
COTE: No Good Tsuna

Sawada Tsunayoshi is a loser in middle school. He doesn't think he has the capabilities of enrolling in the most elite high school in the first place. Commonly referred to as a loser by others, Tsuna is an ordinary middle school student best known at his school as "No-Good Tsuna" due to his poor grades, wimpy attitude, bad luck, and lack of athleticism. His goal in this school is to live an ordinary life away from pressure of being a Mafia Boss, Assassinations, and unseen wars that could influence the world fate.

Amp_Onup · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Entrance ceremony

My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Birthday: 14 October

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 56.5 kg

Commonly referred to as a loser by others, I am an ordinary middle school student best known at his school as "No-Good Tsuna" due to my poor grades, wimpy attitude, bad luck, and lack of athleticism.

That is when I met my home tutor, Reborn. He suddenly came to our home saying to my mom about becoming a home tutor for me. I thought my mom got scammed by some bad guys, I was surprised that it turns out to be a baby. And his teaching methods are too brutal and harsh constantly putting me in life and death situations. Truly it was living hell.

Apparently he's trying to make me the 10th generation boss of a mafia organization in Italy. I tried to protest saying I don't want to become join the Mafia, but Reborn was ruthless and doesn't take no for an answer.

After countless trials and tribulations I undergo with my friends, I came to realize that I haven't changed one bit.

I'm still no good with studying or sports... With Dying Will I can fight a bit better, but... I have no intention of using that as a weapon as I go on with life... Thinking about it that way, I haven't really I've barely changed since then perhaps...

But things are clearly different. Now I have everyone to laugh with me. If it comes down to it, I have friends who will lend me their strength.

I graduated middle school. That is when Reborn coerced me into taking an entrance examination to an elite prestigious high school. I tried to resist but Reborn practically held me on gun point, if I refuse to obey him he would kill me.

In the end I was force to take the entrance exam. The written exam and interview are done before I knew it. I don't know how but I ended up getting into this school.

Advanced Nurturing High School. A top school for youth in Japan that will carry the nation's future.

"That damn Reborn. Now I won't be able to go outside stuck in that place for three whole years." I muttered begrudgingly. I won't be able to see my friends.

I entered the bus that was stationed on the bus stop. It's the bus that will bring me to that school.

I looked upon the outside window from my seat. The passenger seats has became full and some people are even standing.

An argument occured when a boy is getting reprimanded by someone. I looked on the commotion, the boy was actually sitting on the priority seats made for elderly people and for pregnant women. There is an elder woman who looks like she's having difficulties standing up especially in the crowded bus.

The argument was about to escalate when a cute sweet girl came. The cute girl appealed to the boy saying that the elder woman is pitiful, and asked to offer his seat out of the kindness of his heart.

This boy, however, refused to offer his seat. He spoke about the Japanese youth and he doesn't want to contribute to Japanese Society. A truly haughty guy, I can't really see myself getting along with him.

I looked at the girl beside me who was reading a book, unconcerned on what's happening in the bus. She comes of as a cold person who doesn't spare any attention to the people around her. One thing though, she's really pretty.

"Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who. Please." The cute girl pleased to the crowd.

I immediately raised my hand, "Um, you can have mine."

The cute girl noticed me and gave me an angelic smile, "Thank you very much!"

"Thank you very much, young man." The elderly woman bowed her head. The working woman who is reprimanding the haughty boy earlier also looked grateful and bowed her head to me.

"No, it's the natural thing to do." I put my hand behind my head also bowing slightly.

The bus stopped and arrived to the destination. I looked at the school entrance which looked grander than normal high schools.

Okay, stop for a moment. Take a deep breath. All right, here we go!

"Yosh, let's take another step with my new life." I clapped both of my cheeks to pump up myself.


Someone called out. I looked around and saw a girl. It was the same girl who I sat beside in the bus.

"You were looking at me. Why?" she asked.

She narrowed her eyes while we spoke.

"Oh, s-sorry! I don't mean to look at you. If I bothered you then I apologize!" I bowed my head.

That was embarrassing! So she noticed that I was staring at her after all. If she comes to report me for it, I'm doomed! The label of a sexual offender will follow wherever I go in my highschool life!

"W-well you see. I'm just wondering, you didn't think about giving up your seat for the old woman at all. Or something like that." I hurriedly explained trying to defend myself.

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Oh, no, not at all."

"Then are you making yourself look good since you offered up your seat? I have no obligation to offer up my seat, that's all."

"No, I don't really mean it like that."

"I have no interest on continuing this conversation."

She left after that. What a strange girl. Though she's really pretty, her personality is quite difficult.


The classroom is already halfway full of people when I arrived. Some of the students had already formed groups with others. There's also a few of them not talking to anybody, they were all alone by themselves.

When first school bell rang, a woman entered the classroom. She wears a professional suit with long black hair and an unexpressive look on her face. I'd guess she will be our homeroom teacher.

"Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Japanese History. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope I get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you. The entrance ceremony will be in the gymnasium one hour from now, but first, I will distribute written materials with information about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the admission guide."

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase."

"Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner. The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary."

W-woah. This is really nerve wracking. I know that this school is something else, but I can really feel the intensity. They're really giving out one hundred thousand yen to the students?

As if by reading my mind, Chabashira-sensei explained.

"Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? This school evaluates its students' talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all of your points return to the school. Because it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. In the event that you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully."

Amazing, this school must be really against bullying then? I'm so glad I got into this kind of school. I don't have to worry anymore of people beating me up for no reason.

"Well, it appears no one has any questions. I hope that you enjoy your time here as students." Chabashira-sensei said leaving the classroom.

Many of my classmates could not hide their excitement at the large amount of money. I know I said this before, but this school is really something else huh. I don't know why Reborn forced me to enroll to this school, wether this is an extension of his hell-like training to be a Mafia boss or just his whims, but I'm starting to think it wasn't so bad after all.