
Corruption Hero

In the unknown world where corruption, the ancient unleashed magic taking more and more flourishing land and affecting people's lives a small party of outland adventures will soon find themselves in conflict deeper than they can handle.

Jakerkun · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


The coldness was all over Sieghart's body more with each step he make deeper inside. The old ruins and space inside were spacious but it was built inside of rocks and caves at a higher altitude making the air inside more cold and a lot of cracks in the old masonry caused by erosion and old age were leaking droplets of water that with each drop were echoing all across tunnels and making the inside of ruins even colder. It was also dark so he was not able to see correctly where he is going but luckily he had a flashlight from his cell phone in his hand. One of his concerns was also what will happen when his battery is out. He would be stuck inside of dark and cold cave without a chance to find his way out. He shook his head trying to make those thoughts disappear and focus on what is ahead of him.

What he saw were remnants of weapons, resources, campfires, straw beds and crates, barrels, even pieces of armor sets, and other stuff that probably bandits left there when they had to abandon their base. Even a couple of half eaten dead bodies of bandits were there. He remembered the words of the bandits' captain to not touch anything, but he thought differently now. If he want to survive at all costs, defeat that monster and come back to rescue Nick and Allanoya, he had to increase every chance that he have of survival.

He checked around, opening the crates, looking at weapons trying to see if he can find something useful. Unfortunately from his perspective and knowledge, he was not able to pick up and recognize the quality of different weapons, but a couple of things looked better than what he had with him already so he choose them. In crates, he manages to find golden coins, just a couple, and took them thinking that it will probably need them when this is over, and a couple of strange looking small bottles filled with unknown colorful liquids. To him, it looked like healing potions but he was not reckless enough to actually try them. What if this is some kind of poison - he thought but still took a couple and put them into his backpack which was now much larger, that he also found there.

He was still cold, and his breath was visible. The desire to light up one of the remains of the campfire was there but he didn't know how to do it. Without a lighter, he didn't know how to start a fire, so he decided to put on him all the ticker clothes that he find there together with a full set of metal armor. He was now like a real soldier, but the armor was actually heavy, he was a little slower now but it was not bothering him too much. Sieghart was not a weak person, he spend a lot of years training his body after work on a daily basis like weight lifting, jogging, and various other exercises. He didn't have any skills or knowledge about combat but he was strong enough to be not bothered by the weight of armor and had big stamina.

Just when he was about the move and proceed deeper into the ruins a monster jumped from the ruin ceiling near him. It was something like a big gorilla, the body was thin and small but it had big strong arms that were used to stand on. It has no fur and the skin was almost white, visible veins were pulsating on the skin, and big theets, sharp eyes stared at him. It was going around him, examining him, while Sieghart with the flashlight was following it and thinking about what to do.

Sieghart knew that it would not be strong enough nor fast to dodge or block the monster's attack, because he was not able to stop even one attack from a human before, and couldn't find any other way of attacking it with the sword also. Using magic was an option, but he didn't know how to use it properly. But he needs to try something before the monster attacks him first.

This whole time before the monster shows up he was busy handling the coldness he felt and putting armor on him, then suddenly he was occupied with the sight of the monster, trying to think how to defend and attack. Then he noticed that it was much heavier than before and saw the reason behind it.

He was basically coated around the chest and torso, arms with tick ice that looked like armor. Earlier when he was still traveling through ruins, Sieghart noticed that on his body was constantly a little ice, so he would clean it and after some time he would notice that it was still there, he was thinking that the temperature it below zero inside and that's why ice was creating over his clothes and hands. But now it had sense. It was cold indeed, but not enough for ice to produce. His body and mind probably reacted to cold and mixed with magic he created ice. It was ice magic - he thought. He was already well aware and manage to create lightning magic before and even play with it but now he was looking at ice magic. The possibilities are endless - he thought.

