
Corrupting Our Saviors

Sucked into another world and tasked by Ysulla, the Goddess of Sinful Indulgence, to corrupt the impressionable Valkyrie students of Ravenwood Academy, Ivy is, understandably, a bit overwhelmed. She’s been given a smattering of tools, some magical and some not. To name a few: the ability to delve into dreams and coerce the mind, a busty, excitable, too-eager assistant as skilled at administration as she is deception, and most importantly, the role of Headmaster. And with it, a cover story as Iverius Drovelia, a world-renowned war hero. More than enough to accomplish this perverted task of hers, to turn the young Valkyrie campus into a den of debauchery and intemperance. So long, of course, as the whole thing doesn’t come crashing down. Oh, and she has a dick now – can’t leave that part out. (Disclaimer: If the synopsis didn’t clue you in, expect problematic depictions ahead. Including but not limited to: mind control, blackmail, coercion, abuse of position and power, and invasions of privacy, both physical and mental. Reader discretion is advised.)

Ysulla · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 06

"Wow~" Amy said. "Why's it so much? You completely covered me … ah, it's even starting to drip."

She jogged to a nearby cabinet, arms crossed beneath her chest and elbows tucked in to try to stop from anything hitting the carpet. Awkwardly tugged open a cabinet, pulled out a towel and starting wiping herself down.

"Towels in an office?" Ivy was still panting as she came down from her climax. Her cock was expended, now gone soft and slumped over into her lap. Such a weird sight … it'd be a while before she got use to seeing it nestled between her legs.

"Duh," Amy said, having finished wiping herself, now heading over to Ivy. "I'm keeping you well prepared. You haven't taken a look around?"

Amy wiped down Ivy's cock and lap, cleaning the last bits of cum that had dribbled out of her softening dick. The touch almost roused it again – apparently, she didn't have much of a refractory period.

The easy deference – having Amy clean her, and without even asking – did something to Ivy's heart. Made it stutter.

"Went straight to business with the reps," Ivy admitted. "So no."

"Hm … then, you didn't read the instructions I left?"


Amy tutted. "In your top drawer."

Ivy pulled it open, saw she was right. Several pages of neat handwritten notes laid there, marked in bold and underline, 'READ THIS'.


"I told you to," she scolded. "Ignoring me already?"

"Must have gotten lost in the flood." The intro brief had been so cram-packed with information.

"That's fair," Amy sighed. "Want me to give you the rundown?"

Scanning the several pages of information, Ivy nodded – she didn't want to try to read all that, digest it. "I'll use this as a reference."

"Okay." Amy started shrugging into her bra and top, so Ivy followed suit, pulling up her underwear and pants. The post-sex was a … surprisingly nonchalant affair, but Ivy supposed that wasn't too weird, seeing how there weren't any real emotions bouncing around. Just a quick physical satisfaction, as Amy had explicitly said her role was.

"Let's start with the most important stuff first," Amy said, straightening out her shirt – Ivy missed the sight of her perky tits already. Maybe she could order her to always be topless inside Ivy's office … it was certainly within her authority. Ah, but that was so impractical, and Ivy really needed to focus. "What you've got available to help corrupt these girls," Amy continued, "because smooth talking isn't going to be enough, not for the wide-scale devolution into degeneracy Mistress's end goal is."

"The powers Ysulla gave me?" Ivy suggested.

"Yep. Let's start there. First off, the dreaming. Mistress told you a bit about it, right?"

"Just go over it again."

"It's pretty straight forward. Here, you'll need this." Amy pulled open the bottom-right drawer of Ivy's great mahogany desk and pulled out a large crystal orb. "This is your dreaming focus; it'll help you get inside. Once in though, the manipulation's all on you – it'll take practice."

"What's the point?" Ivy asked. "I mean … it seems so indirect, doesn't it?"

