
Crash into the Abyss

Luna and Alec are different individual who died in different times and places. Yet both regressed to 2005. Having no connection at all will they meet? Will they have feeling for each other? What choice will they made?

Junachen_1285 · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs

Overdose in Adrenaline

Both of them laid on her bed and waited for her. They're talking about the Vape and liquid and they opened a bottle of her whiskey. Aaron realized that she would get mad if she knew they drank her liquor. But both of them need it right now. Especially Luna after getting an overdose in adrenaline. Both of them heard the familiar engine sound from his car. Aaron went out of her room followed by Alec to see Luna.

Luna hugged her father and mother as if she hadn't seen them for years, but she just got back on Chinese New Year which was six months ago. And Aaron found it strange that she cried while hugging her father. Yes, he knew that she's his baby girl. But still, it felt so strange.

After the heartfelt reunion, Luna went to check on Alec's car, she squatted and saw how bad the crash was and cringed. "I guess you're lucky you can still drive with this kinda suspension.".

"I think that's because she knows who's driving?" Alec sighed. "How's that red car's tire?"

"As bad as this car's suspension, at least it won't slip when I drift." Luna sighed. "How much did you two drink?"

"Just… a bit?" Aaron lied.

"Luna, just let them stay, I'll fix the car tomorrow, before they go back," Luna's father said.

"Please fix the steering and the suspension too, no grip at all," Luna sighed. "Dad, don't work too hard, I love you, dad."

"I love you, too, my cutie pie, but why did you dress up like this?" Luna's father asked. "What's with that blood?"

"I'll go change," Luna sighed and ran to her room and into her bathroom to take a hot shower.

"Uncle, do you mind if we sleep here tonight?" Alec asked Luna's father.

"It seems that it's not the first time you slept together, and I'm sure my Luna could kick you out if she doesn't want you to be near her," her father smiled.

"But…" her mother started to protest but her father just pulled her inside.

"He's right, she'd hit me in her sleep," Aaron grinned.

"Sleep in my brother's room," Luna went out of her room with wet hair, worn black oversized tee and short boxers.

"How can you ask me to sleep on pigsty?" Aaron protested.

Luna sighed, took another glass and filled it with ice and went inside her room again followed by Aaron and Alec. She saw her whiskey that evaporated in half and poured it on her glass.

"So till when did you wanna wear my clothes?" Luna asked Aaron.

"Ah sorry, I'll go change," Aaron took off her turtleneck and wore his tees that he left behind each time he sleptover. "Do you need any clothes?" Aaron asked Alec.

"Nah, just give me a blanket and I'll be fine," Alec said. They've shared a room and slept on the same bed when they're in Singapore.

Aaron tossed the blanket to Alec before sitting down on the floor beside Luna and suddenly they heard a familiar knock and the door was open.

"Hi, sis, you're back?" Jon came into the room looking scruffy as always.

"I'm back big bro," Luna hugged her brother.

"Why don't you ask me to pick you up?" Jon asked.

"Aaron was free," Luna smiled. "And he missed his soprano voice."

Jon smacked Aaron's back. "What happened to your eye?"

"I hit him for screaming in my ear," Alec sighed.

"Should've hit him harder," Jon smacked Aaron's back again. "Both of you should've slept in my room but I guess you don't want to. So sis, mind sleeping in my room?"

"Not at all," Luna sighed and left her room with a glass of whiskey in her hand. Her mother's waiting for her in front of her brother's room. And they talked for a while.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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