Seeing ice armor on him, and satisfied that he manages to pull any magic trick at all, he was now full of courage to strike first. He raised his hand in front of the monster and started to visualize the sound and image of how electricity flows from his hand and kills the monster then buzzy sound all around him and a big thunder like energy strike come from his hand and attacked the monster.

The monster started to growl in pain and fell down, then manage to stand up again but it was visibly weakened and slow, try to attack Sieghart but he was quick. Fast move with his spear and he stabbed the monster in the neck before it was able to reach him. He was breathing heavily and felt dizziness in his head but the monster was dead.

The moment he tried to relax and thought that it was done and he managed to finish the job to his surprise eight other monsters appeared and quickly surround him. He didn't expect so many monsters to appear. He thought that only one monster was there, but now, even more, come to him. Bandits never mention more than one, they said one monster. Then he realized that he was wrong. If one monster that he killed was there and he managed to kill it, why did then bandits run and didn't fight back? He finds the reason behind it. There was no escape.

He try to stab with the spear again one of the closest monsters but the monster easily with its hand hit the spear and the spear just flew far from Sieghart's hands. Another monster attacked him from the back hitting him so hard from the side and shattering the ice armor on him in a million tiny pieces that started to shine and reflect the light from the flashlight that he also dropped from the hand then his body flew a couple of meters away hitting the stone wall and ending on the ground.

The hit was so hard that a couple of his ribs were broken and he was lucky that had ice armor and metal plating over his body otherwise it would be torn apart and died instantly, in the pain he managed to stand up again and the next monster was already on its way to attack again. He tried the same trick as before again but a big sharp stake made of ice manifested in the front of his hand and hit the monster in the head killing him on the spot. Without stopping with another hand almost at the same time he killed another monster with a lightning attack like before and quickly take his sword, screaming and stabbing another monster in the head.

Tree lifeless bodies of the monsters together with one from a previous fight were lying around and he tries again to kill one more with the ice spike but as soon he was able to manifest the spike it didn't have enough velocity to fly toward making it just drop on the ground in the front of him. The attack failed, but the monster didn't wait and hit him again making him bounce to another monster just to be hit again.

Ruthless monsters started hitting Sieghart from all directions with their claws making him bounce from one to another monster like he was just a tiny small ball that children use to play with each other. He was unable to exit the series of attacks and didn't even have a chance to think about what to do next until after a few hits he ended up bloody on the ground.

All in pain and unable to see because dark and blood from the wound on his forehead was dripping on his eyes making him not see clearly he started to scream in rage and despair and tried to pull all magic that can felt in his body and around.

The buzzing sound was louder and louder, his body started to glow more and more until a big outburst of magic happened from his body, creating big electricity, light, sound, and thunders all over his body, all over his surrounding, all over each monster.

He continued to scream and produce electricity so big that started to burn his own flesh, monsters started to growl and cry in pain unable to escape. Water all over the ceiling and walls started to conduct electricity and rocks started falling down, closing the exit forever. A big tremor all around and monsters falling down one next to another, his cellphone was on the ground with the still flashlight turned on exploded and at the end, even Sieghart collapsed on the ground, wounded and without consciousness in total darkness.

* * *

Sieghart was not aware how many hours passed, maybe even days. He was lying on the hay and was in great pain, even his breathing was causing him pain. When he woke up just a couple of moments ago he find himself in a prison cell lying. He was half naked, but all his possessions and clothes were well put together next to him, and from what he was able to confirm visually, everything was there. The last thing he was able to remember is that he was in a fight and put everything he had to try and kill all monsters. He also remembered that he had a lot of injuries that were almost deadly. A quick look at his armor that was there and he confirmed that because the armor was pretty bruised and deformed in places where he took a hit.

He take look at his body and it was all in scars, big scars like a cut all over his arms, shoulders, chest, and stomach. On his shoulder and a little part of his chest, he saw a scar that looks like lightning. He probably got it from all that electricity he had released. He noticed that all wounds were healed and only scars were left leading him to conclude that a lot of time passed.

