
Crap. Can’t use this acc on ink stone

In a world where fantasy rules the tiers of the world are strange. See humans are know to be the weakest of them all, merely food, prey or weaklings to the rest of the world. Yet, if a human was high on the other tier they would be well respected. But this was nearly impossible, not one living human had yet met this standard. Until the human queen gave birth to an Omegan Prince. Not only was he an Omegan Prince but he also had inhuman like abilities, making him the highest on the other tier. Oslow Santra would be the first human in many many years, to be respected and loved by other creatures and maybe, just maybe, he could make the world good for humans once again.

That_Harem_Writer2 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Prologue & Important Information

In a world where fantasy rules the tiers of the world are strange.

See humans are know to be the weakest of them all, merely food, prey or weaklings to the rest of the world. Yet, if a human was high on the other tier they would be well respected.

But this was nearly impossible, not one living human had yet met this standard. Until the human queen gave birth to an Omegan Prince.

Not only was he an Omegan Prince but he also had inhuman like abilities, making him the highest on the other tier.

Oslow Santra would be the first human in many many years, to be respected and loved by other creatures and maybe, just maybe, he could make the world good for humans once again.

You see Oslow Santra, being an omega meant he would already be high on the tier list since omega's are respected for being able to carry children.

A boy omega though, that was the rarest creature in the world and w human one at that. Not to mention that this human also came with inhuman properties.

He had mass blood repopulation. This meant that although being a human due to the fact that his blood regenerates faster then any other living creature the boy could never die from blood loss, nor could he accidentally be turned into a vampire or a werewolf.

He had goddess eyes. You see the goddesses were know to be a human of sorts with special properties and were the most powerful beings in the world but they were assumed to be extinct, well that was until now.

You see Hinata had bi-coloured eyes. One more golden than gold itself and one as white as a cloud, yet no one knew, the boy would wear an eyepatch over it to keep it hidden from other humans.

Oslow could read the emotions of others yet he could also heal others, although he didn't know this just yet. He thought reading emotions was normal.

But everything he thought about life would all change on his 18th birthday, why? Because he would become the new leader of the human kingdom, but his human species and secondary gender would be shown to the world, and Hinata would find a prophecy.

It is read

'In thousands of years a member of the goddess race will return to the world. He will bring peace to all species' and make humans respected once again. But he will meet many people who he will feel strongly for. These will be his soulmates. And if he doesn't make all of them fall in love with him by his 21st birthday, the world will fall into a war, causing extinction to the human race for good.'

Species Tier:


Goddess (extinct?)










Lion Hybrid









This is the species ranking, this shows the least respected to the most respected.

Secondary Gender Tier:


Male Omega Human (exists?)


Male Omega




Inhuman Alpha


Inhuman Beta


Human Alpha


Human Beta

This is the secondary gender ranking.