
Creator Ella

Ella Suddenly got tranmigrated in the world she personally designed and helped build. As its creator, it was the most natural to be loved and worshipped by her creations. Still, as a laidback and peaceful lazy bum, the burdened of being the God of the world she unintentionally created became a huge burdensome responsibilities for her. So, Ella was busy trying to find a way to shirk off the work and find some alternative to get back to be a salted fish and enjoying the vacation she was unable to enjoy. ……………

_cosmic_librarian · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Ella 2

A terrifying flash of lightning followed by a loud rumbling of thunder have been occurring since the past long hour without a sign of stopping. A big mass of star clusters and flashing neon lights was churning non-stop seeming as if something was about to emerge out at any time. 

A large forces of beings were standing around the cluster of flashing masses. The thing was, each person does not have the normal curiosity and fear that normal people would display when encountering something never seen before. They all instead have a terrifyingly cold and ferocious expression, it was a very unsightly expression. They feel the twist in space and dimension, 'Something or Someone that is not part of this world is coming'; It was the thought that flash through the large forces of people who were surrounding the masses that was twisting dimension realm.

They do not welcome existence that was not part of this world. 

They will destroy it even at the cost of their life, an existence that was not part of this world should be eliminated.


Ella does not know the thought of the people nor does she feel the hostility emit by the 'people' on the other side, she was urging the system to quickly open the dimension portal door while boredly standing in a white space. Ella cannot feel but the system could feel the strong hostility that was directed at the door it was about to open. 

The system was in a state of shock, 'does it bound to an unlucky host? A host that was not like by its creation' Not to mention, the existence on the other side were a bit too strong! 

The system thought of changing the location but ….

It already took much of its reserved energy to open a dimension portal, it energy won't be able to expend another required energy to open a portal in another location. 

"Open fast, what am I still doing inside this white space?"

Ella who thought she will be immediately transmigrated in another World was already so bored staying inside the white space for like two or three hours.

--Host, don't be sc-scared, System 111 will used its energy to create a barrier to protect you-

The system grit its non-existent teeth, maybe its data? And open the portal. It will give everything in protecting its host. Letting its host lose its life not even after a minute on carrying out the mission will leave a bad resume in its system life. System 111 cannot let such a black history in its system life to occurred, a system who strived to be the best cannot have such a shameful history.

The thing is, situation does not always occur as one imagined.

Instead of attacking its host as it imagined, all the 'living' existence kneel down one by one, Prostrating before Ella. 


Ella has a confused expression.

Before she could even questioned the system at the spectating occurrence, a loud and resounding masses of voice echoed. 

"Existence of Ellantine world welcome our God"


----System how am I going to respond?

The system was not able to immediately reply to Ella question because it was shocked. Just a moment ago, the bunch of kneeling people were emitting a high intense killing intent but like a flip of switch, they change from a ferocious beings to a docile and submissive beings. 

That was not what shocked the system, the thing it was shocked about was the information it received after entering this world. The love and acceptance of it host by its creation was 100%. 'What happened? Is this a fake report?'

The system was questioning life and existence.

There are creators who needed to earn at least 60% acceptance from their creation to earn the rights to officially take care of their created. Most creators are like that while there are rare creators who have already crossed that percentage right from the start, around 68% was the highest score yet.

If creator were given full rights from the start and they happened to be a bad creator or terrible even, it will be unfair for the creations. Creations have rights too!... In a certain way, yeah…. 

But 100% must be the one in a billion, No, the only one that they come across so far.

----System? Hello? Hello?

Not getting an answer even after calling many times, Ella gave up. She does not have a big of a problem with the current situation, Ella just has a short momentary stage fright but it's gone as soon as it came. The thing was, Ella was not too interested in dealing with unnecessary nervousness or over thinking. 

Ella just gave a short hum as if to seemingly replying to their enthusiastic welcome. She does not have the necessary energy to think about on how to deal with her circumstances. She will just goes as it flows.