"Whoever saved me kept me here for a long time, I was probably asleep for weeks" - he thought and try to stand up.

"My lord, you should rest and try to not move yet too much, we managed to heal you, thanks to items you had with you, otherwise you would be dead by now. But you still need to recover." - he heard an older voice telling him that and one older man all in ragged clothes walked in together with a couple of other people walking behind him, looking with curious eyes, and all of them looked dirty and somehow weak.

Sieghart didn't know them nor he knew where he was but he knew that they are the people that rescued him so he try to be polite and asked them "Thank you for keeping me alive, I'm in your debt."

"Not at all sir, we are very happy to see you again, all people here are so happy and their will to live returns knowing that you come to us and try to rescue us. We are so glad that you didn't abandon us" - the man said and in his voice was a great respect for Sieghart.

"Sorry, but I don't know you and I was not here for you, it was just a coincidence, but thank you for helping me. If I can repay you somehow just tell me and I will do what is in my power." - Sieghart replied.

All people that were there kneeled before and started praying then the man that was there said - "My lord, what are you talking about, it seems that your memory is not serving you well, you probably have amnesia because you hit your head and were mortally wounded."

Sieghart tried to understand what is happening. He was wounded but from what he was able to tell, he was remembering everything he had done so far completely, it definitely didn't have amnesia. These people probably mistook him for someone, so he try to pretend and gather more information.

"My head still hurts, I remember something but not everything, my memory is dizzy, please tell me more and I will remember. I promise." - he said while trying to look convincing. He felt bad about pretending and lying to people that helped him, but for him, this was the only option he had to choose.

"Of course, we will share everything with you. We want you to recover so you can lead us out of here" - a crying woman that was there said and the man added "You are king Herteus for god's sake, our beloved king that we will follow even in death. How can anyone here forget the face of our leader? Your hair, beard, face, even voice, it is you, my lord, we will never make a mistake. I'm Travis your servant and soldier. We were exiled from our motherland Norled and all people that wanted to follow your lead were with you on a journey. But unfortunately, we got separated from you and in the end, we made a big mistake and got captured by a large group of bandits that betrayed us. So we ended deep in these ruins, surrounded by monsters and unable to leave."

"We were here for months, captured and tortured, many of us are already dead, even children." - woman started to cry even more and kneeled before Sieghart.

"You need to remember sir, only your lead and your ice magic can get us from these prisons in ruins and the monster that is there." - the man added.

This was a big bite for Sieghart to chew, all that he heard was unbelievable. But since he come to this world he saw many things that didn't want to believe but they were true. If this is another world then this is probably possible. Maybe these people are not wrong. What if in this world my doppelganger existed that looked the same as me - Sieghart thought.

"How did you save me? How long was I asleep? Where are we now and why you can't leave on your own?" - Sieghart asked all those questions very fast because he wanted more answers before he decide on another move.

"We heard sounds of a big battle and monsters going in one spot, we thought that bandits returned and try to prepare to revenge on them, and then we found you, lying on the ground, all bloody and wounded. All monsters were dead or unconscious, so we killed the rest thanks to the weapons you had with you. We were all sad seeing you like that but also very happy because you returned to us. At first, we thought that we cant save you, but then in your backpack that you had with you, we found a couple of high grade healing potions. Because of them, you were able to heal almost most of your wounds. You were so lucky to have them with you and survive. This must be the sign from the gods." - Travis said.

"How long was I asleep?" - Sieghart asked and the other man replied, "We don't have anything here to measure the time but we think you were sleeping for around 16 hours. At that time healing potions did a great job to heal you almost completely."

"You said that bandits captured you here, why you were not able to escape?" - Sieghart asked another question.

"We can't, we were here in our prison cells for months, unable to go out, a couple of us managed to escape but we were surrounded by monsters and didn't have any weapon or tool to fight or even try to open other cells. We were able to leave this place only sometimes where not all monsters are around and we never managed to go down to a place where we found you. Most people are still behind bars but thanks to the weapons that you had with you, we will be able to open cells and release all people." - he got an answer.

