
Corruption Hero

In the unknown world where corruption, the ancient unleashed magic taking more and more flourishing land and affecting people's lives a small party of outland adventures will soon find themselves in conflict deeper than they can handle.

Jakerkun · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Unwilling quest

The distant sound of fire cracking mixed with the noise of people talking, laughing, and arguing. He started to regain his senses and open his eyes. It was night. Sieghart was able to feel the chill of the night, and the smell of meat roasting on the fire reminded him that he was hungry and didn't eat for almost the whole day. He was exhausted but able to see his surroundings now clearly. A lot of people were standing, and sitting around the fire, a couple of tents and strange looking items. All of them looked weird, like medieval soldiers that knew from the stories. A couple of looks left and right with his head and he saw his companions. Nick and Allanoya were also tied and unconscious. He tries to move and he can't. Hands were tied with the rope, and he tried to release himself and move more aggressively but still nothing. The rope was very tightly tied around his hands and his whole body was attached to the tree together with the rope. No matter what he tried he couldn't move at all. Some man noticed that he is awake and come near him, immediately starting to question him.

"Tell us where you packed your possessions and we will let you go." - the man said while standing above Sieghart and looking intimidating.

I don't have any possessions, can't you see that I'm having nothing with me? But maybe we can make a deal. Release us and when I'm out I will be able to give you money. - Sieghart said to the man while trying to figure out if he is joking or if it is real. The first thing that comes to his mind were that he is in some kind of show, surrounded by roleplayers that like to play and pretend that they are knights from the medieval age, but there is no way they would treat us like this he thought. This is a reality where if I say something wrong I will end up hurt or maybe even dead. He was able to basically feel that this man will kill him in the blink of an eye if he wanted.

I'm not letting you go until you spit beans where did you hide your carriage and stuff? - man said while he knelt down looking at Sieghart and slowly with his hand examine his clothes then added -"I hate when you nobles are trying to solve every situation with the money. I bet that you have more valuable stuff hidden somewhere here in the forest.

Confused even more Sieghart replied fast "I'm no noble, I no even know what you are talking about.".

If you are not a noble then why do you and your friends have that clear and expensive looking clothes on you? I can see that your hands and skin are so smooth that you are clearly showing that you never worked before because you are rich. Don't try to play the fool on me - man said then raised a little his tone of voice and added, "We think that you were traveling somewhere and parked your carriage with all possessions in the forest before we caught you. No nobles will travel these roads with no valuable stuff with them. Lead us there and we will let you go." - then a little angry he pushed Sieghart back to the tree and Sieghart knocked a little back of his head to the tree showing pain in his expression.

"You have time till the morning, then you will be no use to us. We will send our men to search every part of this forest and find it on our own." - the man said and slowly raised himself and just walked away.

In pain, confused, with almost no thoughts because he had never before found himself in a situation like this Sieghart just gazed upon a near the campfire. The ambiance sounds of crickets, night birds, and man's laughs were replaced with the sound of his heart pounding. He was looking at the fire with almost lifeless eyes and showing no expression on his face as he looked through the fire, but still, the only image he was able to see is a fire that slowly mingling with other variations of yellow, red and orange like a long tail of kite that gliding and moving in the air by the wind, slowly changing its color to dark purple fog and suddenly he tries again to release himself from the rope that was holding him tightly. Buzzing sound in his ears, heart racing so fast that it was like a shaman with the drum playing its ritual, every part of his muscles stiffened and then a big sound like an explosion happened and Sieghart just felt that blast move him away, knocking him down on the ground with his hands free. He was free, with no ropes to hold him down but his whole body was hurt like every muscle is crying.

A group of men that was all around enjoying the meal stopped every activity they had and confused take their weapons and everyone come to the place of the explosion. Part of them was scared because of the unknown source of the blast and some of them were on the guard, waiting for everything that can come at them but all of them were curious about what happened. They saw just a ravaged tree and stump burning, sparkles from it flying around and mixing with the night like fireflies, it was like the tree was obligated by some huge force that they can't comprehend and Sieghart was lying on the ground a couple of meters away from it coughing and trying to stand up.

Very fast a man in metal armor, full of details and symbols on his metal plate, with a clear red cape, followed by the group of armed men come. It was clear that this man is a man of status, every asset on his clothes was screaming that he is a boss.

