
COTE: Code Name Red

Classroom of the elite with a twist

Jin_Yamagawa · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1

In a dimly lit building, the stench of blood filled the air, multiple bodies layed on the ground most knocked out while the others were groaning in pain. In the main office a boy who looked to be 16-17 years old, he had on a school uniform which consisted of red blazer with a blue tie and sky blue jeans. He has a straight and indifferent expression which most people would find weird and creepy but for those who would inspect his closely, they'd say that his expression complimented and even enhanced the boy's handsome features. At the moment the boy sat on top of a beaten and battered male teen as he rained down punch after punch on his face, his face showing not changing from the blank look he had. After he made sure his opponent was out cold, he stood up, grabbing a nearby cloth and started cleaning his bloody hands and any other excess blood that was on his person. "... I believe this is the last of the Crimson Cobras. Hopefully they won't start any trouble while I'm gone." the boy spoke in a monotone voice as he picked up his school bag and started making his way out of the building and pass all the bodies that littered each floor levels. The boy felt a buzzing from his pocket causing him to pull out his phone as it's screen flashed with a call alert, the caller ID reading Mastuo.

After a moment the boy accepted and put the phone against his ear as he walked down the city streets, "Young Master, I do hope your done with your business and are making your way to the boarding area. We wouldn't want you missing your first day because of something trivial." a soft and gently, elderly voice spoke from the other end of the phone which caused the boy to look back at the receding building, his light brown hair flowing slightly from the gentle breeze in the air. "Don't worry Mastuo, I'm on my way there." he answered plainly earning a chuckle from the older male. "I still can't believe that it's been a year since that day, although your still lacking you've grown and learned a lot from the outside world." the man sounded like a proud grandfather as he spoke, making the boy pause mid-step as he felt the corner of his lips twitch a bit upwards before he continued on his way. "I have you to thank for that, if it weren't for you I would still be in That place, living my life in that endless void of white that surrounded me. Truthfully, thank you for taking the risk and helping me escape." the boy's voice was still as monotone as ever but if you listened closely, one would notice the twinge of emotions that was help behind his words. "It's fine sir, I was only doing my job. On other note, I would have never expected you to get yourself intertwined with those hoodlums in the conurbation, my heart was about to stop when I first heard about it." the boy stayed silent as he listened to his care taker, his mind briefly flashing back to his involvement in some rather interesting and unsavoury things.

"Even so, a part of me is glad that you somehow got entangled in those things because you ended up meeting people that were able to help you in your journey and self improvement. I should show them my thanks when I see those younglings." Mastuo finished with a soft hum as the boy thought back to his acquaintances, well the people Mastuo proclaimed to be the boy's friends than acquaintances. "Yeah... they were a great help and a being a great headache." slight annoyance washed over the boy's voice which caused the older man to laugh softly, "Anyway, I'm about to arrive so I have to bead you farewell. After this, take Eiichiro and go to Shihitori, he promised to use his family's power to protect you two from my father until the day I take him down... Stay safe out there Mastuo, I want to hear you alive and well when I regain contact of the world." the boy could just sense the smile that the older man had over the phone. "I'll make sure that I'll be the first to call when you graduate. See you then Young Master, have fun at school and make sure to make friends that you can trust there like the ones you have on the outside." with their last goodbyes, the call ended as the boy arrived at a bus stop and stood next to it as he waited for the bus that would take him to school to arrive.

The boy noticed someone already sitting within the bus stop and couldn't help but observe them. It was a girl with short blue hair that had a single strand sticking up, the blue complimented her purple eyes and tomboyish features, she had on a uniform similar to his which consisted of a red blazer with a blue bowtie and a orange shirt and a white short skirt. She had a rather athletic and fit body which gave the boy the impression that she had taken part in some sports or dabbled in some martial arts, the girl noticed him staring and scoffed. "Do you have a staring problem or something, creep?" the girl asked with a glare, the boy shrugged as he leaned against one of the beams supporting the bus stop, "Not in particular, just noticed that we have the same uniform on so I got curios." the girl rolled her eyes on the explanation and went back to looking down on her book. "I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, by the way." he extended his hand for a handshake making the girl glance at his extended and still slightly but noticable bruised hand with a raised eyebrow but she decided not to question it. "Do I have to give you my name?" she glanced up at the boy's blank face which earned her another shrug, "Not really but we might be seeing each other a lot when we get to school and I don't really want to go around calling you, You, all the time." Ayanokoji reasoned which made the girl grumble, begrudgingly she grasped the boy's hand, "...Mio Ibuki."

