Jamal walks into the building with Gabriella by his side.
The young lady smiles as though she'd be the interviewer.
Myla is smiling at a lady interviewing her with a lot of questions.
But when her eyes clashes with Jamal's, her expression changes. Most especially because he's with . . . his first love.
The journalist notices her severe distraction and calls Jamal to join.
When Gabriella sees Myla she grins to innocently but has Myla already classified the type of person she is.
Jamal walks towards her and hugs her while photographers insist for the them to stand together.
Gabriella stands idle and it hurts to see Jamal holding her so tight.
“Hope we talk things out today.” he whispers to her while staring at the Photographers.
She grimances him for a second and looks away in other not to get suspicious.
She tries to separate but he doesn't let her go. Her eyes grow a tad bigger and a her previous Journalist approaches them.
“Jamal happy to see you. What can you say about this day?”
“It's a great day. A day we all have been waiting for. What else can I say?”
The lady Journalist laughs while Myla keeps her gaze on him all the while forgetting the cameras are watching.
After some time she hears. “It was nice talking to you.”
Her senses return and Jamal walks her away. But Dr. Ed appears on the carpet and ceases Myla from him.
Gabriella finally returns to her partner.
“You look beautiful Myla.”
“Thanks. You too.” she responds coldly.
As he goes on sputtering gibberish. Myla glimpses at Jamal out of reflex and he peeps back.
“Where's Jamal? I want to see him.” Latif cries.
“No. You're not in the mental state to see him. You must stay here for treatment.” Her mom tells and her doctor walks in.
Mrs. Kesh wakes up and rushes to him.
“What will happen to my daughter?”
“She may get more affected if she sees a relation to the dead lady. Her Brian is disturbed because a past incident is the cause of her trauma. So anything from her past will definitely aggravante the situation. That's why it's best she stays out of human sight.”
“Are you saying there's no cure for this?”
“The medications I prescribed are the best so far and they'd help her a lot that not withstanding. But she needs not to see anyone for now. This is just a preventative stage against a higher psychological condition.”
The doctor moves to her drip and inject a medication into it before turning to leave.
“The Best Love Making Scene of the year goes to . . . Chris and Kim!” A lady announces, standing on the stage.
Myla is still disorientation as to what she heard. Jamal wakes up and moves towards her seat. He forwards an open palm and she places her hand on his.
He raises her to her feet and strolls her to the grand stand.
Once they arrive up there the lady questions.
“How do you feel after wining such a prize?"
“I feel blessed to have been Chris. But more blessed to have saved my family. Kim and the baby. The gold of course.”
People giggles within the hall and Myla holds her smile.
“And I also want to use the opportunity to give a big thanks to . . . Myla over here. We wouldn't be here if she didn't sacrifice her trust and . . . creepy night fears.”
Another laugh feels the room as he continues.
“And I hope Chris understands that he's a total jerk for exposing her to the witch Tasha. No offense Celine.” another giggle protracts as he holds his hand up to her over the crowd.
“And the stupid collaterals he paid to watch after her. Like how couldn't she be more than them when they are complete assholes!”
Laughter erupts from the crowd.
“He's just lucky she didn't end up getting pregnant for any of them because . . . something monstrous would've been born. Completely wiping off the surface the earth. However, Chris is a great lover. He fought against apocalypse. Thanks.” The crowd chortles as he ends his confession and Myla peeps at him before the mic is forwarded to her.
“So tell us Myla. What can you say about this?”
“I feel betrayed.”
Jamal shrugs and everyone frowns. There is a second of silence before she adds.
“Because y'all just choosed us and my heart was about to explode over seat.”
The crowd laughs and she proceeds. “I'm still in shock. Like who could believe Chris will do such a thing to a poor innocent Kim.”
The halls is filled with another laughter. And Jamal chuckles.
”But it was worth it. Because he loved her. And she loved him too. She just didn't need entirely all the cameras to shoot such an intimate moment for her to end up here; staring at beautiful people for accepting her innocence and rewarding her with a gold medal.”
“Because with or without it . . . she already had has gold . . . And that was him. I believe that's what Kim will say.”
“I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support. And this wonderful man right here.”
Myla darts her gaze to Jamal and he sends her a faint smile.
At the end of the show Myla and Jamal decide to path ways. After all they confessed each other's mind on the stand.
But they meet again for another interview. Their fans settle in a room to watch their favorite celebrity.
“We welcome Chris and Kim from 'The wedded stranger'!”
