

Musa (P.O.V)

Hey... don't eat this Cookies.. they are not good...

They still continue to ignore me..

Huhh.. okay don't give any glimpse to me.. I'm going too.. huh.. ತ_ತ

I start keep moving towards swimming pool.. After reaching there I took of my silk robe.. Even now I'm naked right now I don't care.. I just jump in the swimming pool..

The only thing right now I know is I'm feeling hot and only water will make me feel better..

It's like my body don't have the urge to move.. it's like I'm just drowning... the more I drown the more I felt lighter.. suddenly someone caught my hand...


Alexander (P.O.V)

I was close to swimming pool when I saw dogs doing something on ground.. I came closer to them and I saw them eating something.. and it was dog food..

Alexander (murmur): "How did she get dog food.."

I'm now relaxed.. she is fine.. I came close to swimming pool and I saw her jumping inside the pool.. I hurriedly run and took off my robe and jump in pool too.