A few moments later the bus they were supposed to take arrived as they boarded, Ibuki being first to get on, when the boy got in he scanned around noticing that most of the bus was filled with other teens that had on the same uniform as him. He walked along the aisle searching for a free seat when he noticed Ibuki sitting alone on a two person seat on the far back of the bus and decided to sit next to her, "Don't you have anywhere else to seat either than here?" she groaned out which gave the boy a sense of amusement. "No, most seats are occupied and it's better to sit with some your at least acquainted with rather than a stranger." Ayanokoji reasoned as he placed his bag on his lap and leaned back on his seat. The girl said something under her breath as she decided to pass the time by reading her book, the boy coincidentally glanced at the book and immediately recognized it, "Gakumon no Sume (An Encouragement of Learning)?" he blurted out without thinking making the girl look at him with slight surprise. "You know it?" "I'm familiar with Fukuzawa Yukichi's work. Though, I'm quite surprised that you read such books." the boy answered earning himself a sharp glare and a jab to the side of the stomach, "Why is that, idiot?" Ibuki asked threateningly as her seatmate rubbed the spot she hit to ease the pain. "You take me as a sporty type of person so I'm just surprised that your the opposite. Nothing more, nothing less."

The girl murmured out some insults and decided to spare the boy's life for now, "Whatever, I bet you just skimmed through it to try and impress a girl or something." Ibuki commented as she rested her shoulder on the window panel. "No I actually read it a while back and a few more times after that. The book it quite intriguing since it speaks on Equality." Ayanokoji started as he noticed the girl paying attention to his words so he decided to continue, "As the beginning of the book says, Heaven does not set one man above or below any other. Everyone is equal when they are born, so I ask, why do we see differences in position and status? Do you or do you not encourage learning to create a difference. Meaning that education creates a imbalance, no? We are all humans so it isn't simple to say that we are unequal and then live our lives based on pure instinct. While equality is a complete lie, at the same time inequality cannot be accepted either. Lets be honest, have you ever gave a thought about the future? What is the truth purpose of going to highschool and college? Do you think you'll actually find a job someday in the future? Have you ever thought about what kind of influence school would have in our lives and future? I myself have been wondering about these questions and trying to come up with my own answers and have yet to find anything." he finished his slight ramble as he looked at his new companion who was staring back at him intensely before looking down at her lap, deep in thought, thinking hard about what the boy had just said and trying to come up with her own answers.

The boy waited patiently as he kept his eyes trained on his seatmate, finding her thoughtfulness on the topic quite interesting, maybe she would find an answer. Maybe she would be able to answer these questions that he himself couldn't find. Maybe thanks to her experience that she's gained throughout her life and the outside world, she'd be able to find something that could help her that Ayanokoji lacked. After all, since a year ago all the boy knew was white, the whiteness of the place that confined him for most of his life, the whiteness of the people that stood and observed him for years, the whiteness that he had grown accustomed  to, the whiteness that he believed would be the only thing that we would see for the rest of his life... The two teens were broken out of their thoughts as they heard a small commotion starting near them, they turned towards the noise to see a female office worker arguing with a young, well build blonde boy from his highschool who was sitting in one of the priority seats, "Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble? Should you, a young and healthy boy, offer your seat to her?" the office lady asked rather frustrated which also caught the attention of the other passengers. "That's a preposterous question, lady. Why would I offer my seat? I have no reason to do so." the boy grinned as he crossed his legs.

