
Cosmic Rebirth: The Fallen King's Journey

Awakening in the body of an innocent child, the fallen king finds himself in a parallel world, where he discovers his true lineage as "Cosmos," the illegitimate son of an emperor and a maid. As he grows into adulthood, Cosmos faces a treacherous conspiracy that brings about his disgrace and banishment. Framed by his conniving stepmother and siblings for a crime he did not commit, Cosmos is stripped of his rightful birthright and bestowed with the modest title of a mere baron. To compound his isolation, his own father commands him to govern a lawless city steeped in criminality, corruption, and anarchy. In a bid to aid him in this seemingly insurmountable task, his father grants him a contingent of 500 soldiers. Armed with the memories of his past as a great king and fueled by the revelation of his true identity, Cosmos embraces his destiny with unwavering determination. Resolute in his mission to restore justice and reclaim his rightful place, he embarks on a transformative journey. Drawing upon his strategic acumen, cultivation prowess, and innate leadership abilities, Cosmos endeavors to reform the chaotic city and rally a loyal following.

Cosmos_TheHost · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Past life

Chapter 1

We never know exactly when our entire world will be turned upside down. One moment we are walking the path of greatness and the very next second our world is turned entirely upside down and everything that we thought that we knew and everything that we once held close to our heart is suddenly gone within a blink of an eye and we wonder how we're able to fall so fast and so far.

And that is why they say we should care for our next because when our wings are bound to fail yes we should know that we have a hole for us to be able to go back to.

"You must find a wife". One of the generals spoke to cosmos as he sat on his throne. His hands were balled into hists as they rested upon the armrest of his chair. He didn't need more than he wanted to hear. He was all too aware of what he needed and wanted.

"I do not need a queen I have ruled our kingdom well enough on my own." He spoke and there was a finality in his voice but it seemed that they never seemed to understand when it was needed for them to keep quiet.

"But have you heard the whispers the people speak? They make mention of their king not being fit enough to run. They say that you are undesirable and that you lack the gifts which is why you have yet to find a woman." The general said and cosmos instantly straightened up. He looked towards him with a deep glare as a loud growl threatened to break from his lips.

"Who are these that dare to question me. Bring them forth and I will be sure to slit their tongue and hopefully then they will be able to be assured of my confidence". He spat and watched as they trembled as they bowed their heads.

Cosmos had been known as the infamous king of the northern tribe for a long time now and they knew better than to try and undermine just judgment. There were few who dared to upstage his words or his actions and rarely did any of them live to tell The tale.

"It is just the whispers of the people. They compare you to the king of the house who has a woman as well as a wife. You have none. We have never seen you take interest in a single female and it is things like this that begin to get people talking and they may cause some to worry about how fit you are." He spoke. Without warning Cosmos reached for the blade that he kept up his sleeve.

Without warning he aimed it towards his general and his loud cries filled the room as the blade pierced his shoulder. "Does anyone else have anything they would like to share? What next so you consider me to be bare too." He yelled and get arched as they traveled in their spots.

"Now now brother. Why do you always seem to resort to violence. not everything is an act of war". He heard his brother call from the door and he tightened his jaw as he turned towards him.

"I thought that you were making alliances in the Way". He said to him And his words held no joy for his return. "Yes well, unlike you brother. I am much more likable and so it was very easy for me to form bonds with the people. You should try it sometime. Smiling that is." He said to him as he sat down in the chair opposite him.

"What do you want as you can see we are in a meeting". He said to him with a deadly glare that would have made any other man cower. "I can see that and if I had not come in you would have most likely removed the head of one of your dear months you were talking about." He said to him in a chuckle.

Cosmos ran a hand through his jet-black hair as he looked towards him in frustration. "So what do you suggest I do when my competence as king undermines them." he fired toward him.

He shrugged his shoulders at him in response as he placed a hand on his chin as though in thought. "Well, that is simple. You throw a ball." He said to him as though it was the most obvious thing that he could have spoken.

In response, Cosmos looked at him and blinked once more before he let out a loud booming laugh from his lips. "Now you want me to allow myself to further be degraded by going on to mingle with the common folk. And how will That help any of us." He asked.

