
Lesson # 1




*Opening Spiel -

"Thank you for calling [Company Name], this is [Your Name], how can I help you today?"

*Acknowledge -

---> Empathize - depends on the concern, not all the time.

---> Verify - the certain info, name, address, account number, phone number, social security number (last 4 digits) for security purpose only

*building Rapport

*Probing Questions




===>Opening Spiel -

-Thank the customer

- brand the product or service

- Name of the receiver

- Offer services

===> Acknowledge

- building rapport

- Concern

- Empathy

- Paraphrase (relating and building relationship with customer)

===>Probing Questions

- Dictate the call flow

- authentication or LOQ (national preliminary internet, billing and information, compliment and generate a ticket)

- features information provided accurate

***How much the price? Or, how big is the size?


- should e flawless, clear

- info is clear enough due to the clarity of the voice

- smile through your voice

- can cope up with the customer's pace of understanding


- "This is [Your Name} from [Company Name]. Is there anything else I can assist with you?"

- "Thank you for calling [Company Name}."

**Holding the call spiel

- "Can I hold this call for a minute or two?"

- Permission

- Duration

- Reason

- Acknowledgement


