
Crash, Click, Boom

(Marlow's P.O.V)


I decided to call Vince.

"Hello, Vincent?" I asked. And Vincent responded "Hey, Marl! Is there something else that you need?"

"Actually, I was thinking of inviting you to hang out, the two of us! What do you say?" I said, but Vincent then told me "Oh, sorry Marlow, it's that I've just started to create this drill and I feel that the sooner it gets created, the better"

"OH MY GOSH! I'M SORRY, VINCE!" I exclaimed, and then he said "Oh, don't worry! With my awesome skills, this is going to work quite perfectly! You can hang out with Tony, if you want! Ok, see you around, Marl!"

"Alright, bye Vince!" I said. Then I called Tony, and then I think I heard someone screaming "FUDGING TV, WHY DOESN'T IT BUCKING WORK?!" And then Tony asked "Hello?" And I talked back with "Hello, Tony! How are you doing?" and then he replied "Like poop! They were airing episodes of a brand new show on AMC about a chemistry teacher that cooks meth, that seems to be quite interesting so far, and the TV stopped working! Un-freaking-believable! Anyway, how are you doing, Marlow?" And I said "Do you want to hang out and talk?" And he replied "Sure! Where to?"

"How about at Centrel Park?" I asked and he said "It is a deal!"

An hour passed, and we finally arrived, him arriving first than I.

"Hello, old friend" He said, while I said "Hi! How are you doing, Tony?" And he told me "Oh, pretty good!"

We then sat down and we ordered the same thing, a nice hamburger with fries.

Then Tony started to say "So... I finally got to see X Men 3. To be honest, I can somehow understand why people didn't enjoy it, but me personally, despite all of its flaws, I found it to be quite good" And then I asked "PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT?! OH MY GOSH!"

And then everyone was looking at us, and Tony clarified "We're talking about X Men, here! Don't panic!" And then everyone continued to eat, while Tony continued to talk. "So anyway, one of the things that I loved about these movies is how, despite X and Magneto having quite opposing views... At the very least, they still play chess together" And then I proceeded to ask "They didn't hate each other?" And he replied "No. Even enemies can get along. A lot. Quite interesting to know, don't you think?"

And then I said "Yes! It sounds... Nice"

(Mark's P.O.V)

I sneaked in the cave, it seemed empty. No one was here. It looked like a normal cave, except for the gym it has, and a... Technological room.

I went inside that room, I saw tons of metallic parts, plasma jars, and blueprints. And not to mention the safe.

I was almost convinced Vincent was the one pulling the strings. Almost.

When I left the laboratory, I saw a canister laying down in the brown, dirty ground.

I had a feeling that if I was in front of the canister's top, I would get injured.

I activated it by accident, and grey robotic pieces came shooting from them. Arms, legs, a torso, and a head facing down.

One of the arms' hands started to move, so did another one. One went for the torso, and the other went for the head.

I think I have to hide.

I went to the other side of the canister to see the rest of the process. The sinister eyes with glowing red dots were no longer seeing the ground, and instead, they were looking at the other parts of its body.

The legs were also crawling somehow to the lower end of the torso, and the arm that previously grabbed the head, went also to the right side of the torso. The headless body stood up, grabbed the head, turned it, and placed it above.

Now, a complete looking being was formed. I had to run. Then I heard a menacing, emotionless voice saying "Where's Budweiser?"

About five seconds, I managed to teleport back to the bedroom. But I am pretty sure that he would find out about how to teleport all the way here. I managed to close the windows.

What the hell was that?

I got back to my apartment, I sat down in a chair in the dark, waiting for my brother.

He opened the door and said "Mark! I'm home!" and I said "I know"

There was a moment of silence, and he asked me "What are you doing here?" And I replied "Tony Chase is Budweiser" Then he asked me in a flat "What?"

"I verified. I went to his house, discovered a button underneath his bed, and I went straight to the cave" I said.

Then my brother sat down slowly and said "You're lying, please tell me that's not true!" Then I said "It is. That's another problem with having people to care about, brother. Either they leave this world, or they don't show your true colours... Which are... Disgusting"

My brother was speechless. "It will be the second to last, or last internal pain you will feel. That is, if you are willing to cut connections, brother" I said.

He was still showing that typical shocked face.

"I'm going to sleep. You should do the same" I said. And I went to my bedroom.

The next day, not counting "Hello Mark, how did you sleep?" "Why would you care?" and "Bye Mark, have a nice day" that he said, we didn't say a word the whole day. From breakfast, to lunch, to accompanying me to school, he was speechless.

(Marlow's P.O.V)

I walked a little. Then I thought that, if I know, Vincent must also know about it. I went to the same road that I always use to go visit him, and the ground... For some reason, it was beeping.

(Mark's P.O.V)

I was tasked to do a maths problem:

4 - 2 + 2 - 1 + 1.

The answer is four.

Then Principal Greg came into the classroom "Mark? I need you. It's urgent" he said.

Then I got up and I followed him. Then he gave me the phone. He clarified "It's for you" I got the phone on my ear and I asked "What?"

Then Vincent started to talk: "Mark... Marlow... Marlow is..."

I asked "What happened to him, Vincent?"

He was struggling a bit to talk.


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Have some constructive criticisms? Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

And also, I would love to see both fan art and memes of CPU.

I am Roger Kaos, thank you for reading!

RogerKaoscreators' thoughts