"Well, you can invite the women from across the kingdoms as it will show them that the tumors are not true and that you have a heart and you may be willing to settle down that the reason that you haven't done that so dad isn't because you can't but rather because you aren't looking the right person for you to settle down with." He said to him.

"I Don't see how that will work. I have perfect trust

In my people because they know better than to undine me or overstep The set boundaries that I have laid out for-" he didn't fey to finish his sentence as they both heard a loud banging sound from outside. The ground beneath them shook slightly as they raced towards the window to see what it was. A fire.

Large booming flames erupted from just outside the edge of the border and he felt his heart jump almost instantly at the sight. He guessed that he had his answer now.

He turned back towards his brother as well as his generals. "I guess that We will be having a ball. Incite the kings of the south and the east. It will be one for the ages and let them be aware of the fact that Everyone is invited and that it isn't restricted to any one people." He spoke.


Cosmos played with the collar of his shirt once more as he tried to rid himself of the itch that he felt. He felt frustrated at the fact that no matter how hard he tried to scratch it or to get rid of it completely.

He looked towards the mirror and noticed how he was adorned in his royal colors of red and blue. He had a cape draped around his shoulders and his shirt was encrusted with The most valuable diamonds and sapphires.

He adjusted his event crown on his head and he realized that Although he had despised the fact that He had to be here he still looked very good in his attire.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. He groaned in dismay and he had a feeling of exactly who it was at the door. He pulled it open to be met with the sight of Alex. He had a bright smile on his face as he looked at him.

"You don't look too bad brother. Be careful though someone might just think that you are actually enjoying yourself." He said to him and he didn't answer him as he only rolled his eyes at him in response as they made their way out of the room.

"Everything is set up and we have several guests already there the king of the east had arrived as punctual as always as for the king of the south you know he will always use any opportunity that he can get in order to spire you so it is not a surprise that He isn't here yet so just don't blow your top okay. Just smile and when I introduce you to the ladies, at least try to pretend as though you are enjoying their presence." He said to him firmly.

In response, Cosmos hardened his gaze as he adjusted the collar Of his attire. He only wanted to get this done and over with.

As they approached the large ballroom in the distance he couldn't hear the loud music that Was playing and then there was a slight chatter of people. His brother took a step forward as he decided to inform the Others of his presence. He had to remind himself That the reason he was doing this was to keep the peace and that he had no plans of finding a wife.

He was pulled Out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of a loud trumpet being blown. He sucked in a deep breath as he watched as the doors that were in front of him were pulled open. He tried to calm himself down as he watched as the eyes of the people around turned and the beam focused on him.

He tried not to be alarmed by the faze of the people before him. After all, he was their king it was he that was set to intimidate them and not the other way around. But that didn't stop the fact that he was constantly bothered by the wave of anxiety that seemed to crawl over his skin.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder. He let out a sigh from his lips as he slumped his shoulders slightly. He couldn't help but smile as he shook his head at the thought.

"are you scared?" He said and cosmos shrugged it off his shoulders before hardening his gaze at him.

"I am never scared". He said and he walked off into the room. He didn't need to hold any further conversation with his brother. He was all too aware of his brother's incessant teasing and at that moment he had to admit that it was in fact the last thing that he needed.

He let out a sigh from his lips as he watched the room freeze as all the gasses turned towards him. He was a spectacle and a marvel to behold and he took the attention of any room that he stood in. He smiled because in truth he knew that too.

He sat down in his seat as he watched as the orchestra turned towards him. They were waiting for his signal as they should and he stared for a moment longer gazing his eyes over the room. He noticed that it was filled with noblemen and women that draped themselves in emeralds and pearls and he noticed the king of the west to the side. He gave him a brief head mod which he scowled in return.

It was disrespectful to keep a king waiting but this was his home and so his rupees were the only ones that applied. He had grown bored of the silence as he turned towards the orchestra one last time before lowering his palm to his seat and just as though a dam had been released he watched as they began to play swiftly.

They played the tune of kings, a smooth jazz melody that filled the room, captivating the couples as they gracefully moved towards the dance floor, swaying to the rhythm of a waltz. However, he found himself disinterested in their dances and the waltz unfolding before him. His sole desire was to escape the room as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, as it seemed to happen most days, his hopes for a swift departure were destined to be unfulfilled. He couldn't help but release a sigh as he observed King Stefan making his way across the room.

