

The day rises on the plains of Caleor and with it a new race is born Observe and watch as we bathe in the shadow of its creator, on its way to galactic dominance

Shadowx3_G4lzE · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


At the beginning there was nothing, then a pulsation was felt, if one listened more in detail one could discern a certain melody. Then in the darkness a light appeared, and again one, it did not stop appearing, and a cycle later the darkness disappeared the light more dominant than ever had illuminated all these that the first form of life took form, born to create and destroy because one cannot create without destroying. This is how the architects were born. Organizers of the world, builders of creation, they shaped life as we understand it today. But the architects were horrified by the first negative feelings of the living beings and were corrupted. Some by the strength of their soul managed to escape this sad fate, for the less fortunate however they became destructive, chaotic and perverted beings