
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · แฟนตาซี
66 Chs

A trial fight to rank up begins

I went to grab the rewards of the blackberry collecting commission, which was just a few bronze coins, either way it doesn't matter how much i got, because I went there not for the money, but to find something to fight to gain experience and get stronger, which i successfully did.

After that, I went back to the reception to ask how i could rank up my license, because if i had to continue with these unworthy F rank commissions i would never become stronger. With my last commission i just got lucky to be honest.

And anybody in my place there would have probably get killed by that raccoon.

"You want to rank up? show me your adventurers license" A receptionist said that wasn't there when i first signed up.

He looked at my license

"Do you mind telling me your Order and realm and if possible your element? because i wouldn't recommend you going for the rank up trails if you aren't at least 1st Order middle realm and have some special element" the receptionist asked me.

What i understood was that the receptionists are normal civilians or at best 1 Order lower realm mages that don't have particulary strong elements. Because if you are as strong or stronger than someone, u can definetly sense which Order or realm the individual is.

I could be wrong though, but then why did they ask? To test me if i am lying? Thats possible too

"I am currently 1st Order middle realm with a blaze Element" I tell him the element that wouldn't be too surprising. Which was actually more surprising than i thought it would be..

"OHO, blaze element? that would be a variation of the fire element, am i right? thats an element you wouldn't see everyday, its pretty rare. You will reach high if you train your powers enough. Well anyways, you qualify to try the E rank maybe even D rank license ascention" said the receptionist nodding his head.

Then he continued:

"Let me explain how the ascention past F rank work. There are Two equally important pathways to rank up. The first one is the Supporter type - Supporter type adventurers are for example healers, Scouts, Collectors and even Cooks. But with your Element i suppose you would go on the pathway of a fighter type, who, well, fights. So for you to rank up as a fighter you will need to defeat an adventurer of the rank you want to ascend to"

"So a fighter type, huh? Is there any payment involved for ranking up?" I ask just to make sure.

"Ah yes i nearly forgot, for every try for ascention till rank C you need to pay 10 bronze coins or 1 silver coin, as for the payment past Rank C, you need to pay 10 silver coins or one gold coin" the receptionist replied.

I give him 1 gold coin, because i dont have any less to give, except the 4 bronze coins i got from before, which are obviuosly too little and then I say:

"Keep the change for my next ascentions"

"Okay i will write down that percival has 9 free tries left after this one." After writing that down he asked. "So? when do you want to start?"

"Prefferably as fast as possible"

"Let me lead you to the trial hall, we will find someone to fight you and i will be the wittness"

He called for some other worker there to take his place in the reception until he returns. After that he led me to the so called trial hall where it was filled with different people.

The Receptionist quickly found an E rank fighter for me to try to win against.

[Human 1st Order higher realm]

[Water Element]

...For real? i need to fight against an individual that is higher realm and even has an element opposite if mine? That receptionist was just acting nice. He saw that i had money and he wanted to take advantage of it by sending far more powerful mages than me... Or so he thinks at least, haha

Well its better for me either way. And I will crush my opponent. He shouldn't be too much stronger than me even if i don't use my space element.

Even thought that Raccoon might not defeat this human. I have stats that overwhelm the both of them because of the training my father kinda forced on me... but we don't say that outloud... It might hurt my fathers feelings, him being him..

And i dont like thinking that way because, it all turned out good for me. I mean Adam wanted all the best for me, my mother included.

"Who is that masked guy?" some spectator asked in the stands.

"Dunno, some new guy wanting to rank up i guess." a spectator standing next to him said.

"huh? but isnt he only 1st Order middle realm? why is he gonna fight David? isn't he a little to weak to fight a guy like David?" another one asked.

A Girl with a cloak, with what could be seen, red hair and green eyes looked at Percival with interest and said to herself:

"That masked guy, is that him?..My father told me to look out for him,.. but why..whats so special about him for my father to be so worried about him.."

The receptionist standing between me and David then said:

"The winner will be decided by Knock out or surrender, AND I WARN THE BOTH OF YOU, no fatal attacks allowed, otherwise, there will be serious consiquences."

"David Kurtis versus Percival. Are both of you ready?"

We both nod.

"Then let the fight begin" the receptionist stepped back from the area, where fights, trials and so on, were held.

"Water creation: Aquas wave!" David shouted out.

A giant wave of water was going straight at me.

Oh? so he is starting strong to wipe me off my feet from the start?

Too bad his plans won't work.

Heh, perfect. Now I can look at what my new element can do and then train it.

I smile with great excitement behind the black mask as I rush straight at the Giant wave of water. Looking like a suicidal maniac.

Thanks For Reading! If you have any questions or notice any mistakes, feel free to point them out so I can fix and/or answer!

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