King Stefan appeared with his latest bride on his arm, a young woman who had only just come of age.

A chilling gaze met his own, as rumors had circulated that the king had a preference for young companions.

"Well, Cosmos, it seems you've managed to throw quite the celebration," he commented, stopping in front of the king. In his hand, he held a cup of red wine, the liquid sloshing around with his clumsy movements.

"Yes, it seems you managed to escape the confines of your realm to grace us with your presence," the cosmos muttered, his tone laced with disinterest. He observed a visible clenching of teeth, a clear sign that his words had struck a nerve.

"They tell me you're in search of a wife. Rumor has it that you were destined to remain single forever," Stefan provocatively remarked, his intention to incite a reaction evident. However, his gaze shifted, and he couldn't help but notice the young woman standing beside the king.

"Well, that is true. Maybe I will help myself by taking on your wife." He said to him with a bright grin. He watched as his face hardened and he was about to say something when the trumpet has blown again. Cosmos tightened his grip on his seat as he straightened his form and looked out to the door.

"I present King Richard of the South." The guard spoke and Cosmos had to try to keep his composure as he watched the doors being pulled back and revealed the blonde-haired blue-eyed gall of a man.

He looked around the crowd with an annoying stare that was clear in his face and Cosmos watched as the crowd erupted and this was the difference that lay between them. Where people quivered in fear at the sight of cosmos when they saw Richard it was as though they had seen their knight in shining armor and their saving grace. He was a hero that they found themselves looking up to but for him on the other hand he was nothing more than a punchline joke.

He walked into the room as he had silk draped over his body and when he met Cosmos gaze his face hardened as he gritted his teeth at the sight of him.

They knew that they had to be civil for the sake of those around them but their hatred ran deep. "Well, you see that you actually came through with this little character of this." He spoke and he came to the throne and sat on the one beside Cosmos.

"Stefan, it's a pleasure to see you. How did he manage to convince you to grace this dreadful affair?" he chuckled, attempting to break the tension. Stefan remained silent as he took his seat on the final throne. The animosity between them hung in the air, but they both knew how to navigate these delicate social situations.

Cosmos said "I would advise you to hold your tongue before I remove it. Let it be known that allowing you to be in my presence is not a right but a privilege," Richard seethed, his anger barely contained.

As Richard's anger barely remained in check, Stefan appeared visibly intimidated by his words, clinging tightly to the woman at his side. Being considerably older than the other two, Stefan knew he would be at a disadvantage in a physical confrontation. However, Richard's presence next to Cosmos made him a formidable opponent, and that was precisely the root of Stefan's apprehension. The power dynamics at play between the three of them added fuel to the tension that hung heavy in the air.

"Nice wife you have Stefan. Is she known and are you willing to give her out? I would love to take her for a little spin." He said with a chuckle. The girl widened her eyes as she seemed to tremble. Richard had no way of sugarcoating his words. He was callous and unapologetic and he was also well known for saying things as they were.

"Maybe you should focus on your own wife. What would the people think or assume if they were to see you conversing with another." cosmos said to him in a mutter.

He watched as he stopped for a moment before turning to look at him. "I have no wife now. I grew bored and I have moved on. I thought this was supposed to be a mating. Why are you simply sitting here and further proving that you don't have a loving bone in your body?" Richard said to cosmos as he sipped on his wine.

Richard had no qualms about displaying his extravagant lifestyle, indulging in relationships with both men and women, all while remaining unapologetic about his choices. On the other hand, Cosmos sought to endure the night, longing to escape the watchful eyes and judgment of the crowd. He knew that once the night was over, he could find respite from the constant scrutiny.

As Cosmos navigated through the bustling crowd, he made a determined decision to find a woman among the frenzied revelers and invite her to share a dance with him. His eyes scanned the room, observing the women engaged in lively conversations with the men around them.

They were all cut from the same cloth as they wore these extravagant dresses and seemed to be prim and proper. And maybe that's why he had never truly taken a liking to any women. It was because they were, all the same, .he wanted a challenge

"Okay, how about this? Since you can't find a wife. I shall bring a wife to you." Richard said but Cosmos turned him out as he spotted something in the distance or someone to be more specific. It was a thick head of unruly black hair and gray eyes. She also wore a gray dress but had it pulled up to her thigh and he gazed at her in curiosity wondering what she was doing.

