
Corrupt Cultivation System

After a painful death, Huan Wei finds himself in the Black Void, the end of everything. The Darkness offers him a deal he cannot refuse. Huan Wei will be reborn in the Celestial World with a new life and new powers, and he will be on his way to becoming a god. But Huan Wei also has another mission. He will become one of the Black Void's executioners and kill for it. The Celestial World is a vast and mysterious world where martial and elemental arts exist, where people strive endlessly to become stronger than each other, where everyone is trying to make a name for themselves. Only the powerful are respected and allowed to do whatever they want. Even if he slaughters everyone in sight, they just try to stay away from him. The Qi that pervades the entire universe and the countless beings born from it. The Celestial World is full of unexplored opportunities and mysteries waiting to be solved. Powerful sects rule the continents. Countless dangers lurk around every corner, and it is difficult to gain a foothold in this world. But thanks to the Corrupt Cultivation System, Huan Wei has the chance to walk a forgotten path. His path is more than blood. The power to consume life is now in his hands. But is he the only one who has been granted such power? [Life Essence consumed.] [Blood Essence consumed. Initiating Blood Tempering.] [Special Mission] System User detected. Kill the target. 1 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter

KagaraTheHunter · ตะวันออก
17 Chs

Obsessive Love

Lou Guiren stepped aside. Huan Wei and Zhao Yongnian took up fighting positions.


Huan Wei was usually a winner in these fights, but he was also a loser. Lou Guiren had chosen him for this reason. He wanted to see if he had learned from his mistakes.


Zhao Yongnian was one of the ordinary students. He was not a star of the younger generation. Yet he had the Oak Body like all the other students and had been training here for months.


Lou Guiren raised his hand and lowered it, saying, "Begin."


Huan Wei stepped forward. He planned to start with a quick fist.


He brought his fist up to his face. Zhao Yongnian pulled his head aside and caught him by the wrist. He then kicked towards Huan Wei's leg.


The young man lifted his foot and kicked Zhao Yongnian's knee. This saved him from the kick. He also pulled his wrist free with a hard pull and spun around and kicked Zhao Yongnian in the abdomen. The blow caused his opponent to fall to the ground.


Huan Wei didn't wait. He immediately lifted his foot up to his own face and brought it down with all his might on the young man on the ground. Zhao Yongnian avoided it by rolling to the side. Then he pushed himself up with his hands and stood up immediately.


Lou Guiren was carefully watching every move the young men made. He saw all the weak points in the moves. Although he looked 30, he was 60 years old. He was a Life Link Expert.


The Life Link Realm is the realm where the cultivator begins to extend his life span. When a cultivator reached this realm, his body would rejuvenate and become more resistant to aging. From that point on, each realm and each stage he would cross would extend his lifespan even further. Old men at 10,000 years of age were something to be seen in this world.


Lou Guiren had been a martial arts master in Bitter Sea Town for 30 years. He had trained several generations. He had a lot of experience. So it was easy for him to find the weakness in someone's move.


Huan Wei attacked once more. He jumped up and gave Zhao Yongnian a flying kick.


Zhao Yongnian caught his foot in mid-air and kicked upwards before he could fall to the ground.


Huan Wei defended himself by crossing his arms in front of him. When he was kicked, he skidded off Zhao Yongnian and landed on his back. His opponent had pulled him off his feet to hit the ground harder.


Huan Wei gritted his teeth as he hit the hard ground. It was a great humiliation to lose in front of so many students. When he turned his head to look at Zhao Yongnian, he saw that the young man was attacking.


Huan Wei immediately pushed his body backwards and somersaulted to his feet. He was enraged.


Zhao Yongnian jumped towards him and kicked him hard. Huan Wei tried to avoid it by stepping aside. But Zhao Yongnian used his other foot and delivered another kick right in his face.


Huan Wei was thrown back and fell to the ground. He was holding his own nose as he stood up. He wasn't sure if it was bleeding or not. Yet the blow had been very hard. The other students laughed at him.


"And they are laughing..." Huan Wei thought. He was really angry now. When he looked at Zhao Yongnian, his eyes were filled with the desire to kill. This did not go unnoticed by Lou Guiren. But the master did nothing.


The two young men charged at each other again. Zhao Yongnian spun around and kicked hard.


Huan Wei didn't try to avoid it. Instead he took the blow and grabbed Zhao Yongnian's leg.


Ignoring the pain in his abdomen, he raised his arm and delivered a hard elbow blow to his knee joint. Zhao Yongnian groaned in pain.


Huan Wei didn't stop. He twisted his leg, making the young man turn around. He kicked his leg, which was still on the ground, and brought him to his knees. Without letting him recover, he swung his fist to hit him right in the back of the head. It was a critical blow.


But Lou Guiren suddenly moved and grabbed Huan Wei's wrist. He didn't let him hit Zhao Yongnian. "That's enough."