"You're sitting in a priority seat. It's only natural that you offer it to a elderly person." the office lady tried to argue but the boy laughed, "Priority seats are just priority seats, I have no legal obligation to move. Since I'm already sitting, I should be the one to decide whether I should move or not. Just because I'm young I should give up my seat? Don't make me laugh." this caused the office lady to tighten her jaw more. "What kind of attitude is that? Is that how you speak to your superiors." "Superiors? Just because you are older or have a higher position than me, automatically makes you my superior? On another note, wouldn't you agree that you have an impertinent attitude and are being extremely rude?" the boy shot back making the older woman stutter as they continued their back and forth, with the elderly woman now trying to calm the office lady down. Ayanokoji noticed another girl from his school approuched the three as she spoke up, "Uh I think the lady is right. This woman seems to have been suffering for a while now, you know. Why not just offer your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society." the young girl tried to reason. "Contribute to society you say? Well frankly, I have no interest in that, I only care for my own satisfaction. Though don't you find this weird, your asking me who is in a priority seat to give up his spot but you have yet to ask anyone else in this crowded bus to give up theirs? If you actually cared for the elderly you wouldn't be so hang up on a silly priority seat, no?"

This caused the office lady and the elderly woman to have bitter smiles while the school girl turned to the rest of the passengers as she placed a hand on her chest as if pleading with whoever would listen, "Everyone, please listen to me for a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who, just please..." Ayanokoji had to give the girl some probs, the sincerity and passion that filled her voice was no easy feat to say the least, to anyone listening her worlds sounded innocent and genuine but the boy found her behaviour slightly weird. The blond boy was right, out of every person there, why did she try and focus solely on the person in the priority seat. He was sure if the other boy also didn't point this out, the girl would have still continued with trying to get him to give up his seat. Another point of caution that he caught was when the girl was asking the other people around them to give up their seat, it wasn't the girl's words or voice that caught his attention, rather it were her gradient crimson eyes. At first glance they reflected the same sincerity that was in her voice but at a closer and more observant inspection, he noticed something out of place sitting within them, something dark and ugly which gave him the thought that she was after something else entirely.

Ayanokoji was broken out of his thoughts as he felt a tug on his jacket's arm, he turned to look at Ibuki who gave him a look as she spoke lowly so only he could hear her, "Don't you dare think about it. I don't want to sit next to a dusty old hag." she huffed which amused the boy as he answered in the same hushed tone, "Don't worry, I kinda agree with the blonde boy. The elderly may have undeniable worth to Japan but we the youth, will continue to support this land to the future. Also, considering that our society ages more and more every year, you could say that our youthful value only increases. So if you examine both the elderly and the young and ask yourself which group is more valuable, the answer should be obvious." Ayanokoji reasoned which as his seatmate gave him a satisfied expression as she looked out the window, most likely going back to think about their earlier discussions. The boy decided to look around the bus and noticed that there were two types of people, those who pretend to be oblivious and those who looked hesitant. Although one girl caught his eye, she was sitting a two rows behind him and her face remained expressionless, making it hard for a person to know what she was currently thinking about. The two's eyes unintentionally met for a moment but the boy swiftly averted and continued to scan the bus before settling down. "U-uh sorry but you can have my seat." a working woman, who looked to be unable to bear the guilt finally spoke up as she stood and let the elderly woman sit, thus ending the small incident.

10 minutes later the bus stopped as the highschool students got off outside their school, Ayanokoji paused at the entrance as he looked towards the town sized institution. This was the Advanced Nurturing Highschool, this school was established by the Japanese government to nurture young graduates that will support the country, it has a 100% employment and college entry rate and has a state-directed teaching methods which spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future. The school itself was about 600 000 square meters which consisted of the School Complex, a mall called Keyaki Mall and some Public Spheres. The reason why the school had so many facilities was because for the next 3 years, the students of the school are prohibited from leaving the campus or interacting with outsiders except for certain special occasions. "So you done gawking yet? Were going to be late for orientation." Ibuki said from the boy's side making him raise an eyebrow, "You're want to walk with me there?" "Got a problem?" she glared ready to jab her companion on the stomach making him shield himself. "No no. Just thought you'd want to walk alone and I'd have to coincidentally walk the same way as you and you'd be forced to walk with me." Ayanokoji explained making the girl grumble as they started their walk to the school Gymnasium for their orientation.