To his shock, he watched her make her way to the buffet table and stuffed some of the food into a bag she carried with her. He turned to see if anyone was paying attention, but none pay her any mind.

After a moment as though she had sensed him watching her, she turned for a fleeting second to face him as her gray eyes met his brown ones and everything inside him froze. It was her. She was the one he wanted.

Completely disregarding Richard's words, Cosmos had ceased to listen, his attention now solely fixated on the enigmatic woman. Any trace of rational thoughts he had previously mustered seemed to dissipate as his gaze remained locked on her. There was something undeniably intriguing about her, whether it was the nonchalant grace in her steps or the captivating intensity he detected in her eyes.

Recognizing that she didn't fit the mold of a traditional lady, he acknowledged that she was anything but conventional. However, such considerations didn't matter to him in that moment. With a gleaming smile in his eyes, he started to stride purposefully towards her, eager to bridge the distance between them.

Elizabeth was tired of this charade. She didn't know why she had been brought to this trivial event anyway and she was more than ready for it to be over. Her mother had laid emphasis on her coming here so that she could learn how to behave like a proper lady. She wasn't entirely sure exactly what that meant but she knew one thing was certain and that was the fact that among all the men that were splayed out in the room, none of them were rushing to her side.

The only thing that had taken some of her interest in the entire venue was the buffet table. She had marbled at the sight of all the food varieties that she had seen on display. She gasped lightly as she took in the sight that was before her. She couldn't believe that the royals would be able to live such extravagant lives and yet here she was at the bottom scrambling to get some scraps.

And that's why when she had taken notice of the fact that no one was looking at her she had taken that as her opportunity put some food in her bag. Some might have thought of her as wild or unhinged for doing such but she knew that most of the food that was there was bound to go uneaten anyway.

She gritted her teeth with disdain as she thought over it for a moment. She felt a sense of anger vibrate through her entire being as she was tempted to lash out. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard someone clear their throat behind her.

Her body froze in an instant as she turned her gaze towards the figure. A dryness settled in her throat as she found herself face to face with a man adorned in exquisite silk garments and adorned with lavish jewels. There was a sense of amusement emanating from him, but she didn't share his curiosity about her. Instead, she felt an apprehension that gave rise to caution and wariness in her demeanor.

"hello there. May I ask you what it is you are doing?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow. She gulped at his words as she began to panic. She knew that she had to think of an excuse quickly but she didn't entirely see which one was best suited at the moment.

"Your Highness." She said with a slight curtsy. The man's stone-cold impression held amusement but she wasn't sure whether it was because he sought to kill her or because he found her behavior funny.

"None of that. How about you tell me why you are having food stuffed in your bag." He said to her and although she felt as though her own heart was bought to leap from her chest she noticed that he remained calm and collected. She didn't know what to make of that as she had half expected him to be curious about her.

She wanted to ask what it was that he found so funny and why he thought that he should make jest at her but she decided against it. Instead, she pulled open her bag and was ready to start returning the food that she had already taken.

In response to her actions, he widened his eyes and shook his head. "No, there's no need for that. I doubt many people would desire it once they know where it has been," He said to her in a mutter.

As she closed her bag and turned to face him, a sigh escaped her lips, betraying a sense of resignation. Her gaze met his, and with a determined expression, she spoke up. "If that's not the issue, then why don't you tell me what is?"

"I wish to dance with the most interesting woman that stands here." He said as he offered her his hand. She had not expected that and she was unsure at first but after a moment she let out a sigh before she accepted the hand they had offered to her.

They made their way onto the dance floor as the soft music continued to play behind them and she found herself taken by the glint that was in his eyes. She could hear whispers around them and the eyes of all the others that were there seemed to be trained on both of them. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at the sight as she found herself wondering what was going on.

"Who are you again?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. In response, he simply shrugged his shoulders, taking a moment before answering her. "I'm surprised you haven't realized yet. I am King Cosmos. I am the reason behind this entire event. They brought me here in the hopes of finding a wife," he muttered.

