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After sitting down, Lohan began to observe the competition's situation.

The audience had already entered the stadium, and the number of people was around 700. They were talking and laughing, or playing on their cell phones.

The communication technology in this world is very advanced. Common smartphones have hundreds of gigabytes of monthly data traffic, and the signal is very strong. Coupled with extensive wireless network coverage, you can pretty much bring your phone to watch videos, livestreams, and more, without worrying about data limits.

Lohan thought that this might be one of the reasons why mobile games in this world are underdeveloped. Most people prefer playing virtual reality games at home, and mobile games are only played during downtime, along with watching movies, TV shows, variety programs, live broadcasts, news, social activities, and other forms of entertainment.

Entertainment in the parallel world is highly developed, with many alternatives to games. Additionally, data traffic almost doesn't cost money. What about movies and TV shows? Many people don't play mobile games.

Of course, the majority of the audience present should love gaming, especially the mobile game enthusiasts. After all, this game design competition is relatively junior, and there are quite a few level D game designers among the competitors. What kind of games can they design?

At the very least, everyone has created several simple casual mobile games.

It's estimated that many of the people in the audience are only interested in the cash prize and not in the excitement of the competition.

Three judges had just entered the building.

The three judges had badges on their desks. Lohan did a quick search on his phone and quickly found information about the identity of the three judges:

- Paulo Silva, 47 years old, a level B game designer. Formerly worked at Wildlife Studio and retired, becoming an expert in game evaluation.

- Gabriel Pereira, 39 years old, a level B game designer. He used to work at Fanatee, but now shifted to management and was no longer directly involved in game development, becoming an expert in game evaluation.

- Fernando Santos, 27 years old, a level B game designer and founder of Saint.com.

Although all of them had a level B designer classification, their actual design skills varied. The two companies where Paulo Silva and Gabriel Pereira had worked are the top two game development companies in Brazil. They dominate over 70% of the national gaming market, attracting many talented game designers.

However, this doesn't mean the two companies are invincible, and there are always brilliant designers capable of creating valuable games. Nevertheless, the two companies maintain their market leadership.

Gabriel Pereira has stronger design skills than Paulo Silva, but his shift into a management position decreased his direct involvement in game development.

Fernando Santos, at 27, seemed the most promising of the three, with a higher design level and founding his own company, Saint.com.

Lohan secretly hoped that at least one of the three judges would be sympathetic enough to approve his game.

The competition officially began with presentations from the hosts and the judges.

After a series of long preliminaries, it was difficult to get into the subject. The host looked at the sleepy audience in the stands. About 400 of the 700 people were distracted, fiddling with their phones, and over 200 were talking quietly, while some even fell asleep.

The host cleared his throat, trying to get the audience's attention, and the subject was about to begin.

The host explained the competition rules, involving the judges and the audience experiencing 20 different games for an hour. Then there would be a voting round, with judges providing feedback and voting. Finally, games would be ranked based on total playtime and the number of recommendations.

Lohan was aware of these competition rules but was concerned about the opinions of the three judges, who would play a crucial role in the evaluation.

The big screen presented Lohan's game, called "Dino T-Rex." The host's description of the game was brief and not very flattering, as it seemed to be a simple pixelated dinosaur racing game. The audience laughed at the game's simplicity.

The three judges had different reactions to the game. Paulo Silva seemed annoyed and thought the game was a mess, while Gabriel Pereira seemed confused. On the other hand, Fernando Santos found it amazing due to its simplicity and evaluation concept.

The competitors in the stands also watched closely for the judges' reactions and the audience's response. While many mocked Lohan's game, he remained calm.

Lohan secretly used the virtual screen on his wristband to focus the attention of the judges and a significant portion of the audience on his game. A 10-minute countdown began, planning to attract everyone's attention to his game.

In the audience, a student opened his tablet and prepared to choose a game to play. Initially, he had no intention of touching the game "Dino T-Rex," but somehow, the Super Focus item made him click on the game.

He hesitated, thinking the game seemed too simple. A tap on the screen made the dinosaur jump over obstacles. Despite his doubts, he decided to give it a chance.

Two other students were playing a two-player flying hunt game, but they were getting bored. They decided to look for another game, and once again, the Super Focus item led them to the "Dino T-Rex" game.

After opening the game, they realized it was a simple racing game where the dinosaur jumped over obstacles. They decided to give it a try, even though they thought it seemed very basic.

The activation of the Super Focus item had an immediate effect. All 500 people in the audience opened the "Dino T-Rex" game and started playing it. This included the three judges, who, despite their initial reactions, were also drawn into the game.

Paulo Silva was initially annoyed and even considered requesting that the Designer 7's game be disqualified. He found the game extremely poor and discouraging for the game industry.

Gabriel Pereira was confused but also found himself playing "Dino T-Rex."

Fernando Santos, however, had already noticed that something was amiss. He wondered why such a simple game with networking and ranking features was needed. It seemed like a strange and inefficient design choice. Despite his initial doubts, he was drawn into trying the game.

However, when he entered the game, he saw that it was even simpler than he had imagined. The dinosaur was constantly running and jumping, and the game seemed purposeless.

Fernando: "What is this?"

He tried tapping the screen to understand the game better, but the result was the dinosaur jumping and landing on a cactus, immediately dying.

Fernando: "What is this?"

While the game continued to capture everyone's attention in the audience, Lohan knew he had a plan to surprise everyone during these 10 minutes of focus. He leaned back and waited, while the audience, the judges, and other competitors were all immersed in his "Dino T-Rex" game.