"What happened here?" - he said with an orderly voice.

It was silence for a moment, a silence with the sound of a nearby fire in the background, then a couple of soldiers come out and said. - "We saw everything. Our prisoner started to growl like a wild beast, then a huge purple aura like a fire basically obligated the whole tree. It was his doing, he is a magic user it seems. " - they said looking at their leader.

He show a sign with a hand and soldiers took a Sieghart and started to hold it while he slowly comes in front of him and said - "Denying that you are a noble then showing this large scale of magic, you clearly have the guts to lie while being imprisoned by bandits."

Sieghart was listening to all time, all they were saying, trying to analyze his situation and what is happening, connecting dots from keywords that were able to hear from the bandit's conversation all around him and an idea occurred to him. To most people, this would be impossible to think of but Sieghart was different, he was coming from a very advanced and modern world where stories, games, tv shows, even scientific theories, and everything other on daily basis include stories like this. Nick, Allanoya, and him somehow ended in totally another world, a parallel world maybe, not his world, another world, probably less advanced but they have the concept of magic. But it remained yet to confirm this theory, also all other scenarios are there yet like for example someone is playing with him, but for now, he decided to play and join the situation in a different way.

"You saw for what I'm capable of, release me and my friends and no one is going to be hurt, otherwise I will blow away this whole camp with all of you, just like that tree over there." - Sieghart said, raising his head trying to look tough.

Laugh happened among all people around and the leader said - "We are maybe bandits but we are not stupid, most people here are ex-soldiers and we know very well how magic works, even if we alone cant use it. That magic outburst of you was probably your last for some time. I doubt you have enough magic right now to do it again" - then take a look at Sieghart and added "You look like you are in a very bad shape after using it, and can't control it yet" - leader of the bandits said and take a few steps around clearly showing that he is thinking something then said again to Sieghart. Do us a favor and finish one job for us then we will release you and your friends. - he said.

"And what if I refuse, why would I do that" - Sieghart said while being held by the two soldiers from behind.

The bandit leader gives a look with his eyes to a couple of people and they take their knives putting in on the throats of Nick and Allanoya then said: "I think that you are not in the position to refuse this request, you probably know what will happen to them and even you if you refuse."

Sieghart could easily say that he have nothing with those two, in a reality he didn't even know them and meet them just a couple of hours ago. He didn't care about them, but he was not a bad person and didn't want anyone hurt plus he wanted to clarify his theory and try to collect more information.

"What is your request, what should I do for you?" - he said and the captain took a smile and make again a few steps then replied.

A couple of months ago we were chased by some monster from our base and as you can see we are not able to return yet so we created this temporary camp while preparing to go there and fight it back. I left a very important item, deep in the ruins, where our base was. You will go there, explore our old base and use your magic to defeat that monster. Come back and your friends are free. Simple as that. Refuse, be late or try to run and you know what is going to happen to your friends.

Sieghart nodded and started to think, trying to process all those new information. Captain went to his tent grab a pen and a piece of old looking paper and started to draw a map for a Sieghart, where to find a base and all instructions.

"This is for you, follow this map and in around of day traveling on your feet, you will be able to be there. Finish what I told you and come back. Don't touch or take anything you see there." - The captain said while handing the piece of paper to Sieghart.

"Can you give me a weapon, food, or anything else that can help me, I have nothing with me, in this state I would not be able to even travel alive there." - Sieghart said while one soldier draw out his sword and throw it on the ground near Sieghart and he picked it up. Sieghart was very surprised at how heavy it is and hard to hold since this is the first time to hold in his hands a true metal sword. Before he was able just to see them in the movies and museums but never to actually touch them. Others noticed that he does not even know how to properly hold the sword and started to laugh and the captain said. "Prepare this man a little food and water, give him some useful items, and send him away on the job." then he walked away in his tent.

Moments later they give Sieghart a little bag while he was trying to understand the map that the captain give him and find a route how to go there and told him "Follow captain orders and don't be late, or we will need to have a little fun here, at the end all people here are mans" - soldier said while looking at Allanoya.

"You wouldn't dare to do that" - Sieghart angrily responded and everyone started to laugh and replied, "Yeah whatever, now go and bring us good news".

