

I made some decisions after I sent Lisa that email that I would do some traveling on my own. It took me this long to save up and also to actually graduate. Well technically it took me about a month to get everything set and finished to graduate, but I wanted to walk across the stage so I waited this long before leaving. Me and Tish are spending my last week together and I've already sublet me and Lisa old apartment for the remainder of the lease.

Tish: I can't believe your going to leave me in 3 days!

She pokes out her bottom lip and I laugh.

Shae: I want to see whats out there, I've been talking to my mom and dad because you know they traveled a lot. I want to experience some of the things and places they mentioned.

Tish: Don't fall in love with any particular place and leave me forever b**ch.

Shae: can't make any promises (laughs)

Me and Tish go out that night to grad a quick bite to eat and then we head to this literary event that Tish heard about. Neither of us has been before, but it's something different to do. I'm all about experiences these days so I go along. It turned out to be pretty chill and some of the people who go up on stage are amazing.

Later on that night we get back to Tish's studio apartment and we fall asleep like old times with her on the bed and me on a little cot near the window. The rest of the week seems to fly by. Before I know it, I have 3 hrs before my plane takes off and I'm riding in Tish car on my way to the airport.