Zhao Yongnian stood up. He was staggering. Huan Wei had hit him very hard with his elbow. That's why he couldn't walk easily.


Lou Guiren turned to Zhao Yongnian. "Take your place and start healing yourself." he said. Then he turned to Huan Wei.


"You still can't control your anger."


Huan Wei disagreed with him. "But I won the fight."


Lou Guiren raised his voice a little. "Anger dulls your perception. One day you will fight battles that are not just against one person. If you lose control, you become an easy target."


He let go of Huan Wei's arm. "Go outside and calm down, Huan Wei. I still believe you can make progress too."


Huan Wei clenched his fist in his hand and bowed. Then he left, glaring angrily at Zhao Yongnian, who had taken his seat and was meditating.


When he went out on the street, he was still angry. That's why he lost every fight he won. Lou Guiren would stop the fight every time. He never let Huan Wei win.


The young man sat down on one of the benches on the side. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. He waited in silence. The sounds of fighting still came from inside the school as people came and went.


Huan Wei waited for almost an hour, people watching. Most of the younger generation was at school at that moment. The adults were going about their own business. Some were walking around with their children. Huan Wei turned his head enviously when he saw them.


Finally the fights were over and all the students started to leave the school. Zhao Yongnian was also going out with his friends. Zhao Wenling and Zhao Huojin.


Huan Wei had fought them several times. Zhao Huojin was the toughest opponent. Just like Huan Wei, he would get angry and the fight would take a completely different turn.


Zhao Wenling was Zhao Yongnian's girlfriend. Although not as strong as Zhao Huojin, she was not to be underestimated.


They passed in front of Huan Wei. Zhao Yongnian looked at him with hatred but didn't do anything.


A few seconds later a young girl arrived. Her long hair was also untied. It was down to her waist. She was wearing a light blue dress. Her slim body had nice curves. She was not very pretty. She even had a red birthmark on the right side of her face.


She came and sat down next to Huan Wei. They both started to watch the crowd. "Did you argue with your father again?" she asked.


Huan Wei leaned back and took a deep breath. "The same things as always."


"You know I'm here for you."


Huan Wei smiled and turned towards her. He raised one hand and stroked her cheek. "I know."


She stood up. She took his hand and pulled him to his feet too. "Come, let's take a walk."


They started walking together. They were walking through crowded streets. They were not a very conspicuous couple. Huan Wei was the poor and incompetent son of a rich family. The girl next to him was...


"Chiu Ti," Huan Wei spoke. "What's bothering you?"


The girl smiled sadly. "My uncle," she said.


Chiu Shirong... He was the most respected blacksmith in town. Many customers came here for him, even from other towns. He had learned blacksmithing from his father and had grown the business.


"Is he oppressing you again?"


Chiu Ti took a deep breath but did not answer. Huan Wei felt his heart ache as he looked at her.


Their lives were very similar. Huan Wei was a loser who couldn't meditate properly. Although his father was rich, he lived a poor life.


Chiu Ti's situation was not much different. She had lost both her father and mother when she was very little. She was taken care of by her uncle. Chiu Shirong's respectable personality only hid the dirt behind it. Every new day in Chiu Ti's life meant new torture.


But that was the way of the world. If you had no power, you could not seek justice. Only the powerful were respected and allowed to administer their own justice.


Huan Wei approached the girl. Then he said to her, "We don't have to waste our lives in this town." They stopped walking and looked at each other. "When we enter the Path Realm, we will have the power to leave. When that time comes, will you come with me?"


Chiu Ti looked at him. The feelings such an invitation aroused in her were completely different.


Huan Wei was the only one who really loved her. Chiu Ti did not have a beautiful face. From an early age, she had been the butt of people's mockery. No one had ever stopped making fun of her and tried to be her friend.


Chiu Ti was the only one who really loved Huan Wei. Because of the life he had led, Huan Wei had become someone no one liked. These two, like a miracle of fate, found each other.


"I'll come wherever you go. You don't even have to tell me."


They leaned their foreheads against each other's. They looked into each other's eyes for a while, smiling.


"Huan Wei," Chiu Ti spoke solemnly. Their miracle was a morbid miracle. An evil love... "Ran Qianfan's corpse has been found."


The young man's face also became serious. "How did they know it was him? I made it unrecognizable."


"Not good enough." Chiu Ti looked at him. "I killed his sister Ran Li in the Moist Forest, yet Ran Qianfan had a grudge against you. People are suspicious of you. Maybe you should have thrown the corpse off the cliff like I did?"


"I didn't have time at that moment. But I left him in a spot where the natural monsters would eat him. Even the monsters don't seem to have eaten his filthy flesh." Huan Wei patted Chiu Ti on the head. "It doesn't matter if they suspect me. They have no hard evidence. They can't come after me. I had everything planned."


Chiu Ti looked at him with a smile. The two lovers' evil gazes met again.

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