"How did you manage to survive here for such a long time?" - Sieghart asked with a sad face.

"We that manage to escape from cells were collecting water from walls. We ate mold and mushrooms to survive. Sometimes we were able to steal meat from dead animals that monsters left after their meal. Here in prison chambers monsters were not able to enter because of narrow passages but also were not able to escape nor would want to escape without others." - Travis said.

"You said that all monsters are dead, you can leave now." - Sieghart said with hope in his voice.

"We can't, small monsters are all dead, but another one, much bigger that was producing this smaller one is still here, and since the entrance collapsed in your fight, that monster is also trapped here with us. We will have no chance when the monster is not around because it cant live out. There is another hidden exit, I saw bandits using it, but that is the place where that bigger one lives." - Travis replied.

Sieghart didn't like the idea to be stuck inside ruins, especially because he has a reason to return. Nick and Allanoya were still captured and he promised that he will return but also didn't want to leave these people that desperately wanted help.

"I will try to kill that monster and free us all" - Sieghart said with a confident look.

"No my lord, you will not fight alone, everyone here will help us. We have nothing to lose. Thanks to you, we now have access to the room where bandits keep their equipment. We have weapons, we can fight now. You cleared all other monsters and now we will assist you to take down another one." - Travis said and all the other people inside the room nodded.

"Before we start I have a question, my memories are still not returned fully, can you tell me more about the magic, and how can I use it for a fight" - Sieghart asked.

"In our country, you were a champion in using ice magic. You trained since little age and were able to do wonders. No one was able to challenge you in a fight. But your body is still not healed, and magic is very dangerous and can hurt you more, even kills you. I suggest not using it until you are recovered. Those scars on you are the pure example of what can happen if you overuse your magic, and I'm afraid inside of you there is also damage that you will not notice. I don't know when you learned to use lighting magic and I'm happy that you learn it, but try to not use it recklessly." - Travis replied.

"Travis, may I ask you for a favor and train me a little, teach me some basic sword fight and how to use magic, I'm afraid I forgot everything." - Sieghart said trying to look convincing.

"With a pleasure, my lord" - Travis replied happily.

After some time Sieghart was on his feet, he was walking around trying to see more. People there were in very bad shape, some of them were sick and lying down, and there was a lot of soldiers and woman, even children. They were all starved but as soon they saw Seighart, they basically returned and become more lively, in eyes of them, Sieghart saw hope and his pure presence there was helping them. They were in one big chamber that had a prison cells and the passage to it was very narrow. Humans would be able to enter but anything bigger won't. That's how they survived without the monsters noticing them.

Travis was the one who manage to unlock his cell and escape but he was not able to help others. Cells were sealed and without some tool or a weapon, he was unable to unlock them and free them, and on top of that, they were surrounded by monsters and could not move anywhere from prison chambers. Travis didn't leave his people. For the last months he was collecting water from stone walls and cracks, trying to find mold, mushrooms, rats, and bugs and when he was lucky that not all monsters are around he tried to risk his life and take some meat or bones from animal carcasses that monsters left there. He tried many times to unlock cells using animal bones but couldn't do it. He knew that in other chambers there are weapons and tools that can help them but they were all full of monsters and he didn't want to risk his life, because alive he was more helpful to others than dead. If in some case he ended up dead, everyone would die without a chance to collect food and water, so he rather try not to take a risk and try to find weapons from other chambers.

Hours passed and all people were free, everyone collected all kinds of weapons from other chambers like swords, spears, bows, axes even some armor and other helpful items. The big monster was in totally another part of the ruins, but everyone was extra careful to try not to make any noise. The monster was a much bigger version of the smaller ones that were there and the ruin's chambers were not that big so because of that it couldn't jump, move or make some big movements like smaller ones. If everyone attacked they would have the upper hand. Slowly everyone was preparing for a fight. There were around fifty people there, and according to Travis they had over one hundred people, but most of them died from bandits' torture and starvation after they got stuck there.

