
Chapter 21



It's finally time, the winter is here, and I finally get to see Quinn, it's been too long since I last saw her, and I missed her like crazy.

I truly hope that she will be happy to see me, and if she's mad, I believe she will get over it, and the other thing is that she doesn't know that I'm coming, only Ellie knows.

James is coming too, and to make things even more interesting, Ellie doesn't know, she thinks his visiting his sister in Chicago.

The first thing I did when we landed was text Ellie, she was picking us up at the airport, I told her that it wouldn't be necessary, but she just kept insisted.

We didn't even need to wait for her, she texted back and said that she was already here, she told us where to meet her, so we made our way over to her.

"Damn, dude. I'm so fucking nervous." James commented next to me.

"Yeah, me too." I replied with a chuckle.

"What if she isn't happy to see me?" He asked, looking terrified.

I mentally sighed because I felt the same, but I wouldn't tell him that.

"Stop being so dramatic, Ellie will be so excited to see you."

"You know what, you're right." James answered laughing.

We spotted her car, she was leaning against it with her back and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Crap, there she is, okay. I'll hide, you go over there and hug her or something, then give me a signal to come out of hiding." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"For God's sake, James. We're not 10!"

"Ryder, just fucking do it."

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

I jogged closer to her, I waved and called her name.

"Ellie!" When she finally recognized me, she smiled and waved back.

"Ryder, hi. Damn, it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever."

"Yeah, it really does." I said chuckling.

We hugged, and I took that as my chance to make a move. I showed a thumbs up behind her back, and thank God James noticed because he nodded and made his way over to us.

He stopped behind her just as we broke the hug. He lightly tapped her on the shoulder, and the look on her face had me scared shitless, she looked like she might just kill someone.

"Who the f- oh my gosh, James!"

"Surprise!" James yelled in excitement.

She jumped into his arms.

"What are you doing here?"

James smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I wanted to surprise you, you're surprised, right?"

"I'm surprised, alright!"

She pulled him by the collar of his shirt and slammed her lips to his. I had to look away, it wasn't something I enjoyed watching, but when the make out session didn't end, I was forced to clear my throat.

"Ugh, sorry. Are you ready to go?"

Ellie asked, but I couldn't help the smile on my face when I saw how red her cheeks got.

"Yes, please, let's go."

I was more than ready to get going, I can't wait any longer, I have to see her. We finally made it to Quinn's house after a tortured 30-minute long drive. 

"Okay, so here is the plan, you guys go around back and wait on the back porch, I'll knock on the door, and tell Quinn that I felt bored and wanted to hang with her, then when she invites me inside I'll ask to side outside."

I nodded my head, I liked this plan.

"Sounds good to me." James and I said at the same time.

We got out of the car and made our way to Quinn's house. James went to one side of the house and I went to the other. We waited for Ellie to knock, and when she knocked and the door opened, we made our move.

Two minutes later, we were sitting on the most comfortable couch ever, or at least that's how it felt after a five-hour-long flight.

I nervously bounced my leg up and down, I couldn't wait any longer, the excitement of seeing her was getting to me, I was about to stand up and go find her when the door started going open.

I quickly jumped up from the couch and hid against the wall when the door opened. Luckily, the door opened in front of me, so I was still pretty hidden.

I could make out the back of their heads, Ellie was facing my way, and Quinn had her back turned to me, I slowly made my way towards her.

I wrapped my arms around her, a gasp of surprised or shock left her mouth, I lowered my lips to her ear and whispered.

"Did you miss me?" She turned around so quickly, I think she might have whiplash.


I grinned at her.

"In the flesh, baby." Quinn smiled and crushed me with a tight hug.

When she released her grip, she did the same thing that Ellie did to James, she pulled me by the collar and slammed her lips to mine; I didn't even give a damn about where we were, I missed her and her lips.

We had to stop when James cleared his throat next to us. Quinn shrieked with happiness when she saw James.

"Oh My God, James!" She pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you guys, I missed you so much."

"We missed you too, princess." I said, smiling warmly at her.

"It feels good, being in your arms again." Quinn whispered against my chest, loud enough for just the two of us to hear.

I smiled, before answering.

"Yeah, it really does."

She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me a little tighter.