

Vincent (P.O.V)

~~Outside Of Her Room~~

Viola (Wet eyes with the slightest anger): "So what if he is rich!! He is not the man whom I love.. how can you use me like this!!"

Man (blackmail her): "Shut up.. okay then leave alone from now on.."

Viola (grab his hand): "How can you abandon me?? I loved you for the past 5 years.. and just for money, you are leaving me? Is money is more important than our love?"

Man (Coax her and show her the benefit side): "Yes. If you give birth to this child then our future children will leave a comfortable life..!!"

Viola (angrily): "I don't want money..!! You even trick me, Antonio. That night you drugged me so that I can't even avoid him..!!"

Antonio (hesitant for a little): "You are thinking too much. I didn't do anything."