Meanwhile, Travis and other soldiers were giving a lesson to Sieghart. He tried different kinds of weapons but in the end, he choose a longsword and spear. Using a spear for someone untrained like him, he had a better chance to hit, because with a spear he was able to fight even without some training but using a sword was different, he needed lessons. He didn't have time to spend too much into training and actually learn something but they covered enough lessons for him to be able to understand the basics and continue practice alone in the future.

They also revealed to him one interesting fact. They explained to him a lot about the magic that they knew. Using magic for spells and attacks was dangerous and required a lot of training, however, what everyone who can use magic was doing is instead to use magic to create some spells they would boost their bodies and gain bigger speed, strength, stamina, agility, etc and become much better in a fight. This was something basic for magic users and an ability that most of them choose to use instead of speels because it was less risky and required much less magic consumption and training, and if you are naturally strong, using magic in this way will boost it even more. However, even this had a risk because if you overuse your body, you will be able to damage it. Sieghart didn't have a problem learning this because he was able to almost perfectly visualize each body part, from muscles, bones, organs, even cells, molecules, and atoms, making him even stronger thanks to his knowledge of the modern world. In order to use magic you will need to be born with it, you will need to train using magic, train your body, and one also very important trait was visualization. The more you can visualize something and back it with magic, the bigger your chance to successfully do it.

The dead bodies of other monsters, collapsed entrance, and a lot of fires that Travis people make all over ruins kept the big monster away from it. It didn't move from one place for a long time. So everyone was ready to attack it. Slowly and with catios they come close. First, the archers, some children, women, and other weak soldiers attack it from a safe distance. The monster didn't expect an attack and started to growl in pain. They tried to hit its eyes and make it blind but unfortunately, they managed to wound only one eye of the monster and they were short with arrows.

The turn was for soldiers with spears, those that were still weak but able to fight more closely, monster full of arrows in its body, started coming at them making a huge noise with each step, but everyone make a defense with some shields and spears managing to stab a monster couple of time, making it bleed and growl again in big pain and very quickly to not give the monster a chance to attack other soldiers with swords and axes attacked starting to stab and cut monster all over its body.

The monster was weak and still dangerous, but it was open for a finishing move. Travis was not good at magic, but he was able to use a little just enough to make himself more stronger when he had to fight. Together with Sieghart using magic boost on their body very fast they attacked with their sword slicing the monster on each side of its neck. The monster started to bleed a lot and growl in its blood then just collapsed down on the ground. It was dead. The victory was their.

The cheers were echoing all over the ruins, and all people and soliders were happy, everyone started to call their king's name. Thank you king Herteus, thank you king Herteus...

After they all calmed, Travis was able to open another passage and lead them outside. Everyone was going with long stairs upward and after some time finally, everyone saw the light, clear mountain air, the breeze, the warmth of the sun, the sound of birds from a near forest, and rivers. They felt freedom for the first time in the past few months. The expression of happiness and gratitude was indescribable on their face.

Not so much time passed and everyone was down in the forest. Their organization was very good and fast because in a very short amount of time they basically made a mini camp. They manage to hunt some wild animals for meat and already started roasting it on the campfire, they collected water from a river to clean themself and purify to drink and made some stew with forest herbs and meat. Others collected some medical herbs and started applying them to their body in order to heal some scratches, wounds, and infections that they got while they were imprisoned. Some of them even started making more primitive weapons, like wooden spears, bows, and arrows. Sieghart was able to notice that these people were extraordinarily capable and trained of surviving on their own. How did they even manage to get captured by those bandits, he wondered while eating a big tasty piece of roasted meat and suddenly from behind him he heard a familiar voice.

"I told you that you are a hero" - a girl in a new black dress with a lot of symbols on it and red decorations that he meet in the forest before but now had a different dress, said that and came from a near forest stand near Sieghart.

"Oh it's you, what are you doing here, how did you find us?" - Sieghart asked with a curious face.

