
Chapter 1

There I was on a dark stormy night in a cave that looked like it could cave in at any time. Deciding to find a nice place to call it a day and sleep in the cave was no easy task but I knew that I couldn't give up; as I searched I suddenly ran into a little girl crying for her mother and father to wake up, but I could clearly see that they were dead and at least for a day. The girl was rather small and had pretty golden eyes and white hair that shimmered brightly like a wet crystal. I asked the girl what her name was and she said Cora. It's a pleasure to meet you Cora my name is Kisame, hey come with me and I will help you out, okay Cora happily said. SiStER is ThAt YOu! Cora thank God your okay I was worried about you said the young girl. Who is the guy that you are with, oh his name is Kisame he is here to help us. Hello Kisame my name is Layla its a pleasure to meet you; I know you your from the royal family, yes I am said Layla. Your moms was Mira and your father was Luminous! Did you serve us or something, Yes I did, I explained everything to Layla and Cora and told them that it would be okay and I would bring them to their cousin's place. I looked at Layla her eyes were shimmer from the light that reflected off the water that made her eyes glow a pretty blue and she hair a yellowish golden color. We all cuddled up and go to sleep against the wall for the night and then when we wake up in the morning we set out of the cave and start heading to the castle. Then suddenly I spotted a woman who looked about in her 20's with long red shiny hair and purple eyes; When we tried to approach her slowly she ran away. When we finally caught up to her there was a man who looked about the same age as the young woman, so I wonder if they were married. When I asked who they were the young man whispered Ri take care of Starfire and then the young woman left and was being carried by a large white dog, who was about the same size as me. I heard the young woman say be careful Ayato, and you be careful too eclip and then a wolf barked at her. The young man said who are you and what are you doing here, I respond by saying we are lost and looking for Shi Castle; are you from the royal family he replied and I explained that we were and what happened. Cosmo you can come out now these people are good as well as you Starfire and Ri, Woof, okay; you okay Cosmo what happened, a boy with cosmic looking eyes and black hair came out he introduced us to the boy named Cosmo and the young woman named Starfire and the white wolf was Ri and the a giant beast looking creature came out and rubbed on Cosmo and Cosmo said this is my best friend Riot I looked up at Riot and say mini lighting bolts appeared around him. Ayato said let's go to bed its getting dark we'll talk more tomorrow you can sleep in our spare tent, okay we said and then we all went to bed for the night.