
crazy night

She is a beautiful young lady,24 years old with black hair and blue eyes,she was kind and charming but fate was cruel to her she was the the unfavoured daughter,the loser everyone mocked and despite the most.She came from a rich family but that never mattered to those who abused and bullied her,she thought she had faced the worse until that crazy night her former classmates had organized a get together,she had complete trust in them and they took advantage of that and drunked her.She spent that night with a complete stranger against her will. That night changed her completely and she decided to avenge herself but her nightmare was far from over she had gotten pregnant and worse she didn't know the father of her baby.Her parents had told her to get rid of the pregnancy or they will disown her,her brother had posted the news of her being pregnant on internet and her so called friends were celebrating her complete downfall calling her all kind of names but she wasn't going to let them get away with what they had done. Her parents hated her for that and they kicked her out of the house.She left hurt and betrayed by her own people but after two years she came back not as the weak and frail girl she was back then,she was now powerful and strong.A nightmare had began,the hunter was ready to hunt her prey..

phaynique · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs

Pity not Love (chapter 60)

After hearing how Jennie had addressed her the woman frowned unhappily "I'm glad you atleast know who I am Jennifer Louis" the lady said a evil grin on her face,Jennie broke into a cold sweat,she gulped nervously feeling her heart beating so hard like it was about to jump out of her ribcage,the lady even knew her name,this was bad news.Of all the people who could have kidnapped me it had to be Lucas' ex,she thought bitterly,there was no way she kidnapped her because of ransom Jennie believed her when she said she wanted her life and that of her baby,more than anything she feared for her baby.Seeing the terror in her eyes made the woman's eyes brighten "scared?" she asked taunting her,Jennie stared back at her and said nothing,she knew begging for her life was not an option but she wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing her scared,she well knew by now Lucas must have known she was missing and he was looking for her the best she could do was to delay her as much as she can until Lucas come to rescue her,she had complete trust in Lucas with that in mind Jennie smiled politely at the lady "should I be scared?why should I?" she asked pretending not to be scared but in truth she was shaking like a leaf,the lady snorted "you aren't?" she asked suspiciously and Jennie nodded her head.

"You're Lucas' ex why should I be scared of you" Jennie said,the lady furrowed her eyebrows,she didn't know whether being called Lucas' ex was what made her feel angry or seeing Jennie not being scared of her,she smirked taking slow steps towards her,Jennie felt her heart skip a bit but she maintained her composure,the lady held her kneck and squeezed it tightly,at first Jennie acted unbothered but after a while tears fell from her eyes as she run out of air,she was tied so she could only struggle trying to move her head on the other side but the lady was stronger than her and she was at a disadvantage all her efforts were futile,Jennie stared at the woman as she slowly began loosing focus,is this the end for me?is this how am going to die,my baby,Lucas... what will happen next she thought as she almost lost consciousness.Seeing she was about to lose consciousness the woman let go of her neck a satisfied smile on her face,"tsk you're too weak,I never knew Lucas' taste would change so much" she said in displeasure,Jennie gasped for air as she felt a burning sensation in her chest,she stared at the lady with hate but after her while she managed to calm down,first she needed not to provoke the lady or she might really get killed "why are you doing this....what did I do to deserve this?" she asked,she had never crossed path with her and neither had she ever offended her,the woman stared at her and after a while she broke into a laughter "You're indeed naive,you did nothing wrong but everything fell apart because of you" she replied her eyes full arrogance and hate.

"Then why did you kidnap me?" she asked feeling wronged, "you really wanna know?...you know what I'll tell you so you know the reason before you die..." she said staring at her with pure hatred in her eyes that made Jennie tremble in fear "you're the cause for my suffering.... first you took Lucas away from me and because of you we lost everything....we are left with nothing....now tell me isn't that a good reason to kill you?" she said,Jennie opened her mouth wide in shock,"I don't understand" she said with a confused look on her face,she knew nothing of what the lady accused her of "I was planning on getting Lucas back but then you appeared out of no where and ruined my plans" she said angrily,"that's not my fault" she said,now she truly believed she dealing with a maniac, "I know but if you had not showed up maybe I would still have a chance to get him back" she said,Jennie stared at the woman,she didn't know what to say "and not only did you ruin my plans but also Lucas made my father's company go bankrupt and all our accounts frozen because of you" she yelled.Jennie opened her mouth in shock this was news to her,Lucas had never told her about making a company go bankrupt because of her,"why would he do that?" she asked curiously,the lady stared at her like someone who had completely lost her mind,here she was angry at her and blaming her for everything yet she knew nothing about it,this discovery made her loath her even more "there is no need to know" she said displeasure in her tone.

Seeing she wasn't affecting her the way she intended to she thought of another method,her father had warned her not to hurt her before he arrived but that didn't mean she couldn't inflict her with pain using a different method,the lady stared at her for a while then smiled "Sometimes I wonder whether Lucas has been bewitched by you or after breaking up with me he lost his senses" she said,Jennie stared at her not knowing where the conversation was heading to,seeing her confused the lady smirked "I mean how can he marry a woman who got pregnant out of wedlock I'm sure grandpa doesn't know that the bastard in you belly isn't his blood am I right?" she asked,that topic was a sensitive subject to Jennie,when she heard her mention it she felt her blood run cold,she knew what her intentions were but she couldn't help but get hurt,she knew she must have digged her background to know all of this "you know Lucas is the definition of perfect there is no way he would marry someone like you" she said "but we are married" Jennie replied pretending not to be bothered by what she said "I know...you must have took advantage of him and made him choose to marry you.....were you that desperate to get married?" she asked,Jennie stared at her and said nothing,her misunderstanding their relationship wasn't her problem she could think whatever she wanted,Jennie thought."But I understand you.....after all who wouldn't want to get married to someone like Lucas after everything you had gone through,marrying Lucas is

like winning lottery " she said,Jennie gulped bitterly,she had run from home but her past was like a shadow that followed her everywhere and being reminded about it made her feel like her chest was being hammered "do you think Lucas loves you?" she asked,Jennie stared at her and said nothing "Lucas doesn't love you he only pities you,he mistook pity for love" she said staring at her,the calm expression on Jennie soon began showing a crack