"Wait!" a few steps in the two stopped as a voice called out to them, they turned back to see the girl Ayanokoji had made eye contact with walking towards them with a stern look. The girl had long black hair with one braid tied with a pink bow with gradient red eyes, her school uniform hugged her body showing off her slim but well-endowed body which made her beauty stand out, "You were looking at me. Why?" she addressed the boy while ignoring his companion which ticked the blue haired girl off. "Oh sorry. It was because you, like me, didn't seem to want to give up your seat for that old lady." "I'm nothing like you, in my case I stayed silent as a matter of principle." the black haired girl explained in a matter of fact tone. the companions blinked a few times as they glanced at each other, "... That makes you worse than me." the Ayanokoji blurted causing Ibuki to choke with sudden laughter while the other girl glared at him as she clicked her tongue. "Such a rude person. I don't want to keep wasting my time with people like you." she huffed as she flipped her hair and walked away, "The pot calling the kettle black." the boy couldn't help but sigh as he glanced at the receding back of the rude girl, "Oh God, it'd be even more funny if she were to sit next to you in your class." the blue haired girl continued to laugh causing the boy to groan, "Don't jinx it, please."

To say orientation was boring would be an understatement, this was an experience Ayanokoji wouldn't want to do again. The gymnasium was packed full of first year students, all divided into four grounds based on the class the teens were apart off, they went from Class A to Class D which the blank faced boy was in the latter. His eyes wondered around the other classes as some people had caught his attention, in Class A there was a petite girl with lilac coloured, short hair and violet eyes and a black beret on her head that had a gray ribbon connected to it and unlike other female students, she had on a pair of white pair of stockings with garterbelts. In Class B was a girl with back-length strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes, she also had a extremely well-endowed figure that shouldn't belong to a mere highschool girl, in simple and to anyone looking at her, she was Beautiful. In Class C he saw Ibuki standing which kinda bummed him out since the first person he was acquainted with in the school wasn't in his class, standing next to her was a boy with shoulder-length magenta hair and sharp magenta coloured eyes, he wore the standard uniform with a black shirt and no tie. The boy seemed very familiar to Ayanokoji but he couldn't exactly figure out why at the moment. When everything was said and done, the boy walked to his classroom that was currently half full, he went towards the seat that had his name plate on it which was located at the back of the room, near the window.

Most students in the class were already socializing with one another which frankly made the boy jealous at how his peers could easily talk and get along with one another, he rested his elbow on his table as he placed his chin on his palm, continuing to observe the students around him. At the corner of his eye, he noticed someone sitting next to him making turn his head towards them as he freeze and cussed, "Ibuki, you just had to jinx me, didn't you?" Ayanokoji muttered with a sigh because the person sitting next to him was the rude girl from earlier. "Your that rude boy from earlier. Meeting you again makes me want to sigh." she grumbled in annoyance as she pulled out a book to read, "... I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokoji." the boy introduced himself after a moment of silence. "I didn't ask for your name." "This is our second meeting and since were in the same class and are siting next to each other, it's only natural that we know each other's names." he reasoned making the girl pause. "And if I refuse." "Then get used to me referring to you as seatmate, You, Girl and other names." "... Suzune Hirokita." she finally introduced herself making the boy do a little victory cheer in his mind. Not wanting to push his luck anymore, Ayanokoji left her alone and looked out the window, admiring the passing clouds that filled the blue sky.

A couple minutes later the school bell rang as a woman walked into the class, she looked to be in her late 20's to early 30's, she had long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail with bangs swept to the left with matching brown eyes, she wore a suit that hugged her voluptuous body. If anything, Ayanokoji had to admit that his school had it's fare share of beautiful women. "Good morning, students. I'm Class D's instructor, Sae Chiyabashira and I usually teach Japanese history. For the next three years I will be acting as your homeroom teacher so I do hope we get along. Firstly, I'll distribute the written materials with information about the scholl's special rules and also the admissions guide. I'll also hand out your student ID cards, these cards help you access any of the facilities on campus and they also act as credit cards. Make sure you pay attention to the points you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything, anything located on the school premises is available for purchase." Chiyabashira started as various pamphlets, cards and school issued phones were handed out throughout the class. "Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first day of every month, you should all already have 100 000 points in your accounts. Keep in mind that 1 point is worth 1 yen." hearing this the class erupted in cheer as they heard they would receive a 100 000 yen monthly allowance.