Observing her in a moment of silence, he expected a range of reactions, but her sudden burst of laughter caught him off guard. His eyes widened in surprise as he struggled to regain his composure. Through gritted teeth, he managed to say, "Please, don't let me interrupt. Do continue." There was a mix of frustration and curiosity in his voice. She offered him an apologetic look before locking her gaze onto him with a newfound intrigue.

"Well, that is interesting. Why couldn't you find a wife? Is there something wrong with you that I'm not aware of?" she inquired, her curiosity unabated. In response, he offered a simple explanation. "I simply find such matters trivial and see no need for a wife," he replied, his tone tinged with indifference.

"And yet here you are dancing with me. Did you have a sudden change of heart or what is it about me that suddenly makes you want to dance." She asked him.

He hummed as he looked over at her. "Well. I think you might be the challenge that I need, Someone that could keep me on my toes and halo me at every twist and turn." He said to her in a matter.

The music stopped and they paid before staring into each other's eyes. They were a hair's breadth from one another as the music which surrounded them seemed to fade away and in that moment it was just the two of them as no one else seemed to matter except them.

"Well, I am starting to see that you're different and maybe a woman like you is what I do need. Someone that will keep me on my toes and will never leave me with a day where I am not at the edge of my seat. So will you?" He asked.

"What? Agree to be your wife?" She asked and he shook his head. "Allow me to court you first." He said to her in a suggestive tone. She didn't have much else to lose and his voice didn't leave much room to argue and so she said…



5 months later

Cosmos hated to admit that his brother of his counsel was right and yet here he was showing them just how right they had been about him all along. He had told himself that he didn't need a woman. Women were said to be one of the biggest distractions that he could come across and with the land of the South being in his power he needed to work on expanding his empires rather than his heart.

And yet Elizabeth was the exact opposite of what he had expected to find when he considered the thoughts of looking for a woman. She was witty and charming and she was never afraid to share her mind and tell him exactly how she felt. She was everything dangerous and outgoing and he couldn't help but fall for her.

He had learned that she was from one of the villages that bordered the South and to his dismay she had come with Richard. At first, he had thought that she might have been working with him but he had shaken his head at the thought. He knew that Richard was aware of the fact that he shouldn't have crossed him in such a way. He was a strong and formidable man and so it would have been stupid for him to try such.

The two of them had growing tension that was brewing between their two lands recently. There was a territory that rested on the west coast that was inhabited that the north of them sought to take control of. Each had their reasons.

For Richard, it was because it was the land where his mother had been born. She was a noblewoman who had taken up a carefree life and wished to live her days as a nomad there. It was after meeting his father that she decided to move down to the south. They don't need to visit the lands but after her death, it had flooded and was overrun by bandits. He wished to reclaim it for himself in her memory.

Cosmos on the other hand mainly wanted it so that Richard wouldn't have it. The land was all he needed to make his territory bigger and it was said that the river that flowed through it contained mineral deposits under it that he could use to build his army.

At present, he had set aside those concerns. Elizabeth consumed his thoughts, engulfing him in a world where everything else faded into insignificance. The fear he once harbored about finding a wife now felt trivial compared to the prospect of love that lay before him. The unsettling feeling lingered, but the desire for true affection and lasting companionship eclipsed any reservations or shortcomings he might have had. With determination, he formed a plan to nurture their connection and solidify their union, seeking a future where their love would be forever intertwined.

That morning he had woken up feeling energized as he sat up in his bed. He looked outside and he saw it was still the early hours of the morning and the sun was only just beginning to rise. He looked to his side and he was confused when he saw that the soot in the bed beside him was empty.

It was strange to wake up without her and she had probably gone out to get an early morning start. He decided to slip on his trousers and go look for her. He couldn't spot her in any of the places he searched but just as he passed his office he heard movement.

Anger surged and threw him as he flew the door open and what he saw had him seeing red. Elizabeth stood at his desk holding a stack of files and between her legs sat none other than Richard.

"What is the meaning of this?" He roared.

Richard looked away from the girl and towards Cosmos with a smirk. "I told you I am always one step ahead of you." He said with a wink that went straight to his soul.

Please feel free to let me know about any grammar errors or anything that doesn't make sense.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Cosmos_TheHostcreators' thoughts