
Crazy Clown

There are ten thousand gods that supported mankind, but will they stand a chance against a clown whose craziness knows no bounds?

ComicalClown · สยองขวัญ
11 Chs

The Circus's Show

A day has passed and today is an important day. Harry walked into the hallway and he sang a few songs which showed how happy he is.

But when he remembered what he was about to do, his mood gradually turned bad. "My treasure chain has expired, it is your fault Jack." Harry looked at the door and saw that the words in the chains were gone.

The image of Jack in his heart was not good, his treasures were precious and they were limited too. If not for the ringmaster to ask for his help, then he would not use it, especially the chains.

Harry removed the chains and opened the door, he saw Jack sitting on the bed and he turned his head when he heard the sound.

"Harry my friend! Am I free?" Jack said and walked towards Harry, yet before he could continue he saw the cards on Harry's hands.

Jack laughed and Harry stared at him and said, "Follow me, today is an important day and the ringmaster hopes that there will be no trouble." Jack followed him and they arrived at the office of the ringmaster.

The ringmaster was writing on a paper and when he saw the two, he put down the pen and looked at Jack. "You will replace Harry today, If you make trouble, you will not see the sun again."

After the ringmaster said this, he raised his right hand and the atmosphere in the room turned cold. But Jack just laughed and said, "It's too cold here, don't you all have a jacket?"

The ringmaster looked at Harry and the latter pulled Jack out of the room, after they were gone the ringmaster stared at the door and seemed to be thinking something.

. . .

"You are crazy! You shouldn't talk to the ringmaster like that!" After they left the room, Harry shouted at Jack and showed the card to Jack, and made a swiping motion to his neck.

Jack snickered and choked his head as though he was dying, Harry's veins on his forehead bulged but he endured the anger and pulled Jack to the back of the circus.

At the back of the circus, some performers are warming up and checking their equipment. They bowed to Harry and looked at Jack before talking to each other.

"The residents of Mori EI will come here later and you should prepare to entertain them. Last night I talked to the ringmaster and he said that if you perform well he will give you a gift."

Harry whispered to Jack and left him, Jack looked at the performers and instantly liked the atmosphere.

After a few minutes, Harry lead them to the stage of the circus and handed them a piece of paper. On that paper, It is written on who is going first and second and so on.

Jack saw his name and found out that he was the last that will perform on the stage, those who will perform later will wait in a room and those who are called will go to the stage to perform.

Then Harry called a name which showed that the residents of Meri EI are here! Jack felt bored due to waiting and tried to talk to the other performers.

But these performers left him and if he tried to approach them they would stay away, Jack laughed and said, "So all of you are sick that is why you don't want to talk to me, HAHAHA!"

The performers were uncomfortable when they heard the laughter of Jack, minutes turned to hours until Jack was the only one remaining in the room.

"Jack, it's your turn." The voice of Harry rang and Jack smiled and walked to the stage of the circus, soon he finally saw the residents of Meri EI.

But there seemed to be a problem to them, Jack smiled and looked at them. A large number of men, women, and old people were standing in front of him.

Their eyes were dim as though they had lost hope to live, if you are a normal person and saw them then you would be scared!

But not for Jack, instead of being scared he laughed! He performed a short show and danced in front of them but they were quiet as though incapable of feeling emotions.

"They are quiet, maybe they need someone to talk to." Jack stopped his dance and walked towards them when he felt that someone tapped him on the back.

When he turned his head, the face of the ringmaster appeared. "It's good that you are here, come on and let's talk to them!" Jack smiled and invited him but as he was about to walk a cold hand touched the back of his neck!

The ice began to spread to the rest of his body, but Jack began to laugh and his laughter never stopped even when his whole body was about to be frozen.

After a few minutes, an ice sculpture appeared and Harry appeared together with a few performers. Harry bowed his head to the ringmaster and ordered the performers to carry the ice sculpture.

When they were gone, the ringmaster looked at the crowd. His cold eyes scanned them as though he was counting every one of them, then the ringmaster walked away.

The crowd was still the same even when Jack turned into an ice sculpture, their eyes were dim and they never showed emotions similar to a puppet.

. . .

Harry waited outside of Jack's room and saw the figure of the ringmaster, he bowed his head and the ringmaster walked inside.

After a few hours, the door opened and there was white mist in the room. Harry glanced and saw that the floor was turned into ice as if the whole room turned into a world of ice!

"Lock the room and let's start." The ringmaster said and his voice was tired, but Harry didn't notice it instead he pulled a chain but this time there were no words on the chains which showed that this is just an ordinary chain.

After Harry is finished, he walked into the office of the ringmaster. Moving to the room of Jack, if you go inside you would first think if this is still a room.

The floor turned into ice, there was white mist around and the toys at the corner turned into ice sculptures and they seemed to be sad.

Then at the center of this room, an ice sculpture bigger than the toys was standing. This is Jack and his mouth was open because earlier when he was about to become an ice sculpture he was still laughing!

Last time, the ice melted faster but this time the situation is different. The room was also plunged into ice so that even if the ice melted it would soon be frozen again unless a miracle happens.

. . .

Inside the house, a little boy is putting various things in his bag. Looking closely at the face of this boy, isn't this the little boy who ran away from Jack?

At this time, the little boy grasped the tiny flashlight and slowly left the room. Today he would save his sister! The little boy remembered the despairing eyes of his sister and that is also the reason why he met Jack.

"Sister went to that scary circus, sister, wait for me, I will come and save you!" The little boy's eyes were determined, he slowly walked and glanced at his mother who was staring at a picture frame.

"In the past, father went to that scary circus and never came back. Mom will become sadder if sister is gone too." The determined eyes of the little boy brightened and he tightened his grasp to the flashlight and left the house.