
Chapter 6



Ellie didn't say a word, She stood frozen in place in the doorway, just staring at Carter. I think I was in just as much shock as she was. I don't really know how long we've just been staring at each other without saying a word before Carter spoke and broke the silence.

"Eleanor? Are you okay?" Ellie blinks a few times before answering.

"Of course I'm not fucking okay, I didn't see or hear from you for two months, but when I finally see you again, I have to hear that you're leaving once more?"

"Ellie, it's more complicated than what you think."

"Please enlighten me."

"I got a really great Job offer, and I met someone."

Did he meet someone? I can't believe it. No actual I can, Carter wasn't ugly, he was fucking hot. And I am not entitled to be jealous, I don't even like him like that anymore.

"So I'll never see you again, because of a stupid girl?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I'll still come to visit you guys."

"But what about the family company?"

"I don't know, you can have it."

"What the hell I'm I going to do with a freaking Marketing company?"

"You'll figure it out, you always do."

Carter smiled at us before speaking again.

"Come on, let's help Gram clean up, then we can get going."

"Go, go where?"

"To Ryan's party?"

"You know about that?" It was the first thing I asked since Ellie stepped into the bathroom. Carter turned to me with a big smile plastered on his face. I sighed

"Of course you do."


Ellie looks a little better, thank god. Grammy didn't really say anything about the whole Carter leaving situation, so I assume she knew. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm truly going to miss the knucklehead.

We were now at Ellie and apparently also Carter's friend Ryan's Beach party.

It's a pretty awesome party, if I do say so myself. "Hey Q, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Oh, hey Carter. Don't worry, I'm great."

"Are you certain?"

"Yeah. I'm certain."

"Okay then. Please don't get to waste tonight."

"I'll try my best." Carter smiled at me. He gave me a quick hug and left.

Yesterday I was so excited to come to this party, but now that I'm here, I wish I wasn't. It's strange how our minds and emotions work. I don't know if I'll ever be able to figure my mind and emotions out. I'm so tired of everything. Not only that, but I just miss him so fucking much. Furthermore, I wish I could just talk to him one more time.

"I miss you so much, big brother." I said under my breath.

"Sorry, did you say something?" A voice coming from behind me made me jump.

"Jesus. Sorry, you scared me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I turned around so I could face him. But when I turned to get a better look at him, I nearly gasped, this man was drop-dead gorgeous.

"Are you alright?" I cleared my throat before answering.

"Uh yes, sorry yeah I'm alright." He smiled at me.

"Sorry, how rude of me." He outstretched his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Ryder." We shook hands and we smiled at each other.

"I'm Quinn, it's a pleasure to meet you." We just stared and smiled at each other. But we were pulled from our awkward staring by someone calling this breathtaking guy in front of me.

"You have to try these meatballs, man."

When the man who called Ryder saw me, he froze. Ryder was about to say something when someone from behind me called my name, that person turned out to be none other than Ellie.

"Q, you have to taste these meatballs."

Ryder and my eyes met, and we both burst out laughing. Ellie and the other guy just looked between the two of us like we were crazy.

"What's so funny?" The poor guy behind Ryder asked. Ellie was still just staring. Like whom could blame her, these two guys in front of us are freaking hot.

"James, this is Quinn. We just met."

"Uh, Ellie, this is Ryder. We just met."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ellie and James said at the same time. They both looked so shocked. Ryder and I almost burst out laughing again, luckily we didn't. We just smiled.

We actually ended up spending the rest of the party together. I haven't had so much in common with a guy in like ever. Ellie and James just couldn't keep their eyes off each other. I could've sworn I saw Ellie blushing a couple of times.

"Thanks, you guys, we had a good time."

"No problem." Ryder looked at his shoes and back at me. He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"So, uh, can we maybe get your numbers? To, you know, talk to you and stuff?" Oh my god, he looked so embarrassed. I was about to answer, but Ellie bet me too it.

"Yes, of course you can!"

It was 23:00 when we finally got home. We did end up giving our numbers to the guys. I just couldn't stop thinking about Ryder. Those emerald green eyes, with those perfectly sculpted lips, and don't even get me started on his beautiful black hair. Quinn, pull yourself together, you just broke up with your boyfriend!

"Quinn?" Ellie talked next to me, pulling me from my thoughts.


"James was hot, right?"

"Oh god. Here we go."

I just shook my head at her and laughed. "God, I'm so glad that you're my best friend." We were both laughing now.

I woke up surprisingly early for a Saturday, it was 7:00 in the morning. For me, it's early, especially on a Saturday, I usually sleep until noon.

Ellie was still sleeping. I don't really know whether Carter is sleeping or not. I heard the kettle boiling in the kitchen. I already knew it was Grandma Rose. I entered the kitchen with a smile.

"Morning, Gram."

"Morning, dear. You're up early."

"Yeah. You too, but you're always up early." Gram laughs.

"Yes, that is true." I smiled at her.

"Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, please." She smiled at me and poured me a cup of tea. Gram and I went to the living room to watch some TV.

Ellie always laughs at me because I often watch Days of our lives with grandma Rose. I told her she could laugh all she wants, I don't care because I like spending time with Grammy Rose, and Days of our lives isn't that bad of a show. One of these days I will force her to watch it with us. I know she will love it. Grandma Rose and I just finished watching the first episode. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket to check who just messaged me.

R:"Hey, it's Ryder. Did you sleep well?" I smiled, I got this weird feeling in my stomach. It felt like something was flying around in my stomach or something. I quickly replied.

Q:"Hey, I did thank you, how about you?"

He replied immediately.

R:"Yes, thank you. I wondered... James and I are going to the beach later, do you and Ellie maybe want to come?" More flying things went off in my stomach, and I smiled even wider. I quickly replied before putting my find away.

Q:"I'm down, I'll just check with Ellie, and I'll let you know." He replied.

R:"Okay, talk to you later, thing." He ended the text with the smiling emoji. And I just couldn't help smiling.

"You seem happy this morning?" Grandma Rose said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, it's been I while since I felt happy."

"I know, dear. I love seeing you smile, I know when you usually smile, it isn't always sincere. But I can see, looking at you now, that the smile on your face is so real." Hearing this come from her kind of made me emotional.

"I love you, gram."

"I love you too, Quinn." I got up from the couch, and I gave Gram a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to wake Ellie. I think she's had enough beauty sleep." Gram laughed at my comment.

"Okay, dear you, do that." 

I quickly made my way up the stairs towards Ellie's room. I didn't even bother to knock on the door. I was a lot shorter than Ellie. Not only that, but I was 5'2, and she was 5'4. I ran into her room, and I jumped on her. She groaned loudly.

"Quinn! For the love of beauty. Let me sleep." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine, then I'll just go to the beach with Ryder and James alone." Ellie sat up so quickly. It actually scared the shit out of me.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me." Ellie jumped out of bed.

"Did he text you?"


Ellie basically threw me out of her room. She said that she had to get ready. I told her that it's too early. She said it's never too early for beauty. I just rolled my eyes at her. I took my phone out and texted Ryder.

Q:"Hey, Ellie said she would love to come." He texted me back immediately.

R:"Great, should we pick you up, or will you meet us there?"

Q:You can pick us up :) "

He replied with a thumbs up.

I can't wait to see him.