
Cradles [the neighborhood where it all began]

NYPD is on the neck of Five drug empires. Pengman, a homeless boy on the street and his sister are cut in the middle. The federalist threatens Pengman to a time in jail but he has an unfinished business with IC and a five million bucks to find. Pengman decides to work both sides. The Federalists and all drug empires combined Excerpt "Release the payment we should be gone after a minute," IC says "None of that is happening," Lobos and his men walk around the truck and point a gun at IC. His men with rifles stand facing IC men. "Woo…calm down, Lobos, long time no see. Heard you're shipment went down bad," "Yeah, heard you were responsible," Lobos said "Let me guess, I will be buried in the garden," "Jace, take the bag let's go," "That's not your money," "Yeah it was yours after Pengman and his sweet ass sister robbed me. The soft mother fucker sold you out after he went through a lot," IC looks unstable for a moment and says, "We can sort this out, me and you," "There's no sorting out, there's only a warning. Next time you cross the line, we will have a problem," Lobos says, still pointing his gun at IC's head. Moments later six police cars ran in on them "drop your weapon now!!" Harper steps out of the car swiftly pointing her gun directly at Lobos, "Feds…feds…feds chaos sets in and Lobos looks unlucky today. He's arrested by Ria and the drugs bag recovered, "You're under arrest for involvement in drugs and selling illegally. Anything you say or do shall be used against you at the court of law.

Norman_Peters · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

Cradles 10

T had barely believe what he was hearing from his former boss, Man Power. Strapped down on a steel chair after the forceful break in by Lobos and IC and Pengman killing just a few of his men, "hey man you better start talking," IC walks around Man Power for the third time then held him tight on his jaw, "where is the address in the other three countries," IC said, "I won't say this again,"

Man Power drags out his tongue and says, "cut e'm out if you want I'm not telling you shit,"

"I would allow myself to be pushed but only to a certain limit," T walks out after being quite for a while, "where did you ans Sharon hide my money,"

"He won't talk, may be this will make him," Lobos walks up to the other end of the room and picks at random one of his soldiers hands tied to the back, "you're really the smallest you know, just eight men at home, how many on the street uh,"

"Leave my men alone," Man Power shows some rage of anger then settles, "you're not getting shit out of me," he yells

"If you like yell like gallic charm, no one gives a fuck," Pengman says and looks at IC, "I'm gonna put a bullet in your left knee if you refuse to talk,"

"I'm not afraid to die,"

"No one says, you're gonna die," Lobos jerks the mouth of his pistol and pull the trigger on the Man Power soldier he was holding, "one down, four remaining," he walks angrily and picks another one, "get up,"

"Please, I have a family," he begs adjusting his knicker bockers from behind, "my wife's pregnant,"

"Talk to your boss then," Lobos angrily shouts at his right ear. He says this part slowly, "talk to your boss,"

"Man Power please, my wife and family. I'm all the have left of me, I can't die now,"

"I'm sorry, but you gave your life for the better good," Man Power struggles to talk coughing out blood and banter in the process, "I'm sorry, but I can't let them take that money,"

"Look man, I don't care any money, just give e'm what the need to know and let me live," he breaks down in tears, "I can't die now, please,"

"It's not easy to say, man," Man Power said, "but we have to weigh the odds of keeping an entire new propaganda against bullets flying through the heads of one man,"

The other three leaning on the wall hands strapped behind his back started praying to their god, "please take my soul…"

"I'll take your life and leave you with nothing," T said, "all these fellows are innocent and don't deserve to die. Not like this. What is in your head will come to play one day and you won't like what you see. Then you'll know the dept is paid,"

"You could have just said, Karma and I could have known all those grammar makes me remind myself of your weak point. Compassion, you never learn from not letting an untorn stone in a war like this,"

"Then I guess we had the same problem," T picks out his gun and holds the trigger button not more than one second then pulls it backwards. The reaction was first a black spot on Man Power's forehead then a little slash of blood. After that he fell side ways to the floor and met Sharon in the other side.

"What's your problem man, you just dished our only source," Peng screamed loud and made a strident sound with his guns on his soldiers, "you're really sick man,"

"I don't give a fuck, probably because no one else does," T said,

"I do give a fuck," Lobos said, "and so you've messed up things real bad," Lobos drops the guy je was holding and walks straight to T, "taking things too personal sometimes isn't worth it,"

"I agree with Lobos, you didn't wait hear his own part of the story," IC says after a long intensed tranquility, "but if you think of it, there's no way Man Power didn't tell anyone about the issue, he can't so secretive,"

"Maybe you've not known him," T had a throbbing inside his chest, "ahh,"

"Ok, that's loud," Peng said, "what's wrong,"

"Nothing," he sighs and regains posture, "I'm fine,"

"Alright then, why don't we interrogate this scumbag, they may know a thing or two," IC walks up to one and drags him by the shirt, "I don't care wasting your life if I don't get what I want,"

"Hey man, I'm not gonna waist my life for just five million bucks," one middle aged man leaning entirely on the wall said, "I'm not dieing,"

"Let's see what happens when the bullet cross paths with your scull," Lobos walks to him seated face up,

"I know nothing," he parroted, "I don't know how many times I would say one word for clearifications,"

"Hey, you're sharping your guts and I don't fancy those who sharpened thier guts," Lobos dropped the guns and squeezed his mouth with both of his hands more like an old lady wringling at the backyard, "you're gonna tell me everything you know," he shouted, "all you of you," Lobos drops his hands from his mouth, picked his gun and walked around twice,

"Don't worry, L, when I'm done with my christmas shopping with all parts of their body some one is gonna spit something meaningful out of his filty guts,"