People cheer and applaud while Myla walk on set and Jamal climbs up from a different entry.
“We all are glad to have you here Myla and Jamal.” A woman says.
Myla smiles as she arranges her self on her seat. “Thank you.”
Jamal squats next to her. “Thank you Ms. Kasey. I'm happy to be here with all of you too.”
The crowd cheers again and Myla raises her hand to wave at them.
“Aww. That's nice. Let's talk about the winners of the best love making scene. We all saw that wonderful moment. And the best part of it was what y'all said that night. The entire hall was chocking on your words. How could you keep such an audience of great actresses and actors lively?”
“I have no idea. I just said some stuffs and everyone kept breaking out. And I'm sure nobody understood a thing. They probably wanted to show concern.”
Laughter fills the room. And Myla sighs. “You see? This is what I was talking about. I just don't understand.”
Ms. Kasey ends her chortle. “This is hilarious. What about you Jamal?”
He Chuckles. “She said it all.”
“Oh. Yeah. Off course. Both of you are the same anyway.”
He giggles and Myla presses her lips together after uttering. “Not entirely, please.”
Jamal meets her gaze and shakes his head. “Don't listen to her. Not that I accept we're the same but . . . Just don't listen to her.”
Everyone is laughing hard and Ms. Kasey holds her chest. “The show has just begun and I'm out of air. I don't want to have to deal with you two yet. Let's pass on into a little video from the wedded stranger. Chris' and Kim's best moments.”
A scene is played and everyone watches in silence.
Chris walks into Kim. She's holding a gun. His gun. He freezes.
Chris: What are you doing with my gun?
Kim: So it's yours?
Chris: (Screams) What sort of question is that? How many times have I warned you to mind your business!
She looks hurt for a second and he sighs.
Chris: You have to put that down. It's dangerous.
Kim: I know it is. That's why I'm holding it. Nevertheless, if you want me to do as you say . . . repeat after me.
He frowns.
Chris: Why would I?
Kim: I can see you're ready to become disabled.
Chris. No. Off course not. But a little advise. I would keep that thing away if I wanted to leave a normal life.
Kim: Will you repeat or should I shoot you for being a murderer?
Chris: Then you must promise to shoot yourself too fore killing me.
Kim: I'm not joking with you Chris.
He surrenders.
Chris: What do you want me to repeat?
Kim: I should mind my business.
Chris: I should mind my business.
Kim: Perfect! Now you can leave.
Chris: I'm going to punish you so badly Kim.
She nods and reaches to put it down then raises it above her head towards his direction.
Chris: Hold up! What are you doing?
She smirks. Enjoying how agitated he is.
Kim: You just threatened to punish me. So I want to punish you before you do. You're scared?
Chris: For fucks' sake anyone will be! Kim . . . listen to me. You need to stop pointing that thing at my face. This isn't any of your books. It's real and there's a bullet in the-”
“Did you just say what I heard you say? You just used me in the movie. Since when does Kim own books? She just reads.” Myla comments.
“It's the same thing creep. I didn't specify. It was plain.”
The hall cracks up laughing and Myla rolls her eyes. Anyways he can't see her from the angle she seats.
Kim triggers and he ices. He stares down at his chest. Then back at her.
She chuckles.
“It's empty. There were no bullets in it.” Myla repeats what Kim says on screen. Jamal looks at her and responds.
“I knew there weren't. I pulled them out though.”
She looks at him in awe.
Chris sighs and walks over to her.
Chris: I'm going to punish you for two things. One, for charging my belongings and two, for trying to frighten me with this.
Chris: Stop trying to escape. I put cameras everywhere . . . Even in the bathroom.
Kim's eyes bulge out.
Kim: You pervert!
Chris: Yes. That's what I expected you to say. But I'm still your husband. And I'm the only man who has the right to see you.
Kim blinks her eyes at his statement. Chris draws near and she shifts backwards. He chuckles and pushes her on the bed.
Kim: W-what are you doing?
Chris: Trying to have what's mine.
She crolles up the sheets and he cages her between his arms.
Chris: You can't run away this time. Do you remember always saying I'm a vampire? Well, you're right because this is the hour for me to drink some good blood.
Kim: No. No. I-I didn't say that.
Chris: Don't deny it. It won't change anything anyway. Because . . . you're all mine now.
Myla's mind replays Jamal's words in the bathroom.
'You're mine'
She impulsively stares at Jamal who has been looking at. When she meets his gaze she looks back at the screen.
To be continued...