When the beings saw the existence that came out of the portal, their anger did not peak at the sight of the intruder. Instead, when they saw the foreign being, natural feelings of admiration and love sprouted from the bottom of their hearts, and the buds burst out of the ground and grew like gigantic trees in the blink of an eye, crushing all the anger they had just felt.

No other emotion now had a space in their hearts, just as they could not avert their eyes and could only see one thing in their wide vision. 

The eyes of the people kneeling sparkled there was a pious and deep devotion in the depth of their eyes. A normal person would feel nervous or fidgety at the amount of worshipful and devoted gaze they received, but Ella was just too lazy to give an extra care or that Ella selectively igmore the things around her and does not study in depth. The thing she worried more about is where she will go and live. 

Don't tell her that she is going to live in a temple something since the people here seem to treat her like their God, QAQ

Ella wanted to sue and return to her comfortable home immediately!

Ella does not have a chance to argue the system on going back when a space twist and come emerge three very beautiful being. They look divine and powerful, standing silently with more artistic beauty the three beautiful beings have an overly superior posture and appearance. Then The three beautiful being walk forward step by step while intently looking at her, their gaze was so hot and fervent that Ella, who was very dense can even feel it, she squirm a bit in discomfort.

There was a 20 meter between her and the numerous beings who kneel down. But the three beautiful beings walk past that 20 meter distance, they came closer and closer. The people who were kneeling down were looking on with awe and envy as they also want to walk that close to their God, but they didn't dare. They all felt that only God most beloved creations were allowed and deserved to walk that close to their God. 

Even the three creations felt so, their heart tingled in happiness when their God does not reprimand them when they walk closer to her. They must really be her favorite creation, Right? Doubtfully and nervously but with a tinkle of excitement, the three beautiful beings walk closer and closer. 

When the three beautiful beings were close enough to Ella, their heart burst in happiness. 

Their cold and otherworldly beautiful faces have a tint of happiness. Their tense and nervous muscle relaxed. 

"Anarch, your lowly creation welcome God return"

"Ordo, your lowly creation welcome God return"

"Vita, your lowly creation welcome God return"

The only three beings that God had given a name, that is why, they addressed their name proudly. 

That is why the other beings only addressed themselves as 'We' since their name were not a name given by God, while the three beautiful beings addressed their name which was given by God. The other beings felt that their name was not worthy of reaching God's ear. It will only taint their God.

The three beautiful beings, when they addressed themselves in front of their God and in front of so many of her creation, they really felt that they were special among the rest of her creation, That they were special to her comparing to the rest of her creation. 

Ella is quite confused on the other hand. Confused on how to respond to the three beautiful beings, they seem to await her response after all. 

Ugh….  How did her boss used to reply when they welcome him back from his trip? because, the current situation seems like a scenario where a staff member welcome their hard working boss return from his business trip.

The word her boss used to say was like….

"You all did your work very well" then her boss used to smile brightly but as a person who rarely smile, Ella painstakingly try to pull up the corner of her lips and her effort did pay off, she manage to form a faint…. faint arc.

'Will that be alright?' Ella doubted her performance.

The three beings look up their lips trembled "Thank you Lord for your benevolent praise"

Ah.. It was a touched expression, guess she did say the right word?

Since they seem to all really welcome her back, does this mean she has a place to stay? Although she does not know, maybe she can inquire?

"Take me to my place" The 'can you' was momentarily omitted as the system that was having a mental breakdown came back suddenly.

--Don't use request tone, just command!

Since It was a readymade God that has the official rights, the system will not lose this once in its system lifetime opportunity to create a perfect godly image on its host.

Must let host act like a perfect and imposing, model symbol God under its hand!


Vita, Elated at such a command immediately replied a positive answer.

Ella was brought to a wonderful and mesmerizing place. In a levitated castle like palace, Newton definitely forgot his work in that floating island.