It was a still night, Sieghart parted his ways with the camp, slowly walking out while being led by moonlight that was falling on all surroundings clearly showing the path. As he traveled away from the bandit camp with each step more and every trace of light from the campfire was disappearing leaving him alone with only dim silver light falling from the sky.

He traveled all night, following the map and trying to keep himself awake. He was scared the whole time because he made it clear that this is probably another world. He tries to do not to think about what can happen if some monster or wild animal jumps him from the forest as he travels on the road. But he was lucky, he had his cell phone with him so he turned the flashlight from time to time when the moon disappear behind the clouds leaving him in total darkness. He had no signal and could not call anyone, couldn't connect to the internet or anything else which makes him believe in the theory that this is indeed another world. He was also thinking about the magic what he can do and how to do it because bandits in the camp refused the most of questions he had about it. However, he manages to make a couple of them talk just enough to get some basic information. Together with his knowledge of the modern world, it was not hard for him to figure out how it works. While he traveled he tried almost any possible way that could think of to try and manifest some magic. It was always the same, he start to think about, try to visualize, and feel the flow of strange energy flowing in his body and all around it.

At first time, nothing happened, but since he did not have so much to do and just walk he continue to visualize and try so many times, and in the end, it finally happened, a couple of times he manage to make his body glow with strange blue light. It was not enough to create a light source in the night but enough to make him believe that is possible to use magic in this world and he just needs to figure out how.

After a long journey, the first rays of light started to come out from the sun clearing the veil of the night with each second. It was already morning and he was very tired and hungry so he started looking at a place near a road where he can sit a little, eat something and maybe take a nap.

He managed to find a place with not too much grass, and clear enough to look safe. Place also where the sun will give him warmth because the morning was cold. Putting himself against a nice warm rock that was in the sun he felt like a lizard trying to catch the sun in the morning. It feels nice and safe. Sieghart took a few things from the bag that was received from the bandits. Drink a little water and try to eat some chewy and salty dried meat of unknown origin and bread. It tasted like nothing before he tried it and was not tasty at all, but that was all he had. Filling up his belly and tired he fall asleep.

While he was sleeping a dream happened, an unusual dream of a storm, an endless storm full of thunders, lightings all across the sky, hitting each corner of the ground around him and destroying each thing that touched. Then he hear a loud scream and instantly woke up and ended on his feat.

Someone screamed and it was a woman judging by the tone, coming from a near place where he was. Facing the previous situation he was in and that maybe someone other like himself is there he grab his sword and backpack then rushed the fast as he can in that direction, and didn't think too much.

The scene was not what he expected. Two armed men in simple leather armor were standing there assaulting a girl. She was bleeding and was covered in deep wounds all over her body. Her clothes were torn and dirty like she was in some much worse and bigger battle than this one. Whatever it was it was clear that she was weak and unprepared so these men try to take advantage of that.

Sieghart pointed his hand at the man and yelled "What are you doing! Stop it!". Two men that were assaulting a girl stopped and looked at him but something was weird. The moment Sieghart raised his hand a big bolt of lighting like thunder flew from it and hit one of man. Everything was so fast that even Sieghart barely saw what happened. The poor man didn't even realize that his chest was basically ripped and gone. Just a big hole full of blood. The moment he realized just fell down with no movements. It was dead. Instant and painless death.

His companion saw what happened and screamed taking his sword and running at Sieghart and trying to slash him. Sieghart didn't have time to think, instinctively take the sword that the bandit gave him, and blocked the attack. He felt pain in his hands. The sound of two metals slashing was intense and the aftershock of the hit was painful. Each bone in his fingers was trembling and hurting. He couldn't do it again, not with his untrained body and his opponent was clearly more trained in weapon use.

He raised the sword and attacked it again but this time Sieghart couldn't block it. The moment blades touched each other Sieghart's sword just flew from his hands without reach. He was defenseless.

The man was preparing to land the next attack on the Sieghart and he will not be to dodge it. He tried to swing again and this time kills Sieghart but stopped. His face started to change and he started to age very fast showing the horror of not knowing what happened and the big pain on his face. Then his aged and dried body just falls to the side showing a figure behind it.

