
Create Super Fantasy

The youth sat on a chair, facing the sea. With a trace of spiritual energy, he pointed to this magnificent world. Wherever something is wrong, he points it out. ... Someone once wielded a sword and slayed a dragon, bathed in dragon blood. Someone once enjoyed drinking chicken soup, raising nine phoenixes in their backyard. Someone once sat on the mountaintop, speaking eloquently, suppressing millions of troops in one breath. Someone once moved mountains and relocated peaks with their pen, painting a beautiful picture that trapped immortals and gods. And that year, spring blossomed. They were nothing more than ordinary butchers, smelly scholars, chicken farmers, and poor artists. This is a story of transforming the Low Martial Continent into an extraordinary and fantastical world.

sunshine8023q · ตะวันออก
73 Chs

Have You Calculated Your Fate?

Moonlight shone through the crimson carved wooden window, casting a radiant glow on the calligraphy paper spread across the desk. The curtains of the wooden bed fluttered gently. In the dimly lit room, Lufan sat cross-legged on the bed. With a slight movement of his mind, the system panel appeared before him.

Host: Lufan

Title: Qi Refiner (Permanent)

Qi Refining Level: 2 (Progress to Level 3: 1001000 threads)

Soul Strength: 11 (Exchangeable: 2)

Physical Strength: 1 (Exchangeable: 1)

Spiritual Energy: 92 threads

Transformation Reward: "The Art of Qi Refining"

World Rating: Five Phoenix Continent [Low Martial]

Permissions: [Missions], [Altar of Transmission], [Spiritual Energy Distribution]

Branch Permission: [Furnace of Ten Thousand Laws (lv1)]

Spirit Tool: Spirit Pressure Chessboard (Mysterious Grade Inferior)

Available Attribute Points: 10

Lufan's mouth curled up slightly as he received 10 attribute points unexpectedly. It was a pleasant surprise that left him quite satisfied. He rubbed his chin and pondered for a while. Then, he distributed the 10 attribute points.

9 points were added to strengthen his soul, and 1 point was added to enhance his physique. With this, Lufan's soul strength officially surpassed 20 points, leaving him with 11 points of exchangeable soul strength.


As the distribution of attribute points was completed, Lufan suddenly felt his soul undergoing another baptism. It was a feeling akin to sudden enlightenment that made his eyes shine brightly in the darkness. Each time his soul strength crossed 10 points, there would be a distinct sense of improvement.

Lufan felt that his senses had become sharper than ever before. He could even clearly perceive the flow of blood within his body. His ability to manipulate objects had also become stronger. Previously, he could only control the direction of a wheelchair, but now he could probably control its smooth and unhurried movement.

This was improvement.

Lufan's heart stirred slightly. Perhaps, with the continuous improvement of his soul strength, he might eventually reach the level of spiritual consciousness mentioned by cultivators. With a strand of spiritual consciousness, one could sense everything happening thousands of miles away and keep track of all worldly matters.

Regaining his focus, Lufan suppressed his emotions. The joy didn't cloud his judgment. To transform the Low Martial Continent into a fantastical world, his personal strength alone was not enough.

With a shift of his mind, Lufan's attention turned to the Altar of Transmission. Just as he was about to immerse his consciousness into it, he raised an eyebrow. He looked up at the crimson carved wooden window outside the Lufu rooftop.

There was a person walking towards the Lufu, carrying a wine gourd in hand and stepping on the brick tiles lightly. He was agile like a swallow, exuding a carefree aura. Wearing a loosely draped Confucian robe, with his chest exposed and disheveled hair blowing in the wind, he displayed a wild and uninhibited demeanor.

Who is this guy?

Lufan was puzzled. He had caused panic and fear among the people of Beiluo City with his killing spree. Yet, someone still dared to sneak into the Lufu in the middle of the night. Was this person exceptionally skilled or simply unafraid of death?


 Ningzhao stood up on the rooftop, her white dress fluttering, her eyes like a painting.

In her hand, she wielded a sword made of cicada wings. The sword was almost transparent, shimmering with an icy glow under the moonlight.

"Who are you, sir?"

"Trespassing into the Lu Mansion at night is a capital offense."

Ningzhao's long hair fell to her waist, swaying in the wind as her cold words lingered in the dark night.

In the courtyard.

Jingyue's fingers closed together and slid across the scabbard of the pearwood sword box. Suddenly, a sword "swooshed" out of its sheath and landed in his hand.

This was his first performance after becoming Lu Fan's servant. Although he had no choice, he had to give it his all to leave a good impression on Lu Fan.

On the eaves, Motianyu stepped lightly, treading on the green tiles, elegantly approaching without making a sound. His lightness technique was excellent.

"The madman Jiangshan wields his brush, the copper divination speaks of heaven's pride!"

"The leading disciple of Confucianism... Motianyu!"

As one of the seven heroes of the Sword Sect, Jingyue naturally had extraordinary insight. He recognized the disheveled Motianyu, holding a gourd in his hand, with his chest exposed.

The title of the Gatekeeper of the Imperial Teacher's Book Pavilion and the leading disciple of Confucianism made him quite famous among the hundred schools of thought.

On the rooftop.

Motianyu took a sip of wine, and the wine splashed as he laughed lightly.