"Shocked by the amount? This school evaluates its student's talents, everyone here passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. You can use your points without restraints, after graduation however, all your points return to the school because it's impossible to exchange points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Students can transfer their points to another person if you don't have anything to use them for or anything like that, however extorting money from your peers is not allowed, we monitor bullying carefully so don't try anything." the teacher finished as she looked around the class to see if anyone had a question for her. "Well if you don't have any question for me. Enjoy your stay here." she gathered her folder and started to walk out when she paused as her eyes drifted over to Ayanokoji, their eyes meeting as they stared at each other for a few seconds before she continued on her way. The boy hummed lowly as he stared back out of the window as his eyes wondered, he found what his teacher said to be weird. Some of the things she said hang in his mind, firstly was the, "Make sure you pay attention to the points you spend", if they were really going to receive 100 000 points every month, why would the students have to pay attention to their points when it's just going to be refilled like nothing happened. It made him think that, it was possible that they weren't actually receive 100 000 points like promised. Also, Mathematically it'd be a loss to the school, his class had about 25 students including him so if you added all their amounts together, it made about 2 500 000 yen. If the other classes had the same amount of students like theirs, that'd be a total of 120 000 000 yen per year for first years alone. The school maybe supported by the government but they don't have infinite money.

Second thing that caught his attention was, "you can use your points to buy anything", why did she say it like that? Shouldn't it be, "You can use your points to buy anything in the campus shops and businesses." That made him wonder if there was something more about the points system that isn't known to them yet. "Everyone, can you please listen to me for a moment?" a male student with blonde hair and brown hair stood up and gathered everyone's attention, he was fairly handsome hence why almost all the females in the class immediately looked at him and quieted down. "Since were all classmates from today onwards, why don't we introduce ourselves and become friends?" he suggested which got a lot of people agreeing with him, "Ok I'll start. My name is Yousuke Hirata, people from my highschool called me Yousuke so feel free to also do so. My hobby is sports but I mostly like soccer, I'm also planning to play soccer here. It's nice to meet you all." he swiftly introduced himself, showing off his extroverted nature for all to see. This caused a chain reaction of people introducing themselves, one of the people who Ayanokoji payed attention to was the kind girl from the bus, "My name is Kikyou Kushida, all of my friends from my middle school aren't here so I'm on my lonesome. I'd like to know everyone's name and faces and become friends with all of you. My ultimate goal is to become friends with as many people possible so after introductions, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to have everyone's contact information." Kushida finished her introduction with a innocent smile, most definitely making a lot of the boy's in the room fall for her.

To Ayanokoji however, his suspicion to her only increased because of the extra information the girl added in her introduction. No normal person would go out of their way to have a, to him, stupid goal of becoming friends with everyone. For one, that seemed like a tiresome thing to do because of the amount of people you would have to handle and deal with on a daily basis and two, that wouldn't be good on a person's sanity and mental health. The more the boy knew about Kushida, the more he convinced himself to keep a watchful eye on her. While picking another person to introduce themselves, someone interrupted the process, "What are we? A bunch of kids? If you want to do that shit the count me out of it." a boy with dyed red hair and a inappropriate look spoke out as with a scowl. "Well I can't force you to do something you feel uncomfortable doing so I apologize." Hirata bowed his head which caused a small uproar with the female side of the class as they criticized the rough looking boy, he only scoffed as he grabbed his bag and kicked his table away, "Shut it, I'm not here to make friends." he grunted as he walked out of the class, some people who shared the same thought following after. Horikita glanced at Ayanokoji for a moment to see if he would also walk out, seeing him still seated and unmoving, she grabbed her bag and also walked out. The people left in the class decided to finish up with their introductions until it was Ayanokoji's turn.

The boy looked around at the room noticing all eyes on him as he sighed and stood up, "Hm my name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, though the people close to me call me Ayanon. I guess I'm above average when it comes to academics and I'm pretty good with sport related things. My hobbies are playing piano and chess, I dabble in some calligraphy and tea ceremony. I'm not the best with socializing and maybe a bit difficult to get along with but I hope to have a stable relationship with you all." his introduction wasn't the most flashiest but it was a well balanced one to gave him some humility towards the other students, he bowed and sat down as his peers gave him a round of applause. He couldn't help but notice some female eyes lingering on his person more than normal, most giving him a soft smile. With introductions out of the way, the rest of the students gathered their things and walked out of the room, since this was the first day, the principle decided to let the students off the hook and let them spend the day wondering and getting familiar with the campus. As Ayanokoji was walking out of the school building, he saw a mob of blue hair a bit in front of him, he picked up his pace as he reached Ibuki's side, "Yo Ibuki, how was your first day?" he startled the girl a bit as she turn to him and huffed. "Oh it's you. Guess it was manageable, got some annoying classmates and there's this one guy who's just dangerous and plain creepy. I can already tell that he's going to be a troublemaker." the girl sighed as she rubbed her forehead with clear annoyance.

