

"You are quite the runner despite your short legs, little mate!" He commented sizing her up with his lazor sharp eyes. His Adam apple kept moving with each word that rolled out of his mouth. "Who are you?" She asked with a frown sizing the man up, he looked dangerous, the kinds that made you really want to stay as far away as possible. "Now mate...that hit a really sour spot!" He said hand in his chest to show how hurt he was. He had been running amok for years looking for her yet she didn't even remember who he is! "I don't know what you are talking about Sir!" Maria said bowing her head to him. She could feel his wolf's presence and it didn't give her a good feeling. It was a life she had left behind and didn't want to return to it. "You sure wanna play this game? " He asked the smirk on his lips fading, playing dumb! "Fine. You started this mate... I'll help you end it." He assured her. "I vow to you, my moon!" An alpha that has everything yet nothing and a princess banished from her kingdom have been tangled in the webs of fate. The cruelty of their past has set out it's claws that'll shred them apart but what of them? Is Marianne willing to face her demons and own up to her reality or will she keep running away. Is he ready to accept what's in store for him after letting her leave for five years?! Another werewolf based story that I hope will keep your minds rolling once in a while. Please read and support my work. Thank you

Litto_ways · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

The triplets

Maria looked at her triplets with a smile on her face, even though she had no recollection of who she was with that night, she earnestly wanted to thank that stranger for giving her a pillar to hold onto and a ray of light to follow!

She sighed and Queen lifted her brows questioningly at her mother.

"It's nothing Queen! Mommy just thought about work and suddenly didn't want to go anymore!" she lied through her teeth.

Her son's shook their heads and didn't expose her. Only the dumb Queen could accept such lies.

Queen didn't bother probing more and had her breakfast. Her actions were elegant like a real little Queen, even her posture could drive one to believe she grew up in a palace.

"I'll be dropping you off to the your teacher's home. Remember to behave and don't forget to protect your sister!" Maria reminded.

Her sons and daughter didn't speak a single word ever since they were born! They didn't even cry during their entire infant stage. She had initially thought her babies were very reasonable and understanding but that was because, she hadn't been in contact with other babies.

Back during her early pregnancy, she had stayed locked in her small motel room for long that she forgot the feel of the sun and the taste of the breeze. She ate when she felt like it and that was in days!

She gave birth to these three cubs on her own inside her dark motel room. Funny enough, she hadn't even know she was pregnant!

One can imagine the shock she went through when she saw three babies flow out of her legs along with blood and everything. She didn't feel the contractions because she was already numb to pain, it didn't hurt since she was already half dead!

If not for the babies little whimpers, she wouldn't have survived her shock!


Maria helped her children carry their small bags over their back and walked out of her penthouse. Yes, she did own a penthouse and if not for her children, she wouldn't have dared to move here! But as a mother, could she watch her children grow up in unfavorable environment? No! In this penthouse, did she ever need to worry about food and supplies? No! All necessities were supplied to this place as long as someone resided in here and the moment she stepped into this place, she did not have to worry about food or sleeping in a cold place. Not even worry about her health!

Had she not been smart enough and hardworking, she could only imagine how hard life would have been for her and her children. This was a project plan she had drafted at the age of twelve years for one of the human business partners to the Moonclaw pack.

As a return gift for the success of the project, the human granted her this penthouse apartment and it's lifetime ownership, along with all the other benefits! Luckily, her father had no idea about this place nor anyone from her pack. She could live in peace.

She got back to her senses when she felt her clothes being tagged at. And looking down, her children were looking at her with suspicion. 'Should they really enter this car?! Why did death suddenly feel so near?!'

Maria couldn't stand her children's accusing looks. "Hey! Don't look at me like that! I'm your mother remember? How could I cause an accident? I'm back to earth so let's go before we are late!" she huffed and puffed as she opened the back door and helped the three cupcakes into their seats and safely strapping their belts.

She went and took her seat then drive out of the basement parking. The family car soon joined the busy and bustling street and drove off.

Firstly, she dropped of her three cupcakes to their teachers home and watched as the 48uear old male carried Queen and let the other two walk! They were boys after all.

Queen had a distraught expression as she sought help from her bothers. A Queen shouldn't be held by any men!' she wanted to complain but couldn't speak! She resigned to her fate.

Maria maintained her big smile till the door to the house was shut close. Her nostrils enlarged as she hit the gears to drive off to work!

"Damnit! I'm late again!" She cursed all living creatures as she sped through the traffic. "That old lady is going to shave me bald!" She wanted to cry even imagining it!

Growing up, she had come to believe that werewolves were the most ferocious and sinister beings on earth but when she mingled with the humans for the past three years, her seventeen years of beliefs were washed down the drain! Humans were far more scary than the wolves or any other beasts!

