
Peace. At Last.

After that, there were no more annoying monsters. Probably got their lesson to not mess with us. Well, it was very quiet and peaceful. Thankfully. I wouldn't want to tolerate the fact that we'll have to sleep with one eye open cause we'll porbably get attacked. That's like what we were basically doing on the first few days of the trip. I don't feel as tired as I did before.

"Don't get too happy, monsters will come. It's unusual for monsters to leave us alone. " Sage said on my side, as if she read my thoughts.

Sage and I were sitting on a plain watching the sunset. It was much more beautiful than I had remembered. Alice was trying to talk to a tree. We said that was stupid but she was convinced that trees could talk. 

"OMG CORAL, SAGE!!!!" Alice's voice screamed out from behind, making me jump up in surprise.

"What now?" Sage answered, rolling her eyes. She sounded bored.

"THE. TREE. JUST. TALKED." Alice called out, excited.

I thought she was out of her mind.

"Oh, so what did MR.TREE say?" I replied sarcastically.

Alice's face brightened: "It's a she, not a he! And she's not called Tree, she told me her name was Olive!"

As if I would believe that. I looked at Sage, hoping she also found it hilarious.

Sage had a different kind of expression though, it almost seemed like...surprise.

"Olive you say?" Sage said, after studying the tree.

"Yes?" Alice answered surprised that Sage believed her.

"I wonder..." Sage went back to thinking.

Alice beckoned for me to come and say Hi to the tree, so I stepped closer. Bad move. 

I should've noticed the fact that Sage was looking exasperated.

I wanted to say HI to the tree, or anything, but before I could...


The tree had exploded.

How could a tree explode? I don't know, don't ask me. I'm not the expert here. It just exploded.

"I knew it." Sage said.

That really didn't help Sage. You should have at least told me what was happening, or why this was happening.

Alice look confused too: "Huh? What the...the tree wasn't supposed to explode."

I had a feeling it was my fault.