"Miss, I have come to visit late at night, which is indeed presumptuous. However, I am here on the orders of the Imperial Teacher to visit your young master. I hope your young master can see me."

Ningzhao's eyes narrowed, a touch of coldness in her gaze.

"What you did is called trespassing, not visiting..."

"Leave, or... die."

Ningzhao's cold words were not loud, as if she was afraid of waking Lu Fan, so she lowered her voice.

Motianyu took another sip of wine and continued laughing.

"I calculated two divinations that involved your young master, and both were wrong. In order to find out the reason, today, I must calculate one divination in front of your young master."

Motianyu stepped on the green tiles and approached, wearing a Confucian robe.

His tone was full of arrogance and fearlessness.

Ningzhao furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

Below, Jingyue tapped his fingers on the pearwood sword box behind his back, and the remaining three swords also flew out.

"The rumored leading disciple of Confucianism, Motianyu, known as the madman, defying heaven and earth, except for the Confucian sages, he doesn't submit to anyone. As expected... his arrogance knows no bounds."

Jingyue said.

As his words fell, his body suddenly rotated, his legs raised, and he kicked the hilts of the three long swords that had flown out of the pearwood sword box.

The three swords shot out straight and stiff.

Sword Sect's flying sword technique.

"No wonder the Sword Sect has been defeated. It turns out you are such a rebel."

Motianyu, with disheveled hair and a gourd in hand, glanced disdainfully at Jingyue.

He took a sip of wine.

Spewed it out into the wind.

The wine splashed, turning into a mist of wine, resembling a divine dragon appearing under the moonlight.

As the wine collided with the three flying swords, each drop contained tremendous force.

Jingyue's sword was immediately knocked away and fell on the rooftop.

"A mere nobody, how boring."

Motianyu chuckled.

In the courtyard, Jingyue's face twitched. This guy was indeed ruthless, the leading disciple of Confucianism... he was no match for him.

At this moment, a sense of wanting to turn around and run surged in Jingyue's heart.


Jingyue suddenly felt a touch of sadness because he realized that his current identity did not allow him to freely turn around and run.

The days of the past could never be retrieved.

But he thought of Lu Fan's unpredictable power.

Immediately, he regained his confidence, waving his sword, ready to charge and fight.

On the rooftop.

Motianyu stepped on a piece of brick and tile, floating down from the rooftop.

His toes touched the blades of the swords that Jingyue thrust at him, causing Jingyue to fall downward. Along with that was the sound of Motianyu's laughter, lingering in the dark night of the courtyard.

Above his head, layers of airflow converged, resembling a flowing rainbow.

Confucianism... the aura of righteousness!


Motianyu spoke fluently and eloquently, his words as beautiful as golden pearls.

Jingyue felt deafened, unable to hold the sword in his hand steadily.


Jingyue spat out a mist of blood, his body flew backward, crashing onto the ground and continuously retreating.

With each step he took, the ground cracked beneath him.

"With all seven heroes of the Sword Sect, you are almost there. But compared to me... you still have a long way to go."

Jingyue said.

As his words fell, a light laughter echoed as Motianyu leisurely landed in the courtyard, raising his gourd and taking a sip of wine. The wine spilled on his chin and dripped onto his Confucian robe, as his laughter lingered.

On the rooftop.

Ningzhao raised her cicada wing sword, her gaze at Motianyu filled with caution.

Just this one Motianyu in front of her was enough to overshadow the hundreds of Confucian scholars on Beiluo Lake back then!

If she joined forces with Nie Changqing, perhaps they would have a chance against Motianyu.

However, Nie Changqing didn't appear tonight for some reason.

Suddenly, Ningzhao furrowed her eyebrows and slowly loosened her grip on the sword.

She looked toward the room where Lu Fan was.

There, the tightly closed vermilion carved wooden door suddenly burst open with a loud bang.

From inside the room came a indifferent voice that leisurely drifted out.

"Who taught you to disturb my sound sleep in the middle of the night..."

Lu Fan's words floated out from the room.

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew out from the pitch-black room.

Motianyu stood still, and his Confucian robe began to rustle. His disheveled hair was also flying around.

"Young Master Lu, I am the leading disciple of Confucianism under the Imperial Teacher, Motianyu. Our master has sent me to bring you to the capital."

"Also, I have divination skills that are accurate. But I made two mistakes on you, Young Master Lu..."

"Therefore, I want to calculate one divination for you for free."

Motianyu held the gourd, squinting his eyes.

In the capital, he had the reputation of being a madman, fearless and daring. He wasn't afraid of anyone, even high-ranking officials higher than Lu Changkong had been kicked by him and scolded to their faces.

Today, visiting Lu Fan was already considered polite.

However, just as his words fell...

Laughter sounded from the room.

"This is your reason for disturbing my sound sleep in the middle of the night?"

"If you enter my courtyard, have you calculated your own fate?"

"You dare to calculate my fate?"

Lu Fan's indifferent words came from inside the room.

With each sentence, there was a crisp sound of a chess piece landing on the board.

As he spoke, three sentences were followed by three chess pieces being placed...

Inside the courtyard, the spiritual pressure suddenly soared.


In the room, a fierce wind howled. A huge translucent hand, formed by pale blue airflow, expanded its five fingers, folding the middle finger over the index finger, resembling a chess move.

It dropped toward Motianyu's head.