
cosmic revenge

I was not the most great and I was not the best talent and I was not even this rich. What was I? I was the most kind. You may ask now why if I became a devil who wants destruction only. Hmmmm I think I will leave you to explore the matter for yourselves.

ayr19 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

“Darkness 1”

The masked man disappeared and after his disappearance, the villagers began to regain their senses one after another and the features of fear slowly faded and were replaced by relief and a little happiness without showing any sympathy with this blood that is actually still warm and some of them spoke in a low voice but it was still audible because of the silence

"Oh damn, I thought this hell would never end"

"It is comforting to know that this masked man did not come for us"

Another person replied

"And why would he come for us, you fool? We are poor and destitute, we have nothing that would attract this person here"

"You are right, I think the father of this boy insulted this Reverend, so the esteemed decided to take revenge on him in front of us so that he would be a lesson for the weak like us not to overstep our masters" 

"No, no, you are wrong. I know Mr. Andrew. He was a good and kind man, and more importantly, he was a smart man. It is impossible for him to provoke such an entity."

The man thought for a while and continued his speech

"But maybe his son, he was a bit mischievous and don't forget that this boy is the only one from our village who passed the imperial academy test. Maybe he provoked one of the young masters Or the sons of the big families who have power or wealth or even status"

Someone's eyes widened when he heard this and he looked like he had understood something important and then said

"Speaking of which, don't you think that this boy might hold a grudge against us because we did not help or advance to protect his father? Since he passed the academy tests, he definitely has talent and maybe in the future when he becomes strong he might come to take revenge on this village and the strongest warrior in this village is a five-star warrior. Then we will not be able to bear the cost of this grudge." 

Some of the attendees nodded in agreement with this speech. Their expressions changed again to worry about the day when this boy's revenge begins

While they were talking, there were other people taking care of Gon and his father's corpse

The distinctive man spoke and said

"Can't you just shut up a little bit? Don't you see that this is not the right time for your chatter? Shut up now and call the village doctor to treat this boy"

The silence rose in the place and after a while

The villagers carried Gon and then took the head of the man who died because of their cowardice and carried his body and prepared to bury him and took Gon to the village doctor to treat his injuries

The doctor "Fortunately, he is a four-star warrior and his healing speed is much faster than the three-star ones. If he was a three-star, his future would have been destroyed"

The doctor continued to diagnose Gon's condition and after he finished he said

"Despite the speed of healing his injuries, he will take at least half a year to return to his peak and this shows us the severity of his injuries. This boy endured what humans cannot bear. It is important now that we leave him to rest." 

"A whole day passed, but Gon was still unconscious and at this time someone asked the doctor

"When do you think he will wake up? A whole day has passed and there is no sign of him waking up soon"

The doctor "It's okay, he was shocked by seeing his father die in front of him in this way. It will take some time and maybe he will never wake up"

"Damn it, if it weren't for our cowardice, we would have saved Mr. Andrew"

The doctor "You are just a chatterbox, talking now after the incident is over. It is already over and what happened happened, and we are done. Don't talk about this matter again"

"Don't blame me, I wasn't alone there at that time. We were more than two hundred people and what happened happened in front of everyone and I didn't find anyone who dared and took one step, and also don't claim innocence. You were there too and didn't do anything. If I am a coward, then you are ten cowards"

The doctor "Man, we were not only afraid, we were terrified to the point that we all froze in our places. We were like children when they are told about monsters, but there is no use in regretting the past. We have to move on and try to console this boy. What happened can shake the greatest mountain"

This person shook his head in defeat and said

"Indeed, we can't do anything, but I'm sad for this boy"


After two days,

the doctor was preparing food for Gon to feed him because of Gon's inability to eat

The doctor entered the room and said

  "Oh, you woke up"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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