
Counter Guardians Tales

As Emiya awaited his next task from the world, an unknown sword appeared on his reality. As soon as the sword light up and he lost consciousness. Soon he finds he is in a new world. Now that wouldn't be bad... But there is one crucial thing to mention. "Why am I a baby!?" Soon he will adventure in this new world. As he will become a guardian of justice. Read on this new life of his. ===== One or Three shot story.

Vortex_Luminos2v · อื่นๆ
1 Chs

Mysterious Sword and new start

In a barren land filled with swords and devoid of life. A white haired man sat on a hill of swords looking over the horizon as the gears in the sky were unmoving and rusted.

Normally this scene depicts a man broken beyond repair and who has thrown everything. A man filled with regret and despair surrounded by graves.

And yet… when one looks into the mans eyes, they will see cold steel that shows years or even decades of experience.

And yet… in those cold steel eyes a fire can be seen flaring deep inside as looked on the ash and steel dust covered horizon with a calm yet resolute gaze towards possible new purpose.


EMIYA sat there in the hill unmoving as his white cloak fluttered in the wind continuing to look on the horizon.

It has been years since his mission was finished in chaldea as the worlds balance restored. Now the counter guardian with no more other purpose right down just stayed seated as he reminisced about his time in chaldea as he waits for another mission given to him by Alaya.

"Even after all these years I still reminisce about my time chaldea." EMIYA mused with a chuckle remembering all the adventures he along with other servants went through, along with their master as well as the many events they participated in.

He chuckles at the memory of a food stall war that happened because a competitor said that their food was the best. Which didn't sit right with the other servants who pride themselves in their culinary art. Sooner than later a literal food war broke, which was soon shutdown due wastibg so much food on such a thing.

All those wasted food.

EMIYA grimaced at the amount of cleaning that needed to be done after that.

Still those fond memories change him. He used to be nothing more than a simple killing machine, But now. He was just a standard servant who saved the world along with his master.

With a smile he hoped he will get to see his master again as a heroic spirit.

With a sigh he continued to wait for his next task assigned to him by Alaya. As he continues to sit as waiting… that was until a bright cyan luminescent light shined in the distance.

Curious on why there was such a bright light in his marble he goes to check it out.

As he got closer to the light he got a better image of what was causing the light.

Stabbed in the ground was a sword he had never seen before. The sword had a strange shape nothing really new in his world. But what stood out was the energy he felt around it.

The sword looked to be a long single edge straight sword made with some sort of high tech crystal, there was no hilt or guard, just some sort of hexagon with flat tips, the blade seemed to have some circuits running through it as it shines.

As he got closer to the strange sword it lit up momentarily hindering his vision a bit.

As the sword shined he suddenly felt a singe in his arms. As he looked towards them he saw that his magical circuits were glowing as well.

EMIYA was confused, but he suddenly felt extreme pain, as the his circuits spread out throughout his body inflicting one of the worst pain he has ever experienced.

Gritting his teeth hard he looked towards the sword again, and his eyes widen with shock.

The ground beneath the sword began to glow as well, as circuits spread throughout his reality marble.

As the pain intensified, he continued to grit his teeth and glared at the sword that was causing this.

Soon the pain was too much, and his world turned dark, as he lost passed out and lost consciousness.

The last thing he saw, was a shimmer of bluish light, then everything went black.


He doesn't know how long he had been out, he couldn't feel his body. He tried many times to get some bit of grasp in his area with no result.

As he drifts in this void, a small crack of light appeared.

Witnessing this, he extended towards it.

As he got close enough to it, the light entirely enveloped him. As it enveloped him, he saw a small fairy like figure, which soon flew away.

He didn't know if what he saw was real or what it was.

Soon the light disappeared again, but this time it wasn't a void, he could move albeit a tiny bit.

As he got a grasp on his state again, his eyes opened.

What he saw was not the rust polluted sky, but a white ceiling.

He didn't know why he was here, he tried to move his body around to see his surroundings, but it very difficult to do so.

'Why is so hard to move.'

He examined his body to see why he was having so much trouble moving, and soon found out the reason why.

He had shrunk, no, he had not only shrunk but-



He couldn't understand why this had happened to him, was the cause Alaya? Was this her way of disposing me? Was it that damn old man?!

