
Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

[WPC #238 Silver prize winner] What do you think is the dirtiest and most vile thing in the world? A rotting corpse? shit on the roadside? or was it the blood splashed all around due to a massacre? No, they aren't. Humans. humans are the vilest and dirtiest creatures ever..... ' ' He was a boy who was seen as a murderer by society, a wicked one who killed his father. was there ever someone who asked him why he did that? He doesn't remember since it was all the past that he didn't regret one bit. His life was dull like a sunflower without sunlight, He was slowly losing his motive to live, was there one in the first place? That's when a reason to live appeared... [You have been chosen to have a chance to climb the forgotten Tower of Ruins, do you want to take the test of the Ruined tower?] [Yes/No] but that was not the end of his story, the beginning of the Crazy Necromancer's Myth was yet to start..... --------- Stay tuned! Share it! Support it! if you are looking for a novel with MC fuc***g female characters left and right like a harem genre, then you are in the wrong place, if not then enjoy! The reference images for most of the characters were provided in discord, Join fast! Discord link : https://discord.gg/VR4urNt5TG

Twilight_Lord · แฟนตาซี
119 Chs

Pinaka; and his skills

After calming down the intense emotions inside, he got hold of himself.

"But really man, now I have 2 E rank, 2 C rank, and even a B rank skill, I don't know if it's powerful or not since I can't compare with anyone but... It's amazing"

"I have to understand my skills before anything else"

"hmm... Crazy combine let's leave it for now, let's use this"

He walked toward the corpses of goblins and kobold which were nearly in good state and said,

"Skeleton summon"

Pitch darkness covered the corpses and from within that, raised white-boned creatures with blue eyeballs twinkling, honestly, they were not at all disgusting but... Rather cute, two bone skeletons rose and his mana hit rock bottom delivering a sharp pain to his brain.

"ugh... It feels like something is poking at my brain, next time I have to make sure not to use all the mana"

He ordered the cute skeleton to circle him and to stand guard as he collapsed on the floor panting for air.

<+2% health and mana regeneration>

The effect of Undead confederate was showing its effect relieving some pain,

Currently, his mana was regenerating at speed of(14+3) per minute. He had to wait at least one and half hours to completely regenerate his mana so he decided to check his unclaimed rewards.


Random epic item box:

Open to get a random epic ranked item


<do you wish to open it>


"open it"

With a bright flash, a mace fell on his hand,


<Massacre Mace>

A weapon born by massacring thousands of enemies is a type of weapon which is made to kill the enemies. the sharp nails in its head will penetrate the enemy's defense easily.


Attack - 645

Durability - 509/509

Strength + 20

Critical hit + 10%

Penetration +10%

10% chance to apply a 'stun' effect on enemies for each successful attack.


"pretty nice, but not cool at all, only barbarians will use this"

He took out his Nameless bow from inventory and placed it beside the massacre mace.

"System, use massacre mace to upgrade Nameless bow"

<Are you sure you want to use massacre mace (epic) to evolve Nameless bow (normal)>


No normal person at this stage would use an epic rank weapon, no matter how it looks, but to use it to upgrade a normal item just to get a rare one, was a complete waste. if you think from a common point of view, who in the hell would use both epic and normal items just to get a rare one.

as the white light died down a dominant aura covered the bow, there were now sharp nails like things on either side of the bow and the whole bow was excluding a thin red blood glow.

as he inspected his new weapon he checked its attributes,


<Pinaka> (incomplete)

rating - rare

attack - 550

Durability - 1000/1000

It's the replica of one of the Two divine bows created by the legendary blacksmith, It is said to be made as a pre replica to create the Divine weapon, Pinaka, which was later completed by Vis----ma as the divine bow of -------. The bow which was made on a whim still retained the properties of a divine weapon but due to the passage of time, it had lost its original power which is currently restored by a small amount. The Weapon has surfaced after a deep slumber and recognized you have its new master.

effects:- +5% strength +10% critical hit rate +10% penetration +10% chance to apply 'stun' status

**Special arrows required to use**


1. Unbreakable:-

It is a bow made by the Legendary Blacksmith, Crafted with Unknown wood and thread, it is not possible to destroy it by any means. Except for its master, only the Legendary Archer will have the ability to lift the bow.

(This ability is not related to mass or gravity, it means no one can wield the bow except its master and the legendary Archer).

2. Will of the Crazy:-

It's a bow, which has come back due to a crazy person and it will take after him, it will have some bizarre and crazy effects in different situations.



His mouth was about to hit the ground.

"who knew such a Nameless bow was the product of legendary Blacksmith and again who is he...?guess I should thank him if I ever got a chance"

At this time he didn't know that the Legend was not a person that anyone can meet as they wish.

"anyway its attack power is just slightly less than massacre mace, an Epic ranked item and it even got two skills... Though the skill 'Will of Crazy ' is concerning"

"hmm..my mana is already regenerated, then lest try more skills"

He looked at a skeleton that was standing and I dealing like a mindless fool,

"Okay then, I choose you,' Blazing skull'"

A skull with burning fire was summoned in front of him and lobbed towards the skeleton,

"Ghostly Embrace"

His attack didn't stop there as he cast a Ghostly embrace, two hands popped out of the underground and held the skeleton firmly. The blazing skull's speed was not much but it was a different matter when coupled with a ghostly embrace, as soon as the skull touched the skeleton.


A small explosion resounded right after that the skeleton fragments flew everywhere.


The destroyed part of the skeletons flew back to their original space and the reanimated skeleton was now looking around like a fool.

This ability was crazy since as long as he has mana he can be completely safe behind the skeletons but the problem was that they were not very strong at most the nine skeletons could take upon three normal monsters any more than that was just suicide.

He calmly watched the skeletons around him and got up,

"Let's go it's time to hunt"

In this game at least in the tutorial, he had become the hunter now.


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