
Cosmic Captives - Together trapped in an escape pod

After a long gruelling battle with the Epsilon Consortium, Anon managed to narrowly flee their rapidly disintegrating spaceship, only to find himself trapped in an escape pod alongside a young woman. Their bodies tightly pressed together. Anon’s struggle to not get aroused is quickly lost. How will she react? --- This tale deviates from my traditional style, as we take a more gradual approach before the steamier moments. Have no fear though, there are plenty of arousing sequences still to come, so don't be tempted to put this book down just yet! This is a story of reluctance and non-consent; although, I can easily envision a more romanticised version of the same tale. Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to write that variant in the future should anyone be interested. But for now, this version centers around non-consent with female protagonists who are not particularly enthused by what's transpiring. But there is no spanking and no intentional hurting or infliction of pain. Perhaps you could refer to it as gentle non-consent erotica?

RemyMoreau · ไซไฟ
11 Chs


To attempt to return some sense of normalcy into the madness, Anon decided to introduce himself. He could only manage a short "I am Anon", trying to sound calming and soft, before he felt that he had to give her air again. When he pulled back, she merely stared at him in disbelief without expressing a word. After a few moments of silence, he knew that she needed air again and hesitated before connecting their lips once more; this time, her mouth opened slightly in acceptance. Even though there was still fear in her eyes.

He blew two more times into her and still there was no communication between them. But then, in between those breaths, Nova finally said her name in a voice so small he almost didn't hear it.

It was barely audible but enough for him to understand. After another breath into her lungs, he said "nice to meet you Nova". Then pressing his lips on hers again. While he was doing so he could Nova cough, and then giggle.

He now realised the full absurdity of the situation and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. However, that laughter was quickly cut short, as Nova needed her intake of air. This time she was the one who leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Anon was again aware of her soft lips and, this time, also her beautiful scent; an intoxicating aroma that captivated him. His heart started beating faster to keep up with his newfound excitement.

Their bodies pressed tightly together, so tightly that she must have felt the wild beating of his heart.

After their laughter had subsided, both of them slowly began to engage in conversation which was continually interrupted by him having to blow into her mouth in order to keep her alive. Nova thanked Anon for saving her life. Anon told Nova about how the escape pod had been thrown around and had caused her to pass out.