"I was looking for you for some time already, I wanted to find my hero who rescued me." - she said giggling and coming closer to Sieghart.

"I'm no hero at all, I barely survive, again." - Sieghart said with a low tone in his voice.

"You inspired all those people, you give them hope and a will to fight again. You saved them, isn't that what true heroes do, and you definitely look like one in their eyes." - the girl responded.

"You said that you were looking for me, why?" - Sieghart asked.

"I wanted just to say that I saw your friends, they are safe and already far away from that bandit camp." - she said with a smile on her face.

"How do you know that? Who are you?" - Sieghart asked with a confused voice.

"We will talk later about that, let's focus now on what is ahead of you. What is your plan to do next?" - the girl said with a low tone while coming even closer to Sieghart.

"I don't have plans, I planned to return and rescue my friends in the bandits' camp, but if what you said is true and they are already out, I really don't know what to do now, I guess that I will try to find them and join them." - Sieghart replied.

"And what about these people? Are you going to just leave them, it seems that they see something bigger in you" - she said.

At that moment one of the soldiers that were there come to Sieghart and said while showing respect in his voice and gesture: "Sorry for my rudeness, but I could not help but not overhear that you already know where the bandit camp is."

"I know, my companions were captured with them, including me, so I was planning to go there after this and rescue them." - Sieghart replied.

"Please my lord, tell us the location, every person here wants revenge, we suffer enough, and we want to revenge on our families and friends. Let us fight once more on your side." - he said and kneeled before Sieghart.

A girl that was next to Sieghart pushed him a little with the hand on his back, making him step ahead in front of the soldier. The soldier was awaiting a response and Sieghart noticed that all eyes of people there are on him. Everyone wanted an order from Sieghart. In the first second, he didn't like that responsibility, especially because he lied to them about who he was but after seeing how these people were badly treated and almost dead, and for the first time since they escaped from prison all of them had eyes full of confident look and all had a smile. They were happy that they have a chance to take revenge on the bandits for everything they did to them. Sieghart didn't have a choice, he was a man who could not destroy the hope of these people.

"Prepare all people that can fight, we will move in the in the evening, and make them an ambush while they are sleeping." - Sieghart said with an orderly voice and a whole mass of people started cheering him, and calling the name of their king. Travis was among people, also happy looking with the proud eyes on Sieghart, and the mystery girl was still next to him making a big satisfied smile.

After everyone manages to take a big meal, rest well and prepare for a battle it was time to move. Children and women were left behind, not because they didn't want to go, they wanted, but because they left to take care of others that were sick and weak. There were around thirty bandits from what Sieghart saw and the same number of soldiers that followed him. The girl that was with Sieghart said that she need to go and that will catch up with them later again. They traveled for hours and it was night. A couple of soldiers scouted the banding camp and returned to give a report.

"Two of them are guarding the camp and others are all sleeping outside, but I must report that their camp for some reason looks so ravaged and destroyed, they have just two tents, other tents look burned down and they are not using them, everything inside looks so unprotected, like they already had some fight. Since all of them are outside, they are easy targets." - scout said.

Travis ordered soldiers and give the order - "Prepare bows, we are going to attack them with arrows and kill them all while we can. Everyone that survives we are going to finish them with melee weapons."

Immediately everyone took their bow, prepare arrows, and just like that, they launched one big attack over the sky. Arrows basically for a moment blocked all moonlight and created a dark spot over the camp, and bandits that manage to wake the second before getting hit were able to see just pitch dark falling on them. Following that attack, others rushed inside the camp and quickly with the help of night managed to kill and capture the rest of them. It was finished before even started, bandits didn't know even what happened. Almost all of them were dead, some of them manage to survive, but were wounded. They were captured and tightly tied with rope.

Everyone started to loot what they can in the hope to find more resources and food. Suddenly they heard horses galloping and then they saw the whole garrison of fully well equipped soldiers coming in their direction and with them a girl that was just a couple hours ago with Sieghart.