
Cool Anime System

An otaku who wants to act cool got reincarnated into Against The Gods world with a system. What will he do? Follow the step of the protagonist? Or make his own path in this world by acting cool? Or... maybe some of both?

allendwalker2512 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 4: Future's Plan

Itachi was walking toward the usual spot to meet Xia Qingyue

He truly enjoyed her company and contrary to her "Ice cold" personality portrayed in the novel, she was nice if you know her a little bit.

He quickly arrived to destination and saw Xia Qingyue who were waiting him.

"Hi" he said simply

"Hi" she responded

She was quite shy and could not talk too much even if she appreciate his company, she was only 16 after all and except for her Father and Brother she never talked to males before.

Itachi simply lay down in the herb by her side.

The two were relaxing in silence watching clouds from time to time they would chat.

"It seem that you are famous in the city, I heard your name yesterday. How should I call you "Miss Greatest Treasure of Floating Cloud City" ?" Said Itachi with a smile

Xia Qingyue blushed a little under her dress

"Don't make fun of me !" She said shyly

Itachi just laughed lightly

"Say Itachi, can I ask you a question ?" Asked Xia Qingyue hopefully

"You can" he responded curtly

"Do you have family ?" She asked

Itachi showed no special reaction to the question, he kept his eyes closed seemingly unperturbed.

"I have a little brother, his name is Sasuke." He responded

Xia Qingyue was surprised, he only have a little brother ? What about the rest ? And his little brother's name was strange too, do they all have strange names in his family ?

She didn't question further

As they were calmly relaxing, a pack of Profound Beasts made their way toward them slowly.

Itachi woke up and stretched a little.

Xia Qingyue noticed the pack of Beasts too just after

"True Profound Realm 6th stage and they are seven, we should work together." Xia Qingyue said

"I will handle it" Said Itachi

It was time to gain some Cool Points

Itachi walked toward the Beasts

The Beasts stared at Itachi and showed their fangs

"I can easily subdue them using Sharingan but I want to test the Skills that I buyed" he thought

Three Beasts dashed toward Itachi with the intention of killing him fast

Itachi's time reaction was very good he dodged them easily and jumped back.

He took out severals tri-pronged Kunai from his pouch and threw them in differents directions

The Kunais where all aimed at some trees or just the floor

"All right, I have kunais in all the directions." He thought

Xia Qingyue looked from the side and was confused, did he missed his aim ?

Even the Beasts were having disdain in their eyes

A beast jumped toward Itachi while opening his mouth

Itachi did not move he just stared at the beast coming

He even smiled a little

"Move !" Shouted Xia Qingyue worried

Just before the beast touched Itachi at the last moment something incredible happened


He vanished in a flash and reappeared in another place !

Xia Qingyue didn't believe her eyes right now ! Just what happened ? Just now he was here and now he changed position instantly ! It this his speed ?!

Suddenly everybody heard a loud noise

It was like a they were a thousand birds chirping

Xia Qingyue turned her toward Itachi who teleported again

He seemed to control some lightning with his hands and his eyes were red

Itachi dashed towards the pack of beasts and killed them one by one with his Chidori

"Ding! Congratulation for killing 7 True Profound Beasts you gained 80 CP."

+45 CP for being Cool in front of Xia Qingyue

"Nice." He thought

Finally his Chidori vanished and he turned off his Sharingan

Xia Qingyue walked toward him

"What was this Profound Skill before ? When you vanished !" She asked

"It's named Flying Thunder God, I can't tell you how it works or it's won't be funny anymore." He said lightly

"Hmpfh, I didn't ask you anything !" She said

"Good then." He said amused

After this Itachi took the beast core and other material to sell them in the city


3 months and 2 weeks later

"Alright it's time..." Itachi thought

Today Yun Che will be reincarnated.

During these 3 months he trained really hard and saved up a lot of CP

He was now at the 10th True Profound Realm and was near the breakthrough.

He trained a lot the shinobi fundamental too with Itachi experience and intellect it was fairly easy

Overall he was on top he honed all his skills to prime level from his Taijutsu to his Genjutsu and even his Sharingan.

His progress with Xia Qingyue were good too, he was 100% sure that in those 4 months of interaction he leaves a shadow in her heart that will keep her away from Yun Che.

He was a little conflicted concerning Yun Che, he didn't know what to do about him.

He wanted to steal Jasmine from him but he didn't want to completely kill him.

Firstly he didn't care about Evil God Legacy, Yun Che can keep it if he want.

Secondly he didn't need the Sky Poison Pearl as a similar function was available with the system and medical knowledge can be bought too, it wasn't too expensive so it was not a problem.

And lastly he didn't want to steal all of his originals girls so maybe he can let him live.

"Overall he can keep Evil God Legacy and Sky Poison Pearl but I will take Jasmine." He decided.

"I will take Chu Yuechen too by the way..." he added in his head

"Now that I remember I should create some incredible faction like in Ultimate Scheming System, It was really cool and funny." He thought

"I wonder if..."

A genius idea popped in his mind

He needed to confirm something

"System, you said that I can buy all things related to anime and novels right ?" Itachi asked

"Ding! Yes Host can buy anything related to anime or novels."

"Alright let's say I want to buy for exemple..."

"The corpse of Sasuke Uchiha it is possible ?" He asked hopefully

"Ding! It is possible ! Host can buy alive companions or non-living corpse of any anime characters."

Itachi began to smile then he laughed.

If he can make what he is thinking about...

The rewards would be ridiculous !

"System, Let me see the Skill named : Soul Clones"


Soul Clone : Give the ability to clone your soul, if the soul cloned enter a body then the original gain the ability to control the body simultaneously, the numbers of clone depend on the user soul strength.

Cost : 750 CP

Current CP : 773

"System, I want to buy this Skill." Itachi said

"Ding! Skill : Soul Clone buyed !"

It was hard for Itachi to see all his saving lost like this but it was worth it.

Definitely so.

He began to imagine his future faction.

He just have to buy a anime characters corpse and their experience then infuse his cloned soul and he will be able to control them.

This technique was superior to Nagato's one as you can control differents body while having full control of the original, there is even an automatic mode.

This skill needed a tremendous soul strength through, at his current level he will only be able to control one.

With this he will be able to be multiple anime characters at the same time it was a genius idea !

What make him very happy with this skill is that in automatic mode the differents body would have their original personality.

Like in Ultimate Scheming System he will make the entire world know the name of his faction !

First the Profound Sky Continent then in the future the God Realms.

He needed a name...

In Ultimate Scheming System the MC named his faction "Exploding Heaven Faction"

He will need a cool name too.


Madara, Obito, Sasuke, Hashirama, Zoro, Hisoka... and many others !

Our Factions will wreak this world down !

Destroying sects, Capturing Beauties and Attracting the Admiration of the masse.

Some will hold Admiration

Some Envy

Some Jealousy

And some Anger

But one thing is certain...

My faction will shock the world !

This day marked the beginning of a new era...

An era that would belong to Itachi Uchiha from the feared Uchiha Clan and his almighty Faction full of monsters...