It was a girl that just a moment before was on the ground and screaming for help standing by the body of that man and cleaning a small strange looking blade. She stabbed him and use some strange magic that probably killed him - Sieghart thought.

'Thank you for saving me.' - he said but the girl replied "No, thank you for saving me. You are my hero, I believe that you were able to get out of this situation alone, but I decided to help you a little, not too much.' She started to giggle happily and stared at the Sieghart with red strange looking eyes. He could not tell her age, she looked like a mature woman that stands proud and confident in herself but yet a little teen girl at the same time. Her smooth porcelain like skin and face was showing some deep mystery. So lifeless and yet so much life in that expression.

Sieghart noticed that her black clothes with dark red decorations that resemble some uniform and skirt were all torn but she had no signs of any injury or blood like he saw a couple of moments before but didn't give too much into thinking why.

"I'm no hero, to be honest, I don't even know how I did that and killed that man, glad that you are okay." - he said while she was still staring at him with a smile and he added - "Can you help me and answer a couple of questions?"

"Sure, some questions I might answer and some not" she replied and giggled again then return to gaze like before.

"I'm not from this country, I traveled far away so I don't know where am I, I think I'm lost, do you know what is this place?" - Sieghart asked with a calm voice.

"Then welcome to the kingdom of Andovia, all those forests and everything you will see ahead is one big kingdom" - she said. "Andovia..." - Sieghart mumbled, showing clearly that it is an unknown name to him.

"Can you use magic and how do you use it?" - he asked again but the girl replied immediately "There is magic, it is rare and hard to learn it especially to use it for a fight but you will meet people who can use it sometimes for some minor jobs."

"Can you use it, or show me how?" - Sieghart asked again but she didn't respond at all, just standing there with a smile gazing at him.

He tried to move and said something again to break the silence but she moved instantly and with her finger that showed black nails touch him gently on the chin and looked at him, then slowly moved her finger and poke him in the forehead then just make a smile and said - "My hero...I'm in hurry right now, let's talk some other time if our paths cross again" then she turned and walked very slow disappearing into the forest.

Sieghart watched her as she left while his forehead was tingling. He didn't know what to think but now was a hundred percent sure that is another world and such he needs to be careful, because every wrong move can cost him a life, and he needs information, more details about this world. But right now he had more desire to finish this job and return to his companions. Knowing people like Nick and Allanoya from his world somehow gives him an easy and secure feeling. Same as when you are in some crowd or place full of strangers, knowing nothing and then you meet people you know.

Around him were two dead bodies, one lifeless and aged to an old age body and one that he killed. He was sorry for both of them but once he learned where he was he instantly forgets that feeling and started to think about surviving. He lotted both bodies and try to take what he can and managed to find another sword, a spear, and a couple of strange looking coins that were probably currency in this world, a small knife, and another backpack with some supplies. In the end, he took useful parts of the armor that they were wearing and spend a couple of hours trying to swing and test sword, spear, and magic. Then continue his journey.

After a couple of hours walking, he was there at his destination. The old base of bandits, old ruins carved in the mountain rocks with the big stone entrance. Broken pillars and entrance covered in green mold. It totally looked ancient. Whatever this was, it was not just a simple old cave, something in past was here but now it is just in ruins.

He remembered that they were chased by a monster and instantly got chills down his spine. What kind of monster was that and how strong it is when the whole camp of bandits didn't manage to kill it - he thought but has no time nor another option to choose. He needs to proceed and somehow uses that same magic that set him free in the camp and kills that man, however when later tried to use it again and test it no matter what he did nothing happens. Sieghart remembered from his world an idea and try to apply magic to his weapon and make it more deadly but when he tried that, electricity passed through his hand and whole metal sword just to repel each other ending in him having pain in that hand for hours. He was doing something wrong and didn't have enough time to practice and also he was a little bitter because that girl ignored his question and didn't answer it. He was left to find the answer by himself when this job is done.

Standing at the ruin entrance he took a spear that was looted previously and take one rock to throw it so far into the inside to check if maybe something is there. No response. Whatever monster was there it was deep inside or maybe even out. He needs to continue, there is no way back. Slowly and with caution, he makes a step and continues deep into the darkness of the unknown hoping that will survive.