
That night

Lisa lips were soft and sweet like cotton candy. After my initial shock I began kissing her back. As she gasped I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth and explore more of her sweetness. She moaned as our tongue began to tangle together. Hearing her moan just took me back to that night when we first did this.

It was right after I found out about Tori and Kira. Like I said I wasn't heartbroken but I was still pissed. I was sitting at this park that was down the street from the grocery store where we both used to work when someone set next to me. I looked over and saw Lisa, she smiled at me and asked if everything was okay. Instead of responding I just kissed her, I have no idea why, I knew next to nothing about her. When she kissed me back I was surprised because I for sure thought she would push me off and yell or hit me or something. Nope she kissed me back and we set there until she realized where we were and stopped. It was Lisa who grabbed my hand and took me to this little spot she had that was closed off but was sheltered enough that we weren't out in the open. It was there that we both went back to what had been interrupted in the park. She was so soft, smelled so good, and tasted even better.

I come back to the moment as Lisa stops kissing me, takes my hand and drags us to my bed. She looks at me and says "I've been wanting this since you opened that door on our first day here"!