished Adam away from Eden.

Zion: .....

Zion: Oh OH! Shit.

God: Exactly.

God: This might just work. Now hold on. You want knowledge right. Only Knowledge not omniscience. I know for a fact you were about to ask for Knowledge from Marvel Universe and Legendary Mechanic Universe.

Zion: Plans change.

God: So do mine. I'll give you that request begrudgingly. But I'll take most of the troublesome knowledge away because pure knowledge will make you pop like a balloon.

Zion: Makes sense. So, what are you taking away.

God: Knowledge about Telesma of Higher form related to divinity. Sentient Tech I don't want running around especially nanomachines. Some Biotronic AI I don't want taking over the universe. Forbidden Blacksmithing Knowledge as some weapons that are sentient have only purpose of destruction. Forbidden Mystic Arts, Alchemy and Magic.

Zion: That's a lot taking away. You just confirmed the level of world you are sending me into. There are Gods are there not or similar to that stature.

God: Ho not bad you guessed my intentions. Yes, there are. I will make sure to seal your mind and soul so nobody can peek into the knowledge obtained from the root of several universe. It is only temporary and I doubt you can scheme through this much knowledge. I am making sure your intellect is close to that of Rick Sanchez.

Zion: Well, that is one problem out of the way.

God: So, what's the second ability you would like.

Zion: The cultivators way.

God: What?

Zion: I want a separate space and tower where several materials like metal and some special material like grass and fruits grow. I don't remember but it's a novel I read about a medicine tower. I want things to be added with time chamber where I can train with data of several renowned fighter where I can go against. Also I want it to be the only one I can only access to with no being to breach it. I can teleport things in and out with my permission no matter the size with security system to kick out people.

God: So a cultivators space treasure. With materials growing inside. I can make it so that the tower siphons energy from different universe and non-harmful animals to maintain the environment. There will be carnivores but they will not harm the master. I will make sure you can change the area you can build. But there is one problem.

Zion: What's that.

God: You have no ability to protect yourself. You can't grow strong if you are already eliminated as a threat.

Zion: Can't you just make sure no one identifies me for a certain period of time.

God: I can make you a Pancosmic Loner like Yu-Ilhan but I want some involvement and work for you to do. You will be exposed anyway. Also, you can't hide in your separate space forever. The moment you come out you are dead.

Zion: What is that?

God: I want you to resurrect someone.

Zion: Hmm okay I assume it will cause lot of commotion?

God: Yes.

Zion: Well, this is troublesome. I am going to be noticed by quiet a few people then?

God: Clairvoyance is troublesome.

Zion: Right another thing to look out for.

Good: Well since I am making you go through some trouble and giving only a portion of a request I'll do it like this. Since I have restricted "SIX" sections of knowledge I will give you "SIX" ability or equipment so that you can protect yourself. I will judge if it is appropriate or not. It will be temporary anyway.

Zion: Hmm let's see. Abilities that can help me in the long run. Accelerating my growth and making myself safe. I know some good ones.

God: Hmm fire away.

Zion: 1) (Ascalon from Omnitrix universe "THE SWORD")

2) Armour combination. Odysseys Armor, Karna's Kavachi Kundala and Avalon. I want them to combine with their source change of energy. I don't want fairies to find Avalon in my body. Change it's evergy source to their roots.

3) Magic Erbea from UQ holder with modified one of Neji Sprigfield who use white magic. I want the one Touta Konoe.

4) Alpha stigma and other ones with their weakness removed from Legend of legendary heroes.

5) I want Yaoyorozu quirk of creation from my hero academia.

6) the sixth.

God: I'll Take the sixth. You asked outrageous things. Ascalon was the tipping point. Do you know how troublesome that sword is. It is "THE SWORD" for a reason. It does not only tap into the forces of the unverse but like your treasure it takes energy from different dimensions.

Zion: You are asking me to face gods that can bust universe.

God: Take another weapon.

Zion: Rhongomyniad "THE REAL" ONE.

God: Haa what was I thinking. I'll make logos react to chain it. It is Afterall the weight of the world. I'll make sure you will be able to use it creatively instead of relasing it's full power. You will not be able to release the seals until you are at sufficient strength.

Zion: Fine.

God: For the fifth to cover such "OUTRAGEOUS" gifts I'll use the sephiroth Grall to mask the signatures. Make sure you hide the signature with Runes. Don't want trouble to come knocking on your door. Use that to resurrect the copy version of me who was an idiot who dies early.

Zion: ...

Zion: Do you want me to loose my "MIND!"

God: ...…..

God: Not really no.

Zion: You do realize it will contaminate my mind every time I use it. With the concept of life, Death and Craetio-

Zion: Wait a minute your sending me to "HIGHSCHOOL DXD!"

Gods: News is out . You have Avalon so you'll be good.

Zion: Wai-

God: Goodbye.

With a snap of Gods fingers Zion Monjur was transferred to the parallel world of DXD.

After his departure Lucifer came and stood beside his father.

Lucifer: He be bloody mad when he knows about his world.

God: I know.