
cosmic revenge

I was not the most great and I was not the best talent and I was not even this rich. What was I? I was the most kind. You may ask now why if I became a devil who wants destruction only. Hmmmm I think I will leave you to explore the matter for yourselves.

ayr19 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

“the Beginning”

chapter 1

"the Beginning"

In the beginning, before the existence of light and fire, before time and place, and before any existence existed, there was a void. And in this void appeared an entity

This entity was not born of anything and was not made by anything. It only existed from nothingness.

This entity appeared like light that illuminates the darkness. This entity has consciousness of the void around it.

And the first idea or question for this entity is how and why it exists here. After this question, the first law in this world appeared, the law of time.

This law appeared in the form of a point similar to a water droplet.

Then it began to increase and increase until it became large enough to wrap around this entity and became a blue ring.

When the ring was complete above his head,

The entity knew what this ring was and when it knew,

the shape of this entity began to change. First, the shape of this entity appeared like scattered light everywhere it began to form in the form of a ball

Two hands formed from the middle of this ball and two feet formed from his bottom

Then it was compressed and became thin and a head came out of it that had no features

and the shape of this entity became like humans but his head had no features and it had no reproductive organs while the rest of the body resembled humans

And when this entity was completed, the ring above his head became like an angel's ring.

It raised his hand to catch the ring above his head and when it caught it, this ring merged into his hand and disappeared

And then the entity began to swell like a balloon and kept swelling and swelling until (boom) this entity exploded and after his explosion several laws appeared,

the first of which was the law of chaos

A person with black hair and black eyes opened his mouth and said

"Well, Gon, this is where our story ends. You have to sleep now."

Then a boy who looked like this person opened his mouth and said "But dad, I want to hear the rest of the story."

The father said in a slightly loud voice

"No, you have to sleep now. We will wake up tomorrow in the early morning. Don't forget that the place we are going to tomorrow is two days away from us and the carriage will come at five in the morning."

Gon said "But dad"

The father said "There is no but, you will sleep now."

Gon said with disappointment "Okay, dad."

"Okay then, good night."

The father walked away from the bed and turned off the lamp. The room became dark. Then he left. and a loud sound appeared.

It was the sound of closing the door.

The sun shone on Gon's room

Knock knock knock

"Wake up, Gon. Come on, the carriage will come soon. We have to get ready."

knock knock knock

Gon's father opened the door and sat next to Gon on the bed and said

"Hey Gon, wake up. We will be late."

The father approached Gon's face and sighed, then took the glass of water from his side.

And he said "Don't blame me."

And then he splashed the glass of water on Gon's face.

Gon woke up shocked, breathing heavily and said

"Ha ha, what's happening?"

Gon looked at his father's smiling face and then looked at the glass of water in his father's hand.

The father said "Good morning Gon, did you sleep well?"

Gon said angrily "You did it again. Do you really enjoy torturing me like this?"

The father said "I kept waking you up but you didn't wake up. If you want to sleep again, we can cancel the trip and register you in the academy next year."

Gon held his father's hand and closed his eyes a little and with a serious face he said

"I'm ready to go, let's go."

The father smiled and said "Take a shower first."

Gon took a shower and changed his clothes and sat next to his father who was already ready to have breakfast and on the breakfast table

Gon's father opened his mouth and said

"Gon, I will tell you again. Do you really want to become a warrior? You should know that when you become a warrior, you will get a lot of money, but you will also get a lot of pain. Even death is not far away. It is not an easy job."

Gon said "Dad, you told me this a lot and every time I answer you and tell you I will become a warrior to protect you and protect this village. No, not just the village, but even the entire empire."

Gon's father laughed and said "Hahaha, you make it look easy."

Gon's father tapped his finger on Gon's forehead and said

" First, you are not the one who will protect me, but I am the one who protects you.

Second, I must assure you that becoming a warrior is a painful matter physically and psychologically.

It will not be easy."

Gon said, "I'm sure I'll endure whatever is painful or even difficult."

By six o'clock, the sound of a horse's clatter ended this conversatio

The carriage had arrived.

{ Author's note}

this is my first chapter in my first novel

so maybe there are mistakes in writing

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