She nearly bumped into another car from over thinking. "Hiss!" She hissed as she hit the brakes. Without question, she jumped out of her car to check the car that almost died at her hands. It was the car of the vice president woman she feared! Luckily, she was only a few centimetres from her death, no, more like retirement! She sighed and jumped back into her car to find another packing spot.

She sprinted off to the basement elevator which didn't have many people using it. It rushed up to the top most floor which was of course where her work table was.

When she had just joined this company, she was merely a receptionist but after a few months of neck breaking work, she caught the attention of the old evil vice president. She thought she had made it in life but she hadn't!

"You are zoning out again?" the fifty year old elegant female looked at Maria with squinted eyes. If not for her capabilities, she'd have thrown this girl off the building from the rooftop!

"Did I?" Maria smiled charmingly.

"You are late again!" The lady barked elegantly.

"I zoned out in the morning. I'm sorry!" Maria bowed her head in shame. The old lady Perry Dalan was like her second mother.

"What was it about?" Perry's voice softened.

"The usual." Maria said guiltily.

Perry sighed heavily. "I see. Did you bring the files I asked you to go through?" Perry asked shifting back to business.

"Yes! I did! But Ma'am, why does it seem like our company is in trouble? According to what I read, I saw that there was a breach in contract from their side, with this flaw, I actually managed to pick out a leeway for us to avoid going bankrupt and actually receiving compensation from the other part! They are too stupid to not be able to see such a big fat flaw! Is the company lawyer old and incapable?! Too bad! You are lucky to have me. But it's such a shame, even Queen could easily see it! Anyway, there's no need for our company to merge with them, much less go bankrupt!" She rumbled on.

Perry who had given up all hope had her old eyes glitter and many emotions flashed through her eyes! She listened to Maria attentively and she was at times angry or stupified even speechless!

First, Maria just insulted her and the other board of directors for being stupid and actually compared them to her three year old daughter! Then she actually managed to spot the flaw that could save the company?! How could she stay angry?!

"Hurry! Bring the contract over akd show this old woman! " Perry urged impatiently almost kicking out the rumbling Maria.

In an hour, the board of directors was seated in the meeting hall. All those old and youthful men and women looked to have aged a few years older. Now, they had no idea why old Perry had called them over! This company could no longer be saved anyway!

"Did you call us for the company handover ceremony or what?" One of the directors asked.

"You are old! Let the youths speak!" Perry grumbled.

Everyone who heard her shot her a glance. Which part of you is youthful? They wanted to ask but seeing that even the president and chairman were quiet,they didn't dare open their mouths.

"That's more like it!" Perry was pleased. She gestured for Maria to go in stage and explain to this bunch of fools! She shot the company legal team who had also been invited a hard glare that they froze in their seats feeling wronged.

The meeting begun!




Hallwall Main office.

Hallwall, the tallest building in thos city stood to a point that it touched the sky. It's glamour was majestic, imperial and wild. If even that made sense! The two hundered story building was covered in shining black stones up to the tip of the building. It was covered in mysteries that still drove the locals mad!

But again, this was the dream place for all the young and old generation to work at and with this magnificent nameless company's growth and acquisitions, many companies fell into it's claws!

No business entity was spared! It's appetite was extremely monstrous and annoying!

Many had tried to bring this place down but it being a wall hall where not even the owner of this monstrous place was known, it was like finding one's way through a thick and posionous fog in the middle of the night.

Everyone had their speculations but whose was the closest to the truth?

Inside the top most building of the Wallhall building, the black and grey furniture surely hurt one's eyes to death! There wasn't a speck of another colour on the office and despite it being day, it was shrouded in darkness.

A knock on the door rung out and soon a 6'2ft man walked in with elegant and poised. He was clad in a neat black suit and his grey eyes shot to the person at the end of the room who was overlooking the city below. His aura was even more mysterious than that of the black suit man.

"Good morning Alpha!" the black suit man greeted. He had been out of town for business and had only returned this morning! Of course, he had to greet his grumpy boss.

The man didn't reply and kept looking at city through the black roof to floor mirrors.

The man sighed. He walked back to his black mahogany table and sat down. "Any news?" He asked.

"No. I'm sorry Alpha!" He apologized. This matter had been going on for five years now!

"Sorry?" He scoffed in self-reproach. "I have no right to even be mad at you! It was my fault my grip on my things wasn't tight. That's why they slipped away!" he ridiculed himself. "And to think it's actually been this long! I'm very incompetent...don't you think, Neal?" he asked his Beta.

"The Alpha I follow isn't incompetent! Maybe Luna is just too good at hiding." Neal tried to soothe his Alpha's sore heart!

"It was fun before but not anymore! She should stop this hide and seek game! I really don't wish to plunge this city with wolves running amok but I'm at my end!" The Alpha said lazily. His emotions and actions were contrast to his words. He didn't look or seem sad or distressed at all. His golden brown eyes were so clear that it was scary. It was way too composed!

'All I have of her is the faint remaining scent! If I don't find her soon, I don't know what I'll do!' he thought to himself and pulled the drawer to his table. He took out a pair of knicker and bra.