Amy raised her eyebrows. "Subliminal messaging works. You can funnel ideas or persuasions into your representatives pretty little heads – get the ball rolling, and completely in secret. Untraceable. The real work will need to be done in your office, of course, or otherwise with meeting them, but when it comes to priming them?" A sly smile slid across her face. "Or even, if you want to have some fun with them … any crazy situation your mind can create, once you get good enough at dreamscaping …" She sighed. "Unfortunately, the physical sensation isn't nearly as good. So it's more for the mental excitement."

"You've used it before?"

"Mistress has used it on me," she clarified. She paused, then flushed – and Ivy raised her eyebrows, because Amy didn't seem particularly innocent when it came to matters of sex. But Ivy supposed when it was the literal goddess of indulgence, the fantasies she produced must be, ahem, exotic.

Ivy pushed away the burning curiosity. Focus, damnit. Don't think about what perverted situations Amy might have been subjected to. What kinds of … exotic things she'd experienced.

"How do I get better with it?" Ivy asked, shaking her head to clear it.

"Practice, like all things. I don't think you'll be able to do too much to start with. Probably enter, maybe tug the situation one way or another. But definitely not total fabrication, or even wide scale reshaping, not till you're better."


"But even seeing what they're dreaming is a huge information advantage," Amy pointed out. "So I'd make sure to check in each night, get a feel. You'll need the practice anyways."

Ivy nodded, put the dreaming focus away. "And then there's the coercion."

"That power's trickier. And one you won't be using on the girls, mind you. The corruption needs to be real, for you to gain in power. The Indulgence Veil will handle mental perceptions, once things start to get crazy, so that nobody realizes there's some serious demonic-powered hijinks going on, but they need to be wanting to indulge themselves, not be mentally hijacked into it."

"My coercion powers are for the Board," Ivy guessed. "Handling the Academy aspects, administration and whatnot."

"Exactly. Or whatever – just not the girls." She pursed her lips. "No comprehensive take over, for the girls, I mean; you'll need to do small nudges, here and there. Smooth over their doubts, inhibitions. We'd get nowhere fast, if not."

Ivy nodded. "And how do I use it?"

"It should be pretty intuitive, like dreamscaping. But will take practice, and you'll be able to do more as you start to corrupt the campus, gain in strength. The effect will grow. You can practice on me – that's probably for the best, early on. But later." She hummed. "You know about the cameras?"

"Cameras?" The word felt out of place, being launched in a fantasy world – even if the technology level seemed to be pretty high. Close to Earth-level.

A grin split across Amy's face. "Oh, you're going to love this. Come with me."

Amy pulled a book out from the bookshelf tucked into the east side of Ivy's office. Some mechanism clicked, and the bookshelf slid inward.

"A secret bookshelf," Ivy said dryly. "How inspired."

Amy laughed, waved for her to follow. Ivy did.

Inside was … not what she'd expected. But she probably should have, considering what Amy had prefaced this whole event with.

Eight enormous computer monitors – to use an Earth word, at least – lined the wall, two rows of four-wide. Each was giant; more than enough real estate to cleanly make out the details on the screen.

Cameras – a surveillance room.

Ivy's heart skipped a beat as she saw where the cameras pointed.

Classrooms, hallways, outside pavilions. Those were the obvious, decent ones. But also … rooms. Bathrooms. Showers.

No sanctity left undefiled; Ravenwood was, apparently, completely wired up to observe its students lives. In the finest detail. Without the slightest regard for privacy.

"Do they know about this?" Ivy asked, genuinely stunned.

"Of course not," Amy laughed. "Well, the obvious ones, they do. But not showers and stuff." She tapped something on the console beneath the screens, and the image on the bottom-left monitor flickered. "This is Laura's room, if you're curious," Amy said, shooting her a sly grin. "I wrote down some other important codes … you know, for your perusal."

"This is disgusting," Ivy said in amazement. "Truly deplorable."

"Isn't it?" Amy asked with a gleam in her eye. "And it's all yours. And look, you can zoom in, even adjust the angle … the cameras are mobile, perfectly camouflaged … anything you want to see, you can. Anything …"