"I don't know anything, please, I told ya already, my wife is pregnant and she needs me,"

Peng replied slowly, "well, if you contribute to five million dollars maybe you have a better story to tell your unborn child when you finally get to see his face,"

The hapless men sitting helplessly didn't seem very frustrated but not too long T woke up from his slumber walked towards them and pulled his gun towards thier face, "I'm not gonna ask twice," he sniffs, "what do you know about the five million bucks,"

The two men at the extreme right mumbled, "hey what are your goods saying," Peng reacted,

"We don't know much but if there's anyone that would have details about the bucks you folks are looking for it's vice boss," he said, "we over heard them talk about it the other day,"

"Woo, why's vice boss, is there anything like that," Peng tried to control his laughter, "absurd, the best word to describe foolishness,"

"You mean vb…" IC said

"chill bro," T said still holding the guns above their heads, "who's he,"

"Shawn…" one immediately cutted in, "the fair stunted vice boss, your day should know him,"

"Cut the introduction, where's he?" Lobos said,

"Don't know, not seen him in two days," he taps his nose then said, "you should ask the passport guy, the guy who runs international passport for you guys, he know alot,"

"We just came back from his house you idiot, he knows nothing," IC flicks his hands and moves closer to them, jumps on one and hold his neck tight, then said, "don't tell me he was hiding something he may end up losing his wife's ass for something invisible that's coming,"

"Hey man I don't know who you are but my neck is never your resting place," he tries to breath, "I don't know more than I have said, do my option here is we are free to go,"

"Whoa,.you can't just jump steps in the school of succees," Peng giggled then resume his usual face posture, "we have to succeed to take our profit back,"

"Peng, Ping, Pong, Pang…" IC riddled around it a while, "a little group meeting her will ya," he said,

They all gathered around in a circle a really small circle, "all things kept secret what do we do here guys," T said,

"I say we kill them and go get Sharon," Lobos said,

"No, no, no, that guy clearly said his wife Ray is pregnant almost delivering, we can't make an unborn child fatherless," Peng said,

IC bossed up and said, "look, guys I hate taking decisions but if I want to take one I'd say, we ermm… dunno really,"

"Just wasted our time here," Peng said,

"That's what he has been doing right from the beginning, the moment we find about that money you are gone," L said,

"You wouldn't dare would you,"

"Watch me," Lobos said, "shit,"

"Alright guys, let's let them go and give the testimony about today, they're too many dead bodies we'll have to deal with already,"

Peng turns around and all the four men are gone, "guys we have a problem,"

IC turns in shock, "woohoo, how did I miss that," IC said, four smart thieves at my disposal and I threw them away,"

"That's not good for us," Lobos said,

"What?" T looked suprised, "we were going to set them free anyway,"

"Well, they ran on their own so I guess they'll be coming back with a far more worse gang, something we won't be able to withstand," L said,

"L is right, we need to run," Peng said,

"What about Man Power's dead body," T asked the team,

"I see your a slow-witted one, but don't worry, I got ya," IC said, "no one gives a fuck, come on,"

They all ran inside their van and head back straight to Willy's home inside town after a while the arrived, parked the car and and moved in, this time everyone, each with pistol and silencer on the mouth of the gun, "knock knock," IC made his funny sound and Willy's wife came to the threshold and opened up. She froze after a shot at the pistol in his hands and the scary face of the four gangster, "shuuu, don't shout," IC said

"We won't harm you just move in quietly," Peng said,

"You see we are the good guys," Lobos said. They all walked in and settled in the dinning room with Willy eating another delicious dinner,

"This is funny how you eat the most in this house and the lie the most on the street," Peng said,

"Lobos, why don't you go get the kids and lock them them in the basement," T said, "we won't be attending any smart kid stuff today,"

"Just two times and you already know it has a basement," IC said standing very close to shaky Willy's wife, "don't worry Mrs Willy everything would be alright,"

"Well, you're making things scary for me, I gave you everything you wanted,"

"They came before," Mrs. Willy said, "you know them," he puts her head down and walks to the wall and sits low to the ground, "you're a jerk always bringing us trouble,"

"Willy tries to play the smart move and tries getting up to console his wife, IC quickly hoicks out his gun and points at him, "hey, man you're not to move,"

T chukled, "smart fool," he walks closer, "just so you know try looking at that gun behind the table you'll have your face blown out,"

"That said, I guess you've not forgotten tye rules," IC said dragging the food to himself, "firstly, I'll take this, and then as we discussed earlier, T here will tell you a story with answer," IC snaps his fingers, "don't know how to put it, you understand comprehension passages," willy blinks, "I'll take that as a yes,"

"Ok, rules and regulations explain, now who is Shawn and how do we find him,"

"I'm not telling you anything," Willy talks slowly, "I rather die then say something that will save millions of life,"

"Look who's become a medical doctor or apprentice," L said walking down the stairs,

"Is it done," T asked and L nodded, "back you what do you say again,"

"I said I'm not telling you nothing,"

"Ohh ok sorry guys I missed out something when I was listing the terms and conditions," IC immediately stops eating and says, "the part where my long slender something behind the pants will make some work with your sweet heart there," he turns and looks at Mrs. Willy, "that of course is when you fail to produce an answer,"

"My wife is gonna divorce me anyway, after noticing I'm involved with you guys,"

"I can't kill children, but il cut off those fine hands and legs," L said,

"I don't care, I can have another one," he turns and looked the wife in her eyes, "I'm sorry but the greater good is always risking one to save the many,"

"You're so pathetic," Mrs. Willy said, "you never liked us, I was so stupid to stay,

"Alright, L I think we are gonna need a room or two this will be a long night,"