Neal didn't even know what to think. He turned around with a red face. 'You actually remember to carry a knicker and bra and forget to bring the whole person back?! He really wanted to open the Alpha's head and check!'

"How was I to know if I was brining back the knicker or the person!" Alpha protested bitterly! He was too intoxicated with her scent at that time, okay!

Neal sealed his mind from his sneaky Alpha.



It was a half past two when the meeting at Maria's company came to an end. Directors crowded around her with glittering eyes and admiration! They sung praises about her diligence and keen eyes. They were only short of throwing a party.

When the other employees saw that the directors who had come in with gloomy faces were leaving with ear to ear smiles, gossip begun to go around that company

I have credible news! All of you gather!!" An employee said and all her colleagues turned to her. "What happened?!" Someone asked impatiently.

"Do you know Ma'am Perry's assistant, Maria Moon? From what I've heard from the top most floor, she actually managed to spot out a flaw that could save our company!" The lady said excitedly.

What her?!

She was just a mere receptionist that I saw once in a while! I didn't know she had raised to the top so easily!

I heard she's really smart and hardworking!

Don't drift off the main topic! Does that mean the company can still be saved?

Yeah, is that the case!?

Most probably! Didn't you just see how the directors were shinning?

Ahhh...I'm saved! Though I planned to stay at the company, the probability of being laid off has been giving me nightmares! I've been submitting applications every where!

Right! The economy is in recession now, not many are hiring and it's really scary!

As they chatted, their department manager walked in with renewed zeal! Okay everyone, gather and listen to what our boss's have suggested." He clapped his hands and everyone gathered around him almost squeezing him into meat paste.

He didn't mind and went on to discuss with them the strategy and required documents needed to be ready in a week's time. Everyone listened attentively and before long, they hall all scattered to get down with work. It was going to be a very hectic week.

Maria was still stuck in the conference room with the pedal team. She wasn't very knowledgeable with the law and the lawyers had to be present to help do their best to save everything they can.

Clause 284 on page 30 has a flaw. I'm not sure who drafted this contract....."

It was by them! We only got a copy and spent a great deal of time going through it but no matter how many times, it's almost like we were blind in this part!" The head of rhe legal department pointed out. How kany nights had he spent reading through this damn contract. He didn't how life would have been for him if not this little girl! Sigh...surely he was on with the years.

"They are going to pay a hefty price for tricking us!" One of the younger lawyers hissed like his fur has been ruffled.

Maria spent the whole day hardly eating a thing as she worked her spine off. After directing the legal team in what she could best, the rest was left to them.

She watched as the legal team walked out enthusiastically like they hadn't been working the whole day! She sported a smile till the last person shut the door behind them!

She collapsed from her seat and melted into pudding on the floor.

Perry walked into the conference room and went to see Maria on the floor. This wasn't the first time she had seen this girl in this state. "Are you that tired? she asked as she helped Maria off the floor to one of the long sofas in the room.

Very!" Maria whined.

"I got my driver to go and collect my god grandchildren. Rest for a while and once they are here, we can go and eat some meat...how about that?" Perry suggested. Her eyes were filled with indulgence.

Thank you so much! I'll trouble you for now but let me nap" Marianne's voice was slurry as sleep attacked her eyes. They got heavy and she ended up sleeping.

Perry looked at the girl on the bed and didn't know what to say. She sighed and went to get something to cover this girl up so she could rest comfortably. She returned with a mushy blanket and tucked Maria in. She removed the girls shoes to find that her feet were swollen! Her heart ached!

Maria had spent hours standing! Sigh ..! She'd offer this girl a paid leave as soon as this matter was handled.

Perry wasn't the hauty and fiery old lady she was when she sat by Maria's legs and begun massaging them! If Maria woke up to this scene, her scream would floor down the whole building. It'd he hard for to believe Old Perry was doing this.

A knock on the door interrupted her and she looked over. Three cupcake heads came to her line of sight and she smiled. She signalled for the children to be silent as their mother was resting. They nodded in understanding and walked over. The three lined besides their mother and watched her tired face.

"I thought we agreed something of this nature won't be happening again." The eldest cupcake opened his mouth and harshly reprimanded Old Perry.

"I'm so sorry, Young master!" Perry got off the couch and bowed to the three year old boy fearfully.

The other two were also looking at Perry quite harshly. This was their mother!

"I didn't know she'd be this..." Perry tried to speak for herself but was cut short by Queen's harsh babyish voice.

"Save the excuses!" Queen's adorable face scrunched up as she pursed her small pink lips.

"It won't happen again!" Old Perry assured.

"That had better be the case then! Carry mother to the car. We will be returning home now." The eldest son said decisively and turned on his heels to walk out.

Perry didn't wait for another word to be said before she hunched her old back and picked the sleeping Maria up with so much ease that it was jaw dropping.


The next morning.