
COTE - A Demon and A Failure (Ayanokoji x Fem.OC)

Somone... close enough to him--both in physical and mental realm also exist in the WR--hiding like a predator, even from the examiners themselves. Always helping, aiding him under the guise of failure of the 4th--generation. He might seem a wee bit OOC in this fic, so if you don't mind that, you're welcome to read this fic. Going to be my first time writing a PURE COTE fic, since I've only written TBATE. Anything remotely close to COTE is the TBATE x COTE crossover. So, in-case you find something wrong with it, you're welcome to criticize it. ********************************* I do not own COTE. Credits go to the original author and any art--official or unofficial belong to respective artists.

Reprobate69_1 · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Chapter 01 - The Opening Ceremony

// Kiyotaka Ayanokouji //

Walking through the bright corridors of one of the most advanced and prestigious high schools of Japan--Advanced Nurturing High School or ANHS for short, I let out a tired sigh.

The journey from my pickup spot through the bus until here was slightly eventful. Aside from the Blonde-haired boy, there was no one else I needed to be wary off. The black-haired girl seemed ambitious; however, her self-centered behaviour was strange. But it might be my wild assumption for now.

I continued walking until I reached a huge hall. The hall was littered with chairs for first year students. The standard chairs were covered with a white fabric. There were 5 seats in one row. Walking slowly and leisurely towards the rows upon rows, I sat in one of the seats farthest away from the podium.

I hated the opening ceremonies, and I was sure many students would agree to this. It was nothing but just a programmed procession of the same speeches every year with ever-so-little altercations and an indication towards the initiation of three years of arduous trials for the students.

The only way for them to enjoy this time frame of three years in high school would be to make friends. Friends that would accompany them through this short time period and then half of them would get separated and the other half would be in minimal contact.

That was all.

No one's presence in our life is permanent. Everyone, no matter how loyal, would leave you one day--in lieu of one factor or another. Some desert you for personal gain, some do it because they do not require you anymore in their life... like a tool, who after serving its purpose is useless.

And others...

They simply disappear or die... leaving you alone, despite the promises of always being together. Such was human nature--Crooked and duplicitous. That's why no one should ever trust anyone. Never rely on anyone.

For all they do is abandon you in the end. Leave you at the mercy of your own demons.


Entering through the sliding door of my class--1D, I took in the sight of the classroom. It was already half filled with small clusters of girls and boys alike forming around either a specific seat or in the corners of the room. The starting groups formed in the first year are crucial since they form the foundations of your image.

Like being in a group of reprobates, one can guess the majority of someone's personality and conclude they're punks--a group of undisciplined students. Same with other compositions of groups one can judge a lot. However, the same tactic could be used by someone to hide themselves--use the group as a camouflage.

I looked around and saw the seat with my nameplate on it. It was in the back of the room, near the window. Sitting on the predetermined seat, I looked at the class. It was a good place to observe and evaluate the whole class. The reason for enrolling in this particular high school was simple.


All I needed was time. And ANHS was the only place I could get that time.

What do I need time for, you ask?






It's simple.

The white room was in shambles. And I will destroy what remains of it. For that I need time. The reason wasn't because it took away someone from me. However, the reason for this was something it gave me myself. Along with the feeling of curiosity it gave me a deep-rooted feeling of-

"That's quite a depressed face when it's just your first day. However, I must say seeing you here is making me depressed as well."

I looked up to see the same black-haired girl that had fought me after we got off the bus because I looked in her direction. It was certainly going to be troublesome, but I wasn't here just to avoid trouble and hide in the shadows.

I had witnessed it firsthand. How always remaining in the shadows could come back to bite you later. Shaking my head, I got rid of the flashes of misty memories coruscating in my mind. "The feeling's mutual", I replied.

I could feel her irritation welling up. Letting out a deep breath she sat on her seat and took out a book from her bag and started reading it. Peeking from the corner of my eye I saw her reading the book, Crime and Punishment.

Guess that would explain her behaviour and lack of friends. Letting out a shallow sigh I turned towards her, "Hello. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself and then turned back to my desk. The basic etiquette to my neighbour was to introduce myself. The rest was up to her.

"Horikita Suzune."

I looked to my right only to find her eyes set on her book. The bare minimum, just as I had expected. Since I was going to work with this class for a while it was best to know where her interest lies and what she was willing to do while being a part of this class of defects.

"This can't be good", she muttered as her eyes remained glued at the door. Seeing the creased frown on her forehead I traced her line of sight towards the source of her discomfort.

That was when I saw it... or rather him. Things just keep on getting more and more troublesome.


// ??? POV ///

Walking inside my designated class, I stopped and looked around. The uncanny environment in the class was strange considering it was the first day of school.

Looking ahead I saw a young man of average height with shoulder-length magenta hair that was styled on the either side, and sharp magenta coloured eyes that could strike fear and trepidation onto anyone he came into contact with. In addition, he had a slim and muscular physique.

All in all, he had the air any delinquent would have around them. Except for this one seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. He was looking at the boy in front of him while placing his feet on the boy's table. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes as his face scrunched up in annoyance, "You're late."


(A/n Now that this is out of the way, actual plot and longer chapters from Chapter Two)