He raged in his thoughts for a while, before hearing sliding door open.

He still couldn't properly move so he couldn't see who entered.

Soon the person who entered appeared, standing on his side. She appeared worried before going somewhere else.

He doesn't know where she went, but soon she returned, this time with a bottle in hand and a Diaper.

'Wait, why does she have that?'

His question was answered when he felt a weird sensation in his bottom.

'Oh God no.'

As the nurse got closer, Emiya started to panic.

'No, no, no, no, no! PLEASE GOD NO!!!'

[A few minutes later]

Emiya's eyes were dead, as he lost all his will to live after that ordeal.

'Just End me.'

This event and other's coming, will forever be a stain in the counter guardians mind for a long LONG time.

[10 years later]

10 years have past since is transformation to a baby and That event, Emiya still hasn't completely erased that event yet and is still haunting him. But he progressed.

During the time though, he found out multiple things about his situation.

One, he was reincarnated to this new world. Two, there are kingdoms in this world and the kingdom he currently resides in is called Kanterbury. Three, despite the kingdom looking medieval or belonging near that era, the kingdom is actually pretty advance in technology, heck some of the technology he saw was more advance then at Chaldea. Four, there is the possibility that magecraft doesn't exit.

How did he get to the conclusion? Simply because he had witness many uses of this world's magic.

And yes this world has magic, not magecraft, some of the mages of this world literally used the elements without circuits and instead used incantation circles or artifacts or special mediums.

And finally the changes to his body.

Thankfully he still had his circuits and reality marble, which was good, not only that, he was the only one who apparently could see or notice their presence, which means he won't have to go through some dissecting. Thank God.

There were also some more changes to his body, but it wasn't exactly too detrimental. One of the changes is that, almost all of the named weapons in his [unlimited blade work] seemed to have been locked or hidden away, luckily he still has his main weapons and 'Her' sword. He doesn't exactly know why this was but hypothesized that this was due to that strange sword.

Speaking of that strange sword, it was still embedded in his reality marble, but it appeared to be inactive. He still doesn't know what that sword was yet, even now, heck he couldn't even project it.

With a sigh, he lay down on a field in the kingdom as he sweeps his red hair away.

His appearance had changed as well, gone were the white hair and tanned skin, and in it's place were bright red hair similar to his previous one, and clear blue eye's.

Frankly he looked somewhat similar to his old appearance, minus the eyes.

As he was enjoying his time in the plains, an old woman approached him.

"Shirou, it is time to come home, it already getting late."

This old woman was Agatha and his caretaker. In this world he was an orphan of sorts, not even being able to meet his biological family and was instead being taken care by mainly her, there were some others, but they would visit for 'other' reasons.

During his time here, he caught many glimpses of work done by those people. One of the works done was examining his body for anything unusual. Thankfully they didn't notice his circuits, which was interesting but fortunate since they didn't have to experiment on him.

Following Agatha they went home. They soon arrived in their residence, which was inside an area in the castle.

Yes he lived in the castle, or more specifically in some daycare, which wasn't suspicious at all.

Arriving inside, Agatha left to prepare lunch, and he went to the play area, which he frankly didn't find playful.

As he arrived at the area he was surprised to see a baby in the center.

He stared at the baby for a moment whom appeared lonely. He slowly approached the baby, who turned to look at him.

Emiya pause for a moment at the baby's face, which reminds him a little bit of Saber, if she were a baby and had blue eyes.

The baby's blue eyes stared at him, before making a grabby motion and making noises.

"Uwa, uwa!"

Emiya somewhat taken aback for a moment, before coming closer to the baby girl, being near enough, the baby grabbed his hands and smiled.

Emiya couldn't help but smile as well as the girl continued to giggle and smile.

Emiya decided to play with her a bit as he waits for Agatha.

Meanwhile in a different section in the castle, two individuals were discussing something, one with pale blond hair and one with golden blonde hair.

"Princess, are you sure about this?" A girl with pale blond hair and wearing asked.

"Yes, I will be taking care of her, as her sister."

"… I understand your majesty."

They soon proceed to walk to through the halls as they continued their discussion.

