
Cosmïc Infinïty

Some short random stories ^⁠_⁠^ I'll be uploading content when I feel like it ^⁠_⁠^

FireForce11 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Bob: The Dancing Dragon.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a very unusual dragon named Bob. Bob wasn't like other dragons who loved to hoard treasure and breathe fire. No, Bob loved to sing. And not just any kind of singing - Bob loved to sing show tunes.

One day, Bob heard about a talent show in the nearby kingdom, and he knew that he had to enter. So he practiced his scales and his show tunes until he was ready to perform.

On the day of the talent show, Bob arrived at the castle, looking resplendent in his purple sequined tuxedo. The other contestants - a group of acrobats, a magician, and a dancing bear - looked at him skeptically, wondering what a dragon was doing in a talent show.

But Bob was undeterred. He took the stage, cleared his throat, and launched into a rousing rendition of "Defying Gravity" from the musical "Wicked." The audience was stunned - they had never heard a dragon sing like that before.

Bob followed up with a few more show tunes, including "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" and "Memory" from "Cats." The crowd was spellbound. They had never seen a dragon with such a powerful voice and such a flair for the dramatic.

When Bob finished his final number - a heartfelt rendition of "The Impossible Dream" from "Man of La Mancha" - the audience erupted into wild applause. Bob took a bow, his sequins sparkling in the stage lights.

The judges, who had been skeptical at first, were now unanimous in their decision - Bob had won the talent show.

Bob was overjoyed. He had finally found his true calling - singing show tunes in front of a live audience. And he knew that he would continue to spread joy and happiness wherever he went, using his voice to bring people together and make them laugh.

From that day on, Bob became a legend in the kingdom. He performed in all the major theaters and concert halls, and his albums sold millions of copies. He even won a Grammy for Best Male Vocalist.

And whenever anyone asked him how he got started in show business, Bob would smile and say, "It all started with a dream and a love for show tunes."