"How about you? Anything on your side?" she asked as the two continued to walk the same way which happened to be heading to the convenience store, "Nothing all that to talk about. Although you own me some ice cream as an apology." he put his hands in his pockets while the girl looked at him with a bewildered look. "What!? The fuck I do that needs apologizing?" "Remember that rude girl who stopped us at the school entrance? Well turns out that she's in my class and so happens to be my seatmate." he grumbled as Ibuki paused before laughing, "Oh it sucks to be you. I'd take being in my annoying class any day than to be seated next to that chick." the two continued with some small talk as they entered the convenience store and started shopping for general items like toiletries, ingridients and other basic items. Ayanokoji noticed and made a comment about how little and cheap the things his companion was buying was which earned him a kick to the thigh, "Do I look like some girl who goes around caring about the cloths or brands she buys?" she huffed as they made their way to checkout. The boy paused as he noticed a section of the store with the label "Free Items", he approached it and looked at the items with interest, "You found something you like or something?" Ibuki asked as she looked over the boy's shoulder at the items in question. "No but I do find it weird that there are free items here, I mean were getting 100 000 points per month so why would this be here?" "Maybe it's for dumb people who decide to spend all their points on stupid stuff, people like you." she suggested, adding a jap directed at the boy who looked at her smug face with a blank expression.

"That maybe so or there's something else in play." he said thoughtfully while inspected one of the free items, "What? You got something else that can explain this? If so, do share what you have if it isn't anything dumb." "And why would I do that? Your from another class and I'm not going to just give away information that can possibly help my class in the future." he hummed as he put the item down and continued on his way to pay for his things. They got heald up in the cashier line because of the commotion that had started over in the front, it looked like someone had forgotten their ID so they couldn't pay for their items. "What kind of idiot forgets their ID at home when they go out to buy something?" Ibuki couldn't help but say as they looked over to see said idiot, the person in question making her companion sigh deeply, "The kind that's in my class." he said disappointingly which made the girl pat him on the shoulder in pity. The delinquent boy ended up letting out a storm of curses as he left the large amount of cup noodles behind and went out of the convenience store, most likely going to get his student ID. When the companions finally managed to pay for their items they stood outside the store as Ibuki pulled out two popsicles and gave one to Ayanokoji, making him raise an eyebrow, "Don't even ask. Just eat or I'm taking it back." she quickly added before he could say anything. With a nod, the two stood there for a moment enjoying their cold snack while staring at the slightly darkening sky.

"Our you guys must be first years. This is our spot." three older boys called out to the two making them raise a brow, "I don't remember seeing a sign that says this spot is taken, even more so, this is a public spot so you can't just go around claiming it." Ibuki voiced out making the three scoff, "I see we got a smartass on our hand. You shouldn't be all that mouthy towards us second years, were your upperclassmen after all." Another boy said ticking the girl off. "I bet you chumps are in Class D, man I feel sorry for you. Can't imagine being in a class with a bunch of Defectives. Now cram before we make you." the leader said as his friends laughed along. Ibuki was ready to say or most likely do something when her companion placed a hand on her shoulder, when she looked at him confused, he shook his head and ushered them away from the upperclassmen who continued to taunt them. "What the hell, Ayanokoji? You want us to run away just like that?" she scoffed as she crossed her arms in annoyance, "It's not running away. If you didn't notice, they were trying to bait us to do something violent to them. As to why, I'm not sure but I had to get you out of there before something happened." Ayanokoji reasoning seemed to calm the girl down as she aggressively bite into her popsicle, "Whatever. What did they even mean when they called Class D defective. Since your in there, do you have some sort of learning disability or something?" "Not that I'm aware off. But that made things a lot more interesting, to say the least." "If you say so, weirdo." the two parted ways when they reached their dorms and went to their down, not before Ayanokoji made the girl exchange contact information with him.