"Your majesty, there is something else I needed to inform you about."

"Mmm? What is it?"

"It's about Shirou."



She nodded.

"What about shirou?"

The pale blond was silent for a moment trying to come up with the proper words.

"He's… strange, what I mean by that, is that he doesn't act like a child at all, if I have to say, it looks like he was observing everything around him not with childish curiosity, but with interest and suspicion."

The majesty's face became grim.

"What did those people do to him?"

"… I don't know your highness, they did some observing and all and nothing more."

The royal blond did not fully believe that, not especially after that. She sighed as they reached their destination.

"Tell them to leave the child alone for the moment, he and the my new sister are still young. For now just let them have some fun and let them enjoy their lives before… that."

The Pale blond bowed her head.

"As you wish your majesty."

With an approving nod, both of them opened the door and inside they saw children playing.

The royal highness smiled fondly at the scene and walked towards them.

Hearing her approach both of them stopped what they were doing and looked at her direction. Her eyes looked towards the baby and then to the red head as she smiled.

"It seems you two have are having fun playing."

The red head nodded as the little blonde hold tight.

"I see, thank you then for playing with my little sister and keeping her company."

His eyes widened a bit but nodded calmly.

"That's good, then I will need to be taker her right now, she seems tired already."

She was right as the small bundle was already yawning and drowsy.

She extended her hands and grabbed the little bundle as she closes her eyes in her arms.

She gazed towards the young boy and gave a smile.

"Don't worry, you two will have plenty of time to play in the future."

He just gave her a nod as the royal highness began to leave with an already asleep baby in her arms.

As they were leaving someone else entered the room.

"Shirou, so this was where you were."

It was his caretaker Agatha. Agatha looked around the room and saw the golden blond carrying a baby.

"Queen Cammie! May I ask the reason that you grace us with your visit?"

"Oh, I just came to pickup my little sister, she was playing with this young boy over and kept her company while I was busy."

"I understand your highness."

With a bow the queen left, followed by her companion, who gave one last glance at the redhead before leaving.

"Come shirou, wash up, dinners almost ready."

With a nod Shirou followed his caretaker.

After dinner, Emiya laid on his bed, but he wasn't going to sleep just yet.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes as he focus and concentrates.

As the feeling of his consciousness shifting, his eyes opened as what was previously his room was replaced by his [Reality Marble].

He looked across his realm, everything looked the same, except. Looking at the sky, which was once filled with rust ash and unmoving gears, was replaced by a dark blue sky with the glowing circuits crystal blue circuits illuminating the land.

His reality marble has been changed, as the landscape which was still filled with swords, had circuits glowing spread out from one single point.

His focus was at the culprit of this change, that technological crystal sword still imbedded on the ground.

Making his way towards the sword, which appeared to glow more prominently the closer he got.

Arriving in front of the sword, he sat down before sighing as he stared at the sword.

"Even after all this years I still don't understand how what you're capable of to lock most of my named arsenal and reincarnate me."

The sword just glowed much to the chagrin of the now Ex-counter guardian.

Grabbing the hilt of the sword and pulling it out, he swung it as much his little new body could muster, before planting it back on the ground.

"After swinging you so many times I can muster, this feeling that you are fully complete daunts me."

He unfortunately couldn't read the history of this sword, it was as if an impenetrable firewall guarded its history from me.

With a sigh he exited his reality marble. Looking out of his window, he couldn't help but wonder what path will he be taking on this new world since he is now free.

Yes, over the years on practicing his magecraft in secret, he discovered that his projections longer reject the world, preventing them from degrading and breaking.

To Emiya, it took a while for him to realize what this entailed.

Gaia did not exist in this world, and furthermore, the Alaya as well.

At first, this revelation was hard for him believe, but after many tests. He finally believe that they had no existence or connection to this world.

He was free. No longer bounded by the world. He was finally free from that hell.

Emiya couldn't help but smile a little at this new chance. But, he couldn't help but worry, since this is a new world he was not too knowledgeable this worlds system.

But for now he should focus on his new life.

Emiya wondered what the future he will face in this world will be. But right now his consciousness drifted as sleep overtook him.

Unbeknownst to